Remove canvas size limit
Can we please have the possibility to set bigger canvas size to incorporate large sized artwork.
(Please note: This item is NOT for more number of artboards per document)

Dear Users,
We have launched this feature in the latest release of Illustrator, 24.2. I request you to try out this feature and give us your feedback.
Ivan Sablaev (Sahba) commented
What a bunch of nonsense! Need to know workflow, virtual scale,... Why do you need to complicate such a simple request? Increase the artboard size from 227" to 8000" and see if anyone really needs it larger!
Ivan Sablaev (Sahba)
XYZ Art Studio -
Martin Johansson commented
This issue must be the team's absolute number one priority.
I can understand that this might be a lagacy problem based on poor design decisions back in time. But it is a total pain to work with multiple artboards and all functions based on Artboards work so incredibly bad."Cannot create Arboard outside the canvas. Please rearrange and try again."
"Adjust settings to fit more artboards"You know some of us work with this fuckary on a daily basis.
Apart from this madness, Illustration is awesome!
/ Martin -
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
I just posted this AGAIN in the other Illustrator forum. Maybe some more activity on there will get some eyes on this subject?
Mike commented
First: I am the printer and the designer. Illustrator cut off the artwork with it's inability to properly handle large scale output.
The logic of blaming the customer for product shortcomings has never worked from a business stand point. Adobe should have extended this a decade ago when 64 bit processors were becoming common, instead of lagging behind.
Scott Falkner commented
You eat it because you failed to communicate with the printer.
Mike commented
Where do I send the bill for $724.00 for the print error caused by adobe's inability to scale large format?
trackhorse commented
@mvialpando It's "Affinity" Designer
mvialpando commented
Switching to infinity Designer... just read the the blog a little further down... If you guys aren't listening to your customers, then who are you building this app for? I agree with the Quark association... they went down the same path... only they were flat rude and inconsiderate and got what they had coming! Not bitter at all...LOL
Do wish Freehand was still around though! -
mvialpando commented
It would help if we didn't have to scaled down art work to fit the program but have the program accept larger files at 100%! Billboards for example 120"x432"... this has been asked for years and I realize there were file size issues in the past but lets get with the future!
trackhorse commented
I guess Adobe used to care, but no longer does. I had a question about Affinity and got a reply next day from an actual person from the company. Adobe—can you imagine…?
Anonymous commented
I posted a link to this thread a few times on the other AI thread ( but have not gotten any response there either. Are they listening to anything we are saying?
Stefan Hammar commented
To me it looks like Adobe isn't looking at this thread anymore.... Maybe we have to start a new one ?
Its been on Need more info for over a year. -
Jordan Chatwin commented
I'm a designer working across both print and digital. One of my clients is an events agency who I frequently design and artwork large environmental graphics for (exhibition graphics, banners, window vinyl, wallpapers etc). I work 1:1 when I can, and when I can't I work at 2:4 or 1:10. The main issue for me is simply workflow. It's easier and quicker for me to work at 1:1 because I have to generate accurate mock ups to show the client and get sign off, then I have to artwork the same designs and prep them for printing.
If I'm working 1:1 then I can simply convert my mock ups into final print files with a few simple steps and know there is no room for error. Although if I have multiple artboards at 1:1 and I can only fit one artboard on the canvas, then I sometimes need to create multiple illustrator files, which slows down my workflow.
If I'm working at 2:4 or 1:10 to scale, I have to make sure my maths is correct, my designs are accurate (to the mm – anything that is 1mm off will be 10mm off when it's scaled up), and communicate with printers and make sure the work is scaling accurately – it just adds a layer of complexity and additional work that, with all the technology we have these days, seems unnecessary.
I've been using Adobe products for nearly 10 years and would prefer not to change to another suite of software. But if Adobe don't fix simple quirks like these, it won't be long before the new software on the market takes over – Affinity Designer is looking more and more appealing every year. Come on Adobe, keep up.
Mike commented
I think Serif (Affinty Designer) is going to do to Adobe what Adobe did to QuarkXpress with inDesign. Every update recently seems to only bring issues and not address the decades long complaints or requests.
Why doesn't Adobe seem to have the ability to extend the canvas when 64-bit has been common place for so long? Why doesn't Illustrator have color manipulation similar to photoshop, but a plug-in like Phantasm can do it?? Why can't adobe find a simple centerline of a shape or font? Why can't adobe create a vector oblique projection?
Because they're focused on changing the rotation dialogue box...
trackhorse commented
I'll bet the actual Infinity Designer artboard size is actually 20CM, rounded. I'm actually working more and more in metrics. It's easier.
Jason McMinn commented
We have Infinity Designer and the artboard size limitation is 853 inches x 853 inches. Zoom level goes much, much higher than Illustrator.
Illustrator artboard is limited to 227 inches x 227 inches.
Anonymous commented
I downloaded the trial version of Designer too and looks pretty straight forward. I'm sure with s few hours of messing around I'd get used to it.
Christopher commented
Thank you for the information on Affinity Designer. I was playing around with it today. It's pretty feature rich, missing a few options what I would like..
Buuuut, that being said, it's pretty **** good. Considering we use Adobe CC mostly for Illustrator, with a bit more testing, I can see us dumping our 3 CC subscriptions and going with Designer instead especially since Adobe seems to be completely ignoring our requests.
We use it primarily for doing vehicle wrap and decal designs.
Marie Quigg commented
And all the time I thought it was ME. I never knew that the Adobe monster had limits. Now I know and you need to release size constraints for the artboards and canvas. I work in isolation and now my eyes have been opened. Shame, Adobe. You will be unseated.