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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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769 results found

  1. Give us the option to pin a file or template to the home screen of Illustrator and photoshop.

    I work with a file where I have saved many shadow effects and icons. I have to open a lot of files during the day and at the end of the day the Ai file gets bumped to the bottom or out of the home screen. The next day I have to look it up again and I feel it would be easier if I just could pin it to the home screen so it doesn't get bumped down or disappears completely of the home screen.

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  2. An option to toggle guides and grid separately in Trim View

    It would be great if guides stayed viewable in trim view.

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  3. Right click on a transform to copy/paste position/angle/widht&height of objects separately

    I would love it if I could copy the position etc. from one object to another without having to copy paste each property individually.

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  4. Changing artboard frame colour

    Sometimes when I am using black colour I cant see properly my artboard size so I have work with the guides instead of using the change artboard colour option so it gets annoying. If there were an artboard frame colour option it would be easier to compare my design w.r.t. the artboard

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  5. Gradient pallete resize

    Seems to have a lot of dead space in the pallete when resized for detailed gradient design

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  6. Export PDF with initial view set (ala InDesign)

    You have just added the ability set the initial view on a PDF export in InDesign, and it is a GREAT idea. It saves me a Ton of time as a designer as I always set the initial view to "fit page" and "single page" when saving PDFs. With AI, I still have to do this after the fact by opening the PDF and doing it there and re-saving. Can you please add this option to AI as well? Thanks!

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  7. Eliminate the Adobe Search Pane in the top right of illustrator

    Adobe does not seem to be able to fix the problem of Adobe search being selected by default when a file is opened. I use a master layout page & am constantly pasting art I have copied to the pasteboard into the stupid, virtually useless Adobe search window. It immediately hangs Illustrator which eventually crashes.

    This bug is ridiculously enraging. I cannot believe Adobe has not addressed this. It can't just be me having this issue

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  8. Disable Learn Window at New Project Creation

    I'd like to have the ability to disable the Learn window from popping up at new project creation. I'm perfectly comfortable in the AI environment, I don't need to be reminded every time I create a new project how to create in it. If I'm unsure of how to do something, I use Google. I can understand if this feature is useful to novice users, however it's not for someone who has been working in Adobe products for 10+ years.

    I've attempted to search for an option to disable it, and was unable to do so. Am I dense, or…

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  9. Make scrollbars higher contrast or allow customizable colors for them

    The gray on gray scheme of the slider and handle in the scrollbars is extremely difficult to work with. Higher contrast is needed or provide the ability to customize the slider color. This is an accessibility issue for older or visually impaired users!

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  10. Windows 11 dark mode menus

    Please join the rest of the software development world in supporting a unified dark mode experience on Windows 11. The menus are currently glaringly bright with dark mode enabled and affect color perception. In a design app , this is not good. Please note that Adobe Acrobat already supports this, why doesn't this capability extend to Creative Suite Apps?

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  11. I want to control how many pop-ups I see.

    I'm just trying to work, Adobe, but all the pop-ups are driving me mad! The tool tips are fine, but to be working away and be bombarded with this pop-up telling me to share my work and then another asking if I know how to do such-and-such.... I discover new features on my own whenever the app is updated, and if I want to find out anything else, I know how to do that. I don't need constant reminding. Please, please please, Adobe, please let this be a preference setting that can be turned off.

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  12. Edit Original Link Image in contextual menu

    It would be a lot less clicks if one could right-click an image file and have "edit image" be in the contextual menu. Currently, click the object, go to links palette, click on the little pencil icon... photoshop launches... Kind of labor intensive...

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  13. Make Recolor Artwork freely draggable

    The initial Recolor panel cannot be dragged around on small screens (that you need to set up for recording tutorials or for whatever other reason). The controls are hidden. It would be great if this panel would behave like a normal panel when dragging around.

    In the screenshot the monitor is set to 1280 x 720 and the dragstrip is not available. For even smaller screens, some control might get out of reach.

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  14. Properties Panel and Graph Type Options

    Please add Graph Type options directly in Properties panel when a graph is selected and include a preview checkbox.

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  15. Customize Illustrator

    At this moment it's a painful story to change the default graphic style or font. Especially if you have to work with certain design guidelines it would be easier to have a workspace that features the right colors, fonts, etc on default. Please try to figure out how to make this easier for us.

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  16. 5 votes

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  17. Adjust handle colors on the fly

    Adobe doesn't take colorblindness into account when coloring the handles in Illustrator. I'm not talking about layer colors -- I don't care one whit about layer colors. I'm talking about the associated colors of the handles for the layer, which is the same color as the layer. You can keep layers colors multivariant if you wish, but when working within a document, I simply cannot see the handles when the layer color is against a color in the document that I cannot distinguish between. I've tried resizing the handles, but that does not always make a difference. My only workaround…

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  18. One tab-over between Width and Height in New Document window

    In New Document window, I am used to typing a numeric dimension for Width, then pressing tab once to enter a dimension for Height. In the current version, if you press tab after entering Width, it goes to the unit of measurement first instead of to the Height. It feels unintuitive.

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  19. Change the Separations Preview panel to behave like it does in InDesign

    Can you change the Separations Preview panel in Illustrator to behave just like it does in InDesign? The Separations Preview panel in InDesign shows the percentage of each color separation when you hover over an area of the artwork, and includes the Ink Limit option. Both of those features would be extremely useful in Illustrator.

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  20. Consistent Keyboard Shortcuts

    Why not make all keyboard shortcuts the same across all Abobe Software.

    In Illustrator there is no keybaord shortcut to convert text to caps, but in Indesign and Photoshop its Command.****,K

    There are lots keyboard short cuts that are different it would be really amazing if they where all the same across all applications

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