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543 results found

  1. Pressure Sensitivity added to Pencil Tool

    Variable width strokes are great! What would be even better would be to have variable strokes simply by drawing them in with a pressure sensitive device.

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  2. A lock for the current style (stroke weight, fill, color), but tool specific

    When I need to adjust a filled object and then return to say, the pen tool. I first have to reset the color and stroke before I can go back to my line work. I would love it if there were simply a lock for this on the pallet so that while drawing I can lock it to a certain color, fill, and stroke weight/style. Perhaps a simple lock on the tool pallet under color. Gray out lock icon over color when I turn the pen tool back on would be a good indicator. So it is attached to that…

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  3. Change arrow cursor back to how it used to be.

    I would VERY much like to be able to change the arrow cursor style back to how it was prior to the most recent update. I do not like the arrows no longer having a handle; perhaps I'm irrational, but it's really throwing me and disrupting my workflow.

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  4. Support architectural standards for arrow styles for Dimension tool

    When the arrow style #21 is written on a drawing, it is marked inside the dimension extension line. International architectural drawing standards require that the mark be placed at the intersection of the extension line and the dimension line. Please improve this.

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  5. Select multiple symbols for Symbol Sprayer

    I would like to spray a random variety of (self made) icons.
    Why not select multiple symbols and have the brush iterate through this selection?

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  6. Make Polygon tool dialog offer to set a shape by its Side Length

    ¡¡¡¿Por qué pregunta el radio de un octágono?!!! Tendría el programa que calcularlo. Si yo pongo cuántos lados quiero, en donde dice RADIO tendría que dar la opción de la medida de cada LADO, no del radio. Para ello yo tendría que estar haciendo cuentas matemáticas que me atrasan en mi trabajo.

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  7. Calculate surface area with Dimension tool

    With the last update, you brought the possibility of customizing the scale in the dimension tools, thank you for that. Would it be possible to obtain a new tool for calculating the surface area in m², by selecting any closed shape?

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    The team has started working on this request. As a first step they want to understand the requirements correctly and build the right feature set based on the feedback gathered.

    If you are willing to discuss area calculation in a call session, block a time slot here:

  8. Callout Tool

    I'm sure a simple callout tool with some callout styles will help a lot. Sometimes I need to export as a pdf just to use callouts in acrobat. Can you manage it?

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  9. Non-Destructive Path Trim

    It would save me incredible amounts of time if I could simply--and non-destructively--trim a path.

    I create a character's arm using a tapered stroke. I then duplicate that tapered stroke so that it can function as a shirt sleeve.
    <Here is where the issue comes in...>
    There's not a good way to trim that duplicated stroke to function as a sleeve. I can add points and delete the stroke, but the width won't match anymore. I can create a clipping mask, but it's a pain and makes adjusting the characters pose needlessly laborious.

    Being able to trim the path…

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  10. I wish Illustrator could set up a shortcut key to open the color picker window like in Photoshop.

    I wish Illustrator could set up a shortcut key to open the color picker window like in Photoshop.

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  11. Set "Registration" (and/or other library color) to Dimension tool

    I would like the ability to set the size color in "Registration" on the lines and text. Unfortunately currently (version 28.1) it is possible to freely set the colors but it is not possible to set the Registration color or other colors present in the document samples. This would be very useful for me when printing color separations for different uses.

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  12. Image Trace like Vectorizer.AI does

    Adobe, love all the new A.I. features but what I would really love in Illustration would be what Vectorizer.AI does. Forget live trace, give one click vectorizing, please! Like what Vectorizer.AI does but in Illustrator.

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  13. Progress bar for the new Smooth tool

    I love the new smooth tool! When it comes to contour lines in a map, It perform so much better than the simplify tool. The only problem is that when I smooth lines in large documents, Illustrator freezes but the cpu is on fire so I'm not sure if it's working or if Illustrator needs to be force quitted.

    Therefore I propose a progress bar for that tool which appears after one has moved the Smoothing slider.

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  14. Transform Each new features: origin offset, random seed

    We need more smart tools in Transform Each
    - Offset origin transform
    (unnecessary extra vertex to do array transform circular for Example)
    - Add Seed box on random options

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  15. Better implementation of Actions

    Do a better implementation of Actions. More like Photoshop.

    Some of the menu itens are not recorded in Actions, and others even with the Insert Menu item, still won't record the custom settings of it, and everytime you play that action, it will bring default values to it and open context menu to you to reenter parameters.
    This must be implemented correctly, direclty with the record and not that patch "Insert Menu Item" option that exist today.
    You should only hit record, do the menu options (even the Effects ones), and it must record it with all custom config you…

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  16. Color Picker digits round up

    Hi, I like Illustrator for many reasons, but I find one little thing is annoying. So often I need to prepare the design files for my printer. And because the color picker doesn't have the feature of auto rounding up the digits, the color I used always has decimals, instead of a rounded up number in CMYK mode. It is not easy for the printer to process these color data. I have to round up each color manually, which is time-consuming and I might miss some elements. So is it possible to have the color picker have an option of…

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  17. Jointures Multiples/Multiple Joins

    Je souhaiterai pouvoir sélectionner de multiples points avec l'outil sélection directe et que la commande joindre (Commande -J) fasse la jointure pour tous les couples de points ayant même abscisse et même ordonnée.
    Ce qui motive ma demande est que je récupère des fichiers générés par des sites web où chaque segment est isolé. C'est problématique soit pour ajouter un fond, soit pour avoir une découpe plus rapide et plus propre sur ma découpe laser. Avec des segments courts, le matériau n'a pas le temps de refroidir entre deux passes et fini par se consumer. Avec des tracés longs, la…

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  18. Selection and zoom marquees should be able to be displayed orthogonally when a view is rotated

    When dragging out a selection marquee on a rotated canvas with either of the Selection tools, the marquee is drawn aligned to the canvas instead of the screen.

    The actual selection seems to be done in screen space - see the two attached screenshots, where my marquee was dragged from the lower left point of the marquee to the upper right, resulting in a displayed marquee that would select the sketch of hair above the eye, and an actual selection that only contains parts of the paths in the eye.

    The expected behavior would be that the marquee was drawn…

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  19. Keeping corner points while dragging an arc.

    When I have an arc that has a corner point at one end, dragging the arc changes the line to an unwanted shape even when "Constrain Path Dragging" is turned on in settings. I ALWAYS need those corner points to remain corner points.

    I suggest using the SHIFT key to keep them as corners.

    Many versions ago (late 80s, early 90s), corner points always remained corner points, and I liked it that way very much!! : ) It made my job so much easier. Since then paths have been a real hassle.

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  20. Allow Magic Wand to select items only currently visible in the viewport

    it would be super helpful if the Magic Wand could be set to only select what you can see on screen currently. This way you won't accidentally select an item without knowing.

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