Change "Export For Screens" Save Path Default To File Folder
If I go to File > Export > Export For Screens the default save path points to the last folder I used. What we as users are expecting is the default path to be equal to the same folder as the Illustrator file is currently located in.
If you feel this should not be the default at least give us a way to change this in the AI Preferences. Thanks!

Tấn Nguyễn commented
Illustrator Export Screen not remembering the last saved location is a bad thing.
Kimmo Hellstr commented
A new major update and Adobe is still unable to fix this simple thing. I really wonder where all the money we pay is going? And I start to wonder if there are other options than pay for products that ruin my day almost every time I have to use them.
This should not be hard:
If you make changes to Export for Screen settings, then Illustrator should save them with the document.For example, if I change the folder and add one or two export options in Export for Screens, Illustrator should save these settings, so when I open the same document next time, those settings are kept, and I don't have to set them up again.
It is annoying that I have to re-select the folder each time after restart, but it gets painful when I have more than one formats that I need to export. Sometimes when I make small changes for example to icon sheets I have, the most of the time goes to setting those Export for Screens settings. which should be saved with the AI file.
If it is impossible to get Illustrator to remember those settings, then gives u at least presets we could save and reuse. Now the work flow is really annoying and wastes a lot of time.
Kimmo Hellstr commented
I can't understand how this simple thing can't be fixed.
Adobe Apps can really ruin your workday every time you need to use them.THIS IS SIMPLE.
Export files in the same place as they were Exported before, if Export for Screens have been used with that file.
I export textures to be used in a 3D software, and every time I need to do some change, I have to set again the Export folder as your stupid app can't remember that simple thing.
Rodrigo Zuluaga commented
Export for screens saves the folder of the export beside the AI.
What with Save for Web.... This should open where the AI is placed or let you asign a folder for each AI file where files are going to be saved.
Another issue I ran I normally make a copy of AI for next and next months. I allways use the links folder for the images im going to use before designing (Its for fast lay out work), when I use the "place" option I have to search for the links folder as I opens the default folder that is desktop when illustrator first opens in a day of work, this should open where the AI is saved or for default to the "links" folder.
There's tons of ideas in the way we need to set up folders for projects to make faster our work flow as a designer.
Kimmo Hellstr commented
I have several files where I have Icon Sheets. I update those now and then and export them as PNG.
I export them in few different sizes with different Suffixes, and they are saved quite deep in file hierarchy.It is quite frustrating to set-up those export settings every time again and again for minor change as Illustrator can't remember those settings. It really should do that.
When I do these minor updates, it is often setting up the Export Settings which takes the most of the time.
I really wish this could be fixed soon. This really hinders my working with Illustrator. And it is quite amazing that developer as big as Adobe can't get this kind of simple thing right and just broke it more when trying to fix it.
Kimmo Hellstr commented
Could this be fixed soon?
I have Icon sheets that needs to go to specific directories and It is very frustrating to to set the right export folder every time I made small change and export the Icon Sheet Image.
And what is even more annoying is that I export some sheets in 2 or 3 size and I have to set those sizes and Suffixes again every time after restart.
And that is not all, the settings that opens from the gear icon are preserved, like for example the BG Transparency. As those settings are hidden behind the gear, I often forget to check it, and have to export everything again with right setting.
Anonymous commented
There are about 10 different threads on this issue. I send a list of all the threads to customer support. I also spoke on the phone with the head of Illustrator CRM at Adobe for about an hour explaining the situation to him.
The solutions is to have custom presets that we can save and recall via a drop-down menu. These presets will have "Scales" and "Paths" stored in them. I think that is the most elegant solution. Also, some people would like to see a possibility to choose the color space as well. So RGB for screen export, but also a CMYK profile selector in the export option. That way we can also quickly create CMYK and print-ready export files without altering the original RGB file. In this case, the export menu should not be called "export for screens" but simple "batch exporter".
In Photoshop, there is a very cool free (Automate) plugin called the "Image Processor Pro". I use it every day.
I agree with everyone here, that this is very urgent. I also mentioned to Adobe, that this is a Workflow killer.
