Lock, hide or deactivate artboards
An option to lock, hide or deactivate one or several artboards would improve working with multiple versions of graphics - especially when you you need to return to an earlier ittaration.
When saving to AI-file you have to erase the artbord (with the graphics floating in space) to get rid of the page.

The team is looking into this feature request and needs more details. Quickly take this short survey and help us shape a better product
.Drewt commented
Here's how I'm picturing it. Similar to the layers window, it has a visibility (eye) icon and a lock (padlock) icon that can be toggled on and off. In the attached example:
- Artboard 1 is visible and unlocked, artwork can be edited
- Artboard 2 is hidden (invisible) and is also locked. The locked state has no bearing in this case as invisible means both the artboard and associated artwork is hidden. However, if the artboard were made visible by clicking the eye icon column, the artboard and artwork would become visible again, but would be locked so that the artwork could not be edited.
- Artboard 3 is visible and locked. The artwork can be seen, but cannot be edited.
- Artboard 4, like artboard 1, is visible and editable. In this case it is the currently selected artboard which is being actively worked on by the user. -
Julie McMurry commented
It is tedious to have separate layers that don't overlap for each artboard. That's the only way to work on one artboard at a time when doing things like select same fill color objects or select all text.
Von Glitschka commented
I want the ability to toggle on/off visibility. Wouldn't change layer association just not show the content related to that dartboard.
Austin Kilgore commented
Really could use this feature.
Barbara commented
To hide artboards should for sure be possible, I very often miss that option? is there any news on this?
luchau commented
I could also have use of a feature that groups artboards, so that it is easy to hide/unhide many with one click.
Brian O’Carroll commented
I've just posted a similar idea in the wrong place and I've been re-directed here. I wrote....
1. Lock Artboards - this makes the objects on a locked artboard unselectable/editable overriding individual settings.
2. Hide Artboards - removes the artboard and work on it from view. Helps remove distractions from view, especially when you're showing your Art Director the latest work!
3. Local Editing Mode - illustrator already notionally works on one artboard at a time... the one that's zoomed to with Cmd-0, or pasted to with Cmd-V... perhaps there could be a mode switch, simial to the 'Draw Inside' mode where all operations are confined to objects on the current artboard. Useful for Cmd-A for example. This would override unlocked artboards of course! This mode of operation is already familiar in InDesign where only current-spread object appear in the layers.Which is largely the same as this request with the addition of part 3.
Kate_42 commented
I mistakenly posted asking for the same thing not realising this had already been posted, fully agree, here's what I posted for reasonings as to why I agree so much:
This might just be me and maybe its already possible and i've not realised it- but I really wish it was possible to make entire artboards invisible, I know I can just make the layers invisible but this doesn't make the artboard itself invisible too. When I work in Photoshop with artboards I like to toggle their visibilities so I can focus on one or two at a time really quickly and easily. I also think it would be fantastic to have a solo option for both layers and artboards, the solo function in After Effects really does wonders for my concentration. I find it a huge shame the same can't be done in Illustrator. As someone who struggles to focus on busy things I think this could really help my workflow.
Aaron Langer commented
Is hiding the same as transparent. I'm trying to get my art board to be transparent.
Evan Fotis commented
Many times I have a general artboard and many artboards inside the boundaries of the general one.
Useful for exporting segments, zooming, duplicating etc.Very often I want to align an object to the center of the artboard. That is when I realized that the artboard I was working on has been desected (by Ai) and insted the general artboard is now active. Objects align to irrelevant places, I have to go in the artboards panel relesect the one I want, repeat etc. It just causes problems and waist of time. So pleas add a lock for artboards.
dishdesigner commented
Locking artboards especially....The "Lock" command is completely blind.
It is very useful when needing to select upper objects without disturbing art below (when zoomed in!)But when you add elements to the array of objects that are currently locked, you must Unlock ALL to get just one element unlocked.
Often, that unlocks elements WAY over on other artboards that are out of sight.
Locking all artboards other than the active one would be immensely helpful.********************
While we're at it, I've always wanted some kind of Lock Highlight feature:Much like editing a Group after double-click (which grays out all other artboard objects while you edit only that grouped object), I'd like to be able to see a grayed out preview of all the locked objects.
With a keyboard shortcut (e.g. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Click), you could Unlock individual elements, then exit Lock Highlight mode and keep working.
That would keep you from needing to go back around and relock other elements you didn't want to disturb.
Yes, I know you could do this with Layers!
But there are definitely times when you don't need 100 layers to make typical corporate graphics instead of detailed illustrations. You just want to work quickly with some basics (like Background, Images, Text layers...and done.)If every element in the Illustrator file format is tracked internally with unique IDs, and they all have characteristics including Artboard, then why can't it be relatively easy to filter and lock objects by Artboard like you can now by Layer? Shouldn't be a gigantic programming challenge...
Ian commented
Yes, yes and, er, yes..
This request is still important Adobe!
(I'm assured by a software programmer that the code tweak would be minimal!)
Why? A designer's eye needs to temporarily swtich off and on an alternative design to be able to intuitively see things that are not immediately apparent just by having them lined up above / below / left / right of each other.
Some may say, hey, use layers / contact sheets. This misses the point of intuitive design.
Thanks -
elise björner commented
Adam Sandfoehr commented
Mainly here because I want a hide artboards function.
Maybe that way I could link guides to individual artboards and hide them all with one option (without effecting guides on other artboards)
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
I agree! It would be useful!
Anonymous commented
I agree, it would be extremely helpful to add the ability to hide, lock, or deactivate Artboards in AI. I work in a custom paint production facility, and this would be extremely helpful to us in showing Clients their Paint Mockups versus our versions of it without having to create separate files.
Anonymous commented
I second the motion (or is it 6th it?)
Would be great to see some firecracker of a CEO who focuses strongly on just bug crushing, etc for a few years.
Imagine all the long-standing legacy stuff we might get resolved! :) -
Anonymous commented
Please add this!
Jim McIlwaine commented
Please ADD the ability to Hide/d'activate artboards!