Option to replace RGB sliders with HSB everywhere - all swatches and all color pickers.
We need ability to universally use HSB instead of RBG. I want the ability to fully replace RGB input and sliders with HSB everywhere in AI. I never want to look at RGB sliders ever again.
This request is all over the forum in different phrasings/forms but unfortunately that has divided the votes leading to lower ranking.
Here is the same request with 87 votes oddly worded as "Illustrator forgets which color mode is set in the Color palette (and Gradient)"
Yeah, a general switch, I get it. Still a new thing :)
Different wording is a problem, but that’s how language works. Requests and reports get merged not by similar wording, but by content similarity.
'Magic wand' can be a word that cause problems. Auto-ban system never worked in Ai :)
K-O commented
Egor, Thanks for the response. But, I did not ask to "get rid of RGB". I asked for the option to set/replace RGB sliders with HSB across the workspace. Similar to how we can switch from imperial to metric as the units.
I personally, as with most people never want to use RGB sliders. But some people may. They are out there.
I wrote a new request to attempt to clarify the language. If you look through the forum there are many comments about the same things, but they are all so differently worded. End up being hard to find or decipher.And yes, I made a new account and retired the old one. ( The one which the admin censored the apparently problematic word: "Magic wand" )
(Edited by admin) -
Hey, Keith, you are correct, there are plenty of HSB-related requests, and that request you shared has the same reason underneath.
Funny that you added your vote to it, but created another one that blurs that votes further, according to you :)
Do not worry! The team tries to track and merge similar requests (those about Magic Wand you voted for got merged too).
However, this request of yours, while being about HSB as well, won’t be merged — because you decided to keep it separate from the major one and specifically described the reason, 'get rid of RGB'. The 87-votes one is about one specific issue, that is smaller than your request — and that’s why that request can’t be merged with this one.
But notes are taken. Thanks!