Rotation of the Canvas
Like in Photoshop it would be great if an Artist could rotate the artboard/canvas in Illustrator. If you draw a line from left to right it's never the same stroke as from up to down.

Hi friends! I have some great news for your today. Rotate View (Canvas) feature is available in Illustrator 25.3 (Desktop) now. Thank you all for your feedback which helped us shape up this feature.
Philip King commented
I would have more respect for Adobe in this and other long-awaited features if they came out and said that unfortunately the underlying architecture of illustrator is so old and creaky that some features are impossible to add without completely rewriting the codebase, which would risk breaking many trusted features and third-party plugins and potentially take years to implement.
My suspicion is that Adobe’s intention is to grow the iOS apps to a point where they can be ported to desktop and completely replace the aging desktop apps.
Jacob commented
We also need to be able to upvote comments here. I would give a gold star to Anonymous for 'Very similar to "We'll be picking it up shortly."'
From 2017!! Brilliant. 😂
Anonymous commented
Absolutely. I actually have called to inquire about this and the customer service rep said "we'll be updating that feature request thread as soon as possible." Very similar to "We'll be picking it up shortly." Got it. Thanks Adobe.
Anonymous commented
If anyone wants to be convinced how little Adobe care about sorting this try contact them to ask for an update on this feature
Anonymous commented
This should be a default feature considering it's the "industry standard" illustration application. Affinity Designer has this currently implemented. Thanks Adobe, for keeping us updated on the status of this feature request. Your customer service SUCKS.
Joshua Merrill commented
Yes, We need to be able to view, draw, and edit at an angle
Anonymous commented
I need this. It is so simple in Indesign, why is this still missing in illustrator?
Daniela G commented
I can't believe this was not done yet.
Anonymous commented
This is an example of why I need to rotate AI canvas.
I have rectangles set up in specific position to mask my design so that I can print it in a way that it can be easily installed on a vehicle. I prefer to do this with art boards by using the export as screen function. The problem is I can not convert rotated rectangles to artboards.
Udo commented
Still a useful feature, which is missing here. When will be the day?
Fmartin commented
Yes, this is very important for draw too.
Sven T commented
Rotate view of the artboard is needed.
Sometimes you want to be able to work on panels of type that appear upside-down on the design, and rotate view would help with that. It seems to me this would be a simple thing to add. Why the wait? Thanks. -
Markus Steinschaden commented
Hi there,
I started this request on the 8th of May 2017 and we're still waiting! But hey it is just 2 years in backlog... Guys if you need to know how it can be done please ask the Serif Team behind Affinity Designer - cause they did it already! I know Adobe is still the industry standard but don't forget why because of the users and I don't think it is rocket science but please proof me wrong.
Affinity Designer
Demonstration how canvas rotation could look like even on a iPad! the best, stay healthy and keep your promise to make the cloud worth it to the users and not just the shareholders!
Markus -
Mariusz commented
If the option of rotating Artboard is too difficult in Illustrator, maybe it is easier to create "rotated views"?
Menu View - New View - Save View - Rotate View
------------EDIT ------
So you can create multiple views for one document and switch between them.
Plus a panel with VIEW MINIATURE PREVIEW, such as a page palette with page thumbnail previews.
Then you can create such a view and manage it by, for example, the parameter for the "rotate view" view.
--------------------------When working with packaging, the inability to rotate the view of the packaging walls while working in one document.
Thank you everyone for the current effort.
Best Regards -
aldimenur commented
even in 2020 still no Artwork rotation feature on it ???????
J commented
This feature would be especially useful if you are designing name tags or cards with layout templates from companies like Avery where you are given a premade artboard.
Stephen Kopchik commented
It would be great in the next version on Illustrator if they included a rotate canvas function like in Photoshop. I use that function so much when I need the right angle to do my work.
Please merge
Derek commented
It says rotate canvas has been added to backlog and will be picked up shortly. That was nearly 3 years ago. Same old story with Adobe. I've been waiting for ever for other promises by Adobe that they'd be addressing the blurry raster images, the not having to disable gpu processing to enable cmdH hide selection box, to fix smart guides so they actually work as intended, to fix the cmyk to pantone uncoated conversions. Nothing ever is addressed. It's pretty sad when I'm able to achieve a crisp logo graphic by taking a screenshot of a vector logo, yet exporting a raster jpg or png from Adobe software looks like complete garbage and very blurry. Unfortunately screenshots aren't a viable alternative since you can't achieve background transparency, centering and desired file size.