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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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428 results found

  1. 'Expand' generates excess groups, clipping groups, compound paths and other unwanted vector garbage. Keep it simple!

    Try expanding a brush or a 3D shape and take a look at the large pile of unwanted groups, compound paths and clipping masks Illustrator has generated for you. It just adds complexity to the file and makes the object appearance tricky to work with. See example ai file attached.
    If you have Astute Graphic’s Vector First Aid plugin you can remove all that stuff and see just how simple and usable your vectors can be (I recommend it), Wouldn’t it be better if Illustrator didn’t generate junk in the first place?
    Please make sure Illustrator only generates the barest…

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  2. Ability to Import New Brushes to Adobe Draw

    Would love to be able to create your own or import other brushes to Adobe Draw.

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  3. Actions panel

    Everything is so tiny, and the actions panel is too. When you run an action you see all steps, and if you want to try another of your actions you have to scroll a mile to get there. It's very difficult to get an overview of the actions you have. So I would like to see the steps of the action in a separate window, so that you don't loose the overview of your actions. You shouldn't see all steps in the same list as the actions that you have. Also I would like to be able to have some…

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  4. 「テキストからベクター生成」にレイヤーオブションを加えてください




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  5. use of Info panel for graph elements

    When working with a graph, use the Group Select tool to select one element of the graph. In earlier versions (prior to ~2016 or 2017?), the Info panel displayed the size/position of that element. Why was that feature DROPPED? Please reinstate that bit of code--there is no other way to determine the size of any element (except to copy and paste it, then delete it).
    Better yet, if the Transform panel was active for a graph element, it would make it so much easier to control the size of each path. (I'm looking at you, tick marks, which are seemingly…

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  6. Improve pattern editing mode's slow performance

    Pattern editing mode is notoriously slow. Using complex artwork and textures inside patterns causes pattern mode to hesitate when simply moving objects (even when displaying fewer copies). Because brushes are expanded in Pattern mode, textural brushes can't be used to create patterns without a lot of spinning and crashing. The feature hasn't been improved since it was released in CS6. The new Repeats feature doesn't make fill swatches, unfortunately, so it does not replace Pattern mode. If only we could create repeating art on the artboard and make fill swatches from it without the constraints of pattern mode.

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  7. Illustrator and Illustrator Beta File Association Issue in Windows 10 and 11

    When installing Adobe apps, files extension associations work as expected in Windows 10 and 11.

    When installing a beta version of the same Adobe app, files association are moved to the beta version. There is no way to move the file association back to the regular app without manually changing the windows registry because:

    1.) The regular app does not appear any longer in the file association drop down list (in settings)

    2.) Right clicking illustrator file and changing associated app through folder structure locally also does not work. Even though I select the correct app (Illustrator.exe), the beta app…

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  8. An ability to update variables

    I'd like to be able to bind Variables to pageItems and be able to reimport the Variable Library; that is, I'd like to be able to reimport the CSV or XML file and not have to rebind the Variable to pageItems.

    This would let me create a template or master file that is ready to import new data without having to rebind the Variables.

    Also, make Variable binding scriptable.

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  9. Support for ARIA in SVG (accessibility)

    There are a couple of requests for improvements to SVG export, which is sorely needed. One important aspect of this is accessibility.

    SVG use is increasing, and accessibility requirements are being mandated in jurisdictions around the globe.

    There will be a growing need for people to produce accessible SVG files.

    This calls for supporting ARIA roles states and properties, and some way to indicate tabindex.

    A number of constraints can be imagined to prevent people doing the wrong thing (e.g. if you put tabindex=0 on a non-operable element), but the basic functionality is far more basic.

    Select object.
    Open aria…

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  10. Hello there i would like this to be on android, and also photoshop please i want you to message me back so that i can see that you care

    Hello there i would like this to be on android, and also photoshop please i want you to message me back so that i can see that you care PLEASE, CMON , YOU ARE COOL, VERY, VERY COOL

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  11. Linking dxf/dwg

    This might be very wishfull thinking...

    I am an architect, and use CAD to make plan drawings, and illustrator to make them look good (adjusting lineweight, stroke, color and so on). But if i make an updated drawing in CAD, i have to do everything all over again in Illustrator. It would be awsome if illustrator was able to give a specific layer a specific lineweight/stroke/color etc... and was able to update this on its own!

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  12. 5 votes
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  13. Allow gradients in brushes

    AI forbids to use gradients in brushes. It definitely should.

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  14. 別のタブを選択しても表示している画面が変わらない時が発生する。


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  15. Shortcut for Delete Layer

    I'd like a custom shortcut for deleting a layer. I could, of course, record an action and assign one of the F keys (F5, F6, etc), but I don't want to use the F keys.

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  16. Halftone vector

    As one of my friend getting irregular shaped while creating Halftone Vector by following this steps

    Create a shape (circle) > Use Gradient in it > Effect > Pixelate > Color halftone > Object > Raster > Image trace

    He was getting irregular circle shapes in the artwork.

    So while exploring to resolve this we added Blend option just after doing raster. That remove the irregular shape.

    Create a shape (circle) > Use Gradient in it > Effect > Pixelate > Color halftone > Object > Raster > Blend (inside object menu) > Blend options > Image trace (make sure…

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  17. Type Selections

    My idea consists in making it able for us to select text only, but with the arrows, like we have now, but doing it selectively.

    I'll try to explain:

    If we make a freehand selection (area selection) over some portion of the work, everything that is not locked and that that selection overs is selected, right? Despite being it the Black or White Selection Arrows.

    However, I can go to the Menu>Select>Object>Text and it selects ALL text from the artboard. I can also go to a layer and click on the circle on the right and get all of those…

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  18. Action: Insert Conditional

    In the Photoshop Action panel there's "Insert Conditional" allowing you to set logical conditions for action behaviour. Illustrator should have this too. It's neat.

    It's useful for making action behaviour more inteligent and relevant to the document, eg. doing one or another thing depending on whether the document is landscape or portrait, colour mode, etc.

    Another way it can be used is to create toggle buttons for things that Illustrator doesn't currently have shortcuts for (eg. Scale Strokes & Effects). Presently you have to create two separate keybindings for each action, whereas the conditional allows you to toggle with a…

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  19. Dragging from Bridge to Illustrator

    Change the standard file-placement behaviour from Bridge to Illustrator so that it places the contents of the AI file (rather than a PDF or a PNG).

    Say you've got a local library of picture elements, and you're browsing it in Bridge; you need to bring those elements into a currently open AI file. What do you do?

    The obvious thing is to use Bridge like a library navigator, and simply drag the ai file into your composition. However, you can't;What actually happens is you get a PNG file; if you shift-drag you get a PDF file; both are useless.


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  20. select same by stroke weight/stroke color within a graph (CC2018)

    In CC2017 with a direct selection arrow, you could select by stroke weight or color, within a graph. After the CC2018 update you can no longer use the Select by options within a graph. Please bring back that feature.

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