Prevent "Align paragraph" from moving the text from its position
It's by far the thing that annoys me the most about Illustrator;
when you have your point text already positioned you need it to be aligned to a side and when you press the "align" button in the paragraph options the text moves and aligns to its previous center.
It's a complete time-waster!

Anonymous commented
When changing the alignment of an already present point text, the text moves to the left or right depending on the chosen alignment. This is frustrating and does not serve any purpose.
It should be consistent with how Adbe XD handles this scenario which is that it leaves the text exactly where it is.
Again, I am talking about Point text and not Paragraph text.
早坂舞 commented
例えば左揃えから中揃えに変えるとテキスト自体の位置が動いてしまう。この動作をしないためにはアマチュアが制作したスクリプトでも入れなければ改善しないため、Adobeが修正、対応してほしい。 -
Oleg Krasnov commented
Many users come to this site not only to complain about a problem, but also to find some kind of solution. And if Egor offers a workaround right now, be grateful to him. Because it will solve your problem right now, while the developer will probably solve it in the distant future.
nate commented
Hi Egor, thanks for engaging!
"Being an administrator of official Adobe’s third-party feedback service does not make me a part of the Illustrator team"
I disagree. You may not be getting paid, but you wear an Admin badge on an official channel, as far as optics go your comments absolutely represent the team. Hopefully you can see that – but what matters here is how others see it.
"I do this only in comments, and never assume them as an official response."
Again, you may not consider them as official responses, but clearly you can see this isn't the case for everyone else.
As a user I don't come here for work-arounds or third-party solutions, there are many, many other forums for that, both official and unofficial. This site is specifically for bug reports and feature requests.
While I believe you, and the other users I see posting similarly, mean well and may be genuinely trying to solve problems for users, those types of comments are tacitly counter-productive and off-topic in this context, even without the optics problem.
Imho we should keep the focus here on "How we can improve Illustrator", and save the rest for, creative cow, reddit etc..
Nate, I totally agree with you about everything you say here.
The thing is — I am a mere user with the badge. I help to gather and parse feedback for the team. I've been offering these and other plugins, various scripts (free and paid), numerous workarounds as solutions long before I got this badge. I do this only in comments, and never assume them as an official response.
Being an administrator of official Adobe’s third-party feedback service does not make me a part of the Illustrator team :) I don’t sign as a member of one.
So I offer these only as viable enough workarounds for those who don’t want to wait another 15 years.
nate commented
Also @Egor, unless you guys at Adobe plan to buy and include Astute Graphics plugins in AI please stop offering them as solutions here. I keep seeing this, and while you may have them not everyone does. Suggesting a paid third-party solution on your own feature request forum comes off as distasteful and diversionary. If another user wants to suggest it, ok, but it's not a solution to your product, it's an externalization of cost at the expense of your users.
Juergen commented
Ok, Egor, here is a screenshot of what I mean. The point type text jumps to the left when orientation is changed from left aligned to centered. I do not understand this behaviour. Even with point type. What point is kept? In my opinion everything jumps. No? I do not get it. Is there any case where this behaviour is of any use?
I do understand that I can switch to area type. So I have to do another extra click as always with illustrator, the program of extra clicks and changing tools … :-)
And yes, I use the Astute Graphics tools a lot. The only way that makes working with vectors bearable in illustrator … but that is another post (take deleting points on a path alone).
We pay a lot for the CC programs and they should do everything to make working with them easier and smooth. But many many things are overly complicated, take more clicks then necessary or force us to change tools when alternatives would be possible. That is what bugs me working with them on a daily basis.
Jürgen, no screenshot got attached.
Are you sure you have an area type text, not point type text?
Point type will keep its point when text alignment is changed, that’s why it is 'point type'.
But if you want to still have this behaviour for point type text too, you might want to try AstuteGraphics VectorFirstAid plugin (will work with single string only, but offers way to break and join strings of text), or scripts, like this one: -
Juergen commented
When I change the text orientation from say left aligned (see screenshot) to centered the whole box (and not only the text within the box) will jump to a different position. I. e. the left margin of the left aligned textbox. WHY? This is very annoying behaviour and does not make any sense, does it? What is the idea behind it?
Jürgen, Berlin -
Radam commented
So I was trying to move my text and it wouldn't' move until after the third click or so, and I FINALLY figured out after hours of messing around with it, that it was the Envelope Distort, Make with Warp style, and I simply could toggle between the Edit Contents and Edit Envelope options to get it to move exactly where I wanted it to...maybe this will help others that have their text/object and are using the Envelope Distort function...
ejmaletz commented
Agreed this is really annoying. In XD choosing a different alignment of text works really nicely. Make Illustartor work like XD in this regard.
Szasz-Fabian Jozsef commented
Developers, please do something...
Moving the text when align changes is getting VERY ANNOYING, useless, dumb and irritating -
Erick commented
Can they just please make it normal again back to the way it was? Making an object jump around when you're clearly formatting It's innards makes no sense. I've been drawing on computers for over 20 years and this behavior is an absurdity. A few people are saying "Well it's useful when you need to add a line and ....ya da ya da." I don't care. Please put it back the way It was and how the rest of the entire world operates please.
Oh and Derrick... As a religious Illustrator user. I read this post load and clear. It didn't used to be this way. I've been on this inferiority for decades. It's a recent thing they did to make me hate hate my life even more or want to find a better way than being stuck with this monopolized industry standard. I wish someone would write some freeware similar to Illustrator but, then make it not suck. I pay ever month for this ridiculousness.
...and make it an option, because sometimes I need exactly what it does now..
Meanwhile you can use VectorFirstAid from AstuteGraphics, which has these commands. -
Richie commented
Keep the position of Text after changing Text Adobe XD.
Derrick Riley commented
Hi Anish, this tells me that the original post isn't exactly clear. This is not a bug to the program - this is how point type has always worked, and it has never made any sense. See video attached. Not sure why point type and area type should behave in two different ways.
Anonymous commented
Have the modifier key preserve this functionality and make the paragraph align default behavior NOT move the text's position. 99% of the time I'm so annoyed that the text moves. There are a handful of cases where it is sort of helpful. I'd be happy to press a key or turn on a setting for those times.
Kim Bao commented
Miles Stevens commented
I get Egor's point. I think it's safe to say a majority of us find the behavior annoying but everyone wins if you just implement a modifier key or a setting in the preferences should you decide to alter the behavior.
Jeff D commented
+1 this drives me mad.