I have the issue, that my "Print-For-Screen > Artboard" settings wont save. Neither per document nor globally. So I have to re-enter all scales (I have 35 in total) every time I reload the the document. Right now its a half baked nightmare.
Kimmo Hellstr commented
So you have "fixed" this is even worse that it was earlier...
I have multiple documents each with different export settings which have multiple formats to export: PNGs with few different resolutions and PDF.
Now I have to set those and the export path EVERY time I restart Illustrator.
It is unbearable.This should be simple:
Save the "EXPORT FOR SCREEN" Settings for Each document separately.So when I open my document, Illustrator remember what settings I was using for Export for Screens last time.
If there aren't any settings set for document, use either documents path, or the user defined "global" export path. ( And give user an option to choose which to use)How this kind of incompetence is even possible?
How can it be impossible to get this simple thing to work like it should?
And how can you brake it even more while fixing it? -
Michael commented
Now every export reverts to the location of the .ai file. This is a good default, but if changed should remembered (separately for each .ai file).
If it's too hard to persist this preference, at least it should be remembered during a single session (while the document is kept open).
melissa commented
If I could "like" Timmo's comment, I would. His suggestion is the best.
Daniel G. Blázquez commented
I would add that the path should be the last one typed by the user in that session. Now it has to be added by hand every time the artboards are exported.
Lynn Stoecklein commented
Seriously, has there not been an update to this? The versions should remain consistent in how it saves or at least provide an option.
Ap van Dam commented
If this is what you're intending to do: "When you hit export, the path shown will be that of the folder in which path resides. If you change this path to some other folder, then it will remember this path, and for your subsequent export, this new path will be shown. And this will work at file level." It's OK with me. Use 'for screen" dozens of times a day, definitely don't want template-files and production (export-png) to get mixed up. Have my precious template-AI-files in folder A, want any export to be in any folder B, C or elsewhere, but in folder A. Would be helpful if the once chosen folder would be remembered.
Timmo Dugdale commented
I think a user-defined option is the solution. Reading the comments, there clearly are valid use cases that differ, and any change will make someone happy. Just add a preference under File Handling & Clipboard that lets you set your default:
-same location as file
-last used folder
-set default folder (CHOOSE). -
Kimmo Hellstr commented
So now this works so that every time I open a document the export path will be reseted to the path of the document.
So if I use "Export for Screens", set the path to some subfolder for example, then close document and open it again, Illustrator has forgot the path and I have to set it again.
The way it now works, is worse for almost all users. Only in the case you want to have your exported files in same folder as you AI document this works. ( IMO no one should want that :) )
How it should work:
i) Make the Illustrator remember last used Export path for each document separately!
ii) Let the user choose if the default path is the path of the document or some other folder.How hard is to get this very simple thing to work ???
Two things. Are those impossible to implement? -
Kimmo Hellstr commented
This is not the solution, but it might help if you drag that folder you use often to File Explorers quick access so it is easy to open that. See the image. You just Drag and Drop folder there, and then you have easy access to it always. There is similar thing in OS/x also. ( was before windows :) )
For the guys in Adobe, I can't understand why didn't you give users a option?
Even thought I prefer this new system, why not give an option. Is out of my comprehension. -
Anonymous commented
As per a lot of comments below this change is not helpful at all.
I have to export files to a folder buried deep with a client's DropBox, which means for every export I'm clicking through multiple levels of folders to get to the right location.
This would be greatly improved if we had the option of exporting to last folder or folder where the file is located.
Mary Ann Kelley commented
This is the opposite of what I need for my workflow (for me, all exported files need to go to the same folder). This should really be a checkbox rather than the only option one way or the other (or better yet, give us export presets to choose from that include the destination folder).
Anonymous commented
How about a check box to keep that folder the same. I work on projects and need to export to same locations for the duration. It is annoying to have to choose the export directory each and every time.
Anonymous commented
well thanks for nothing ... I want it to work just like before or make it an option. I don't want the export to be in the same folder. I always have a folder which i call export and that's where I want all my exports. I get the default is same folder, but make it so if i change it the next time i open the same file to not have to choose the folder again.