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433 results found

  1. 求助!一个大文件打不开了


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  2. Firefly Text to Image and Text Effects inside illustrator

    Text to Vector is Awesome, will be nice to have Firefly Text to Image and Text Effects directly in illustrator, so we can preview our generations with other compositing assets in canvas.

    Maybe a Firefly Panel, where we can choose what we want to generate, vector, image, or text effect.

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  3. 鼠标滚轮缩放画布

    希望在鼠标滚轮缩放画布时,以鼠标的指向为中心点缩放。目前虽然可以通过“ctrl +”来实现,但是如果增加鼠标滚轮功能会更加方便。

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  4. Uygulama ipad sürümünü kullanırken aniden kapanıyor. Cihazım programı kaldırabilecek güçte. Bu nedenle uygulamada bir sorun var.

    Uygulama ipad sürümünü kullanırken aniden kapanıyor. Cihazım programı kaldırabilecek güçte. Bu nedenle uygulamada bir sorun var.

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  5. New from Template... do not work any more

    When choosing ”New from Template...” from ”File” -menu Illustrator 2024 do not open templates from ”Cool Extras” -folder as a default anymore.

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  6. Issue transferring dwg file to Temp folder

    Is there any possibility in Ai, when we export or run the script on the Ai file and we get only dwg file without that png (bitmap image) so that we can add only dwg file in Temp folder and it will get convert into .svg file.

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  7. これは非常にユニークなアイデアです♪

    こんにちは。Adobe Illustratorの拡張子は「.ai」です。



    イーロン・マスク氏のような X アプリケーションのような考え方です。


    Adobe IllustratorとMacがなければ、私は今ここで、こういった発言を



    Adobe社の英知が結集した、スーパーアプリケーション、「Adobe AI」



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  8. Illustrator 26.5.2 The new Lock object tool is terrible

    Go back to previous old version of the object lock. I do not like the gray border of a locked object. I cannot click through the object on other objects around or near the locked object. The OLD way of locking objects was better. It just sat there visually and did not affect neighboring objects.

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  9. Global Edit does not respect locked objects

    When launching global edit an error messages appears warning that there are more than 1000 objects in the document. There are only 800 objects unlocked.

    Locking objects used to work in order to work around the limit.

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  10. 解像度を変更できる機能が欲しいです


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  11. Atomic Design workflow between Illustrator, Figma/XD and Dreamweaver.

    Create a workflow between Illustrator, Figma/Adobe XD and Dreamweaver to easily implement Atomic Design systems. In Illustrator, the user should be able to create atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, and pages of a design system that can be opened in Figma/Adobe XD and Dreamweaver too, to speed up prototyping and development.

    This workflow should create CSS, classes etc from the Illustrator file on. The changes in Illustrator or Figma/XD should propagate to Illustrator and Dreamweaver.

    For example, if I design a main button in Illustrator, when I open the file in Figma/XD, it is already a button there too, with the…

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  12. Streamline and improve node/anchor editing.

    I have used CoreDraw for many years, but needed to move to Adobe for a new position. In Corel, you can manipulate nodes (anchor points) with the direct select tool. Everything you need to do - add points, remove points, move points along the path, curve the line, move the handles, etc. - can all be done with the direct select tool and the 2 mouse buttons. In Adobe, I have to keep switching between 3 different tools to do the same thing, and on top of that, not all nodes have handles! It's very frustrating and slow. Why does…

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  13. Extend student discount to the length of their education. Anything less will send young creatives to competing software

    I love Adobe but as a student I can’t afford full price software prior to getting a job. Id love to enter the job market with a proficient and high level understanding of your creative suite. This lack of keeping student engaged with Adobe will push these young creatives to other software platforms. You loss next to nothing keeping students engages with Adobe product throughout their education and could gain life time users

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  14. 輸入中文會重複字


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  15. Offline Patch download (msp file)

    I hate calling this a "new idea". We have offline systems running the "FRL" versions of Acrobat Std and Illustrator. There is a patch site (though hard to find) to download the offline msp updater for acrobat. I was just instructed via support chat that an offline patch doesn't exist for illustrator, and that I have to go back into my admin console and generate a new package installer to bring on. That's a lot of extra work for something as simple as patching.

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  16. workspace with unwanted panels

    workspace error- some panel suddenly shows up, that is not included in my created workspace. I have to reset the workspace to remove those panels.

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  17. AI 2023 does not associate AI and EPS files correctly

    Problem: after installing AI 2023 (vai CC update process) all of the .ai and .eps files are not associated with AI 2023 in Windows 11. The files now show up as "unknown filetype" and the AI 2023 EXE is not in the normal place.

    This should never be a problem. Its not a problem with other CC updates, PDF files, PSD files, ext...

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  18. Share for Review Comment Not Appearing on Artboard

    Adobe Illustrator's "Share for Review" feature is a wonderful addition. I see the comments in the comments window or via the cloud link. However, I can't see what or where the specific comment or feedback was placed. I know this is still in beta, but I hope it can be resolved.

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  19. I hope there will be a new figma that kill AI, your product are turning to S***

    I hope there will be a new figma that kill AI, your product are turning to S***

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  20. All bounding boxes always visible

    An option to show all bounding boxes would be useful. Currently, only the selected object is displayed with a "border". This would help to locate specific objects that are sometimes hard to see. It could look similar to how it looks after using the "select all" option. Probably the problem then would be to highlight the actually selected item. But it could be quick to switch on/off, or it could be in a different e.g. slightly simplified form (compared to "select all")

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