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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:

  1. Details of your operating system
  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
  3. The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
  4. Your expected result and the actual result
  5. Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)

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37 results found

  1. EPS保存して再度データを開くと画像の位置がかわっている


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  2. Latest version of illustrator (v29.1) does not export pngs with the same pixel placements as the one before.

    Export from the new version of illustrator places artwork off center: Up and to the left slightly. This causes SO much work in our pipeline, please fix this urgently.

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  3. SVG Save As 'SVG Code...' not same as marked up saved SVG. This now matches Export As SVG

    The content saved when you Save As... SVG is different in 28.5 to 28.3. When you click SVG Code... the text file preview matches that of the old version. Example file header:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 28.5.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 9.03 Build 54727) -->
    <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
    viewBox="0 0 2255 692" style="enable-background:new 0 0 2255 692;" xml:space="preserve">
    <style type="text/css">

    When you actually save this with OK it changes to :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 2255 692">
    .cls-1 {…

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    This change is intentional. The team aims to improve the way SVG is generated (speed, size, redundancy, etc.) and merge current both code branches into one.

    Since some workflows heavily rely on the way the code structure is organized, the team tries to gather feedback on it.

    Please describe what engine changes affect you and why.

  4. PDF export misses

    After performing "Save a copy" and choosing the PDF, the PDF created does not contain all the art of the artboard. It seems random with no consistency as to what is affected.

    - Sometimes ungrouping helps, 50%. Most often I have to delete the art and replace it.
    - Could even be the same art that appears on another page, so its not errors in the art.
    - Could be copy or vector work.
    - Does not matter if its save as smallest size or other size

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    The team would need the test file you can reliably reproduce the problem, the steps to reproduce it, the exact OS specs and the version of Illustrator used. A video can also help to study the issue.

    If you can share the file publicly — please attach it in the comments. If if you are not allowed to do so or you do not want to make it public — you can send it over to

  5. コンピューターに保存時、ファイル名を作成する際、シフト+テンキーを使うと保存画面がリセット

    コンピューターに保存時、ファイル名を作成する際、シフト+テンキーを使い、テキストの一部を選択しようとすると保存画面がリセットされてしまう。Creative Cloudに保存時には発生しない現象。

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  6. PDF error "This file is damaged" in the new Illustrator 2023 (27.0)

    In Adobe Illustrator 2023 (27.0), when attempting to open a PDF in illustrator, I get an error message and the file does not open. The error reads "This file is damaged" with no extra context or solution. The file refuses to open.

    The same file WOULD open on the previous Adobe Illustrator 2022 (I believe 26.5), and I would receive an error message (The document contains PDF objects that have been reinterpreted: An unknown shading type was encountered.) The file would then open, and then I could poke around the layers in order to get the vector shapes I needed…

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  7. 上書き保存時に時々保存前のaiデータが勝手に複製される


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    Need More Info  ·  PCM Miyuki responded

    Kaho T 様 sy

    お手数ですが、一度こちらのAdobe Support Communityにございます内容をお試しいただけないでしょうか。



  8. bmp


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    Need More Info  ·  PCM Miyuki responded

    syuichi okamoto さま



    1. お使いのオペレーティングシステム(マシンスペック)および Adobe ・Illustrator (デスクトップ版) のバージョン
    2. 問題が発生したときに実行していた手順:
    3. 追加の情報がございましたら追記をお願いいたします。
    4. (必要に応じて)スクリーンショットまたはビデオをアップロードしてください。


  9. Cannot be renamed to PDF 26.3.1 (64bit)


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    Need More Info  ·  PCM Miyuki responded

    FarEastCues Cosiral&Co. さま



    お使いのオペレーティングシステム(マシンスペック)および Adobe ・Illustrator (デスクトップ版) のバージョン






  10. 保存できないまま終了


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    Need More Info  ·  PCM Miyuki responded

    @Chihiro Nakamura さま
















  11. PDFの書き出しでアピアランスが正しく表示されない


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    Need More Info  ·  PCM Maro responded

    Illustrator 製品版フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。


    1. お使いのオペレーティングシステムおよび Adobe Illustrator (デスクトップ版) のバージョン
    2. 問題が発生したときに実行していた手順
    3. 想定していた結果
    4. 実際の結果
    5. [必要に応じて] Illustrator ファイルまたはビデオをアップロードしてください。


    Illustrator チーム

  12. 書き出しがtmpで止まる


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    Need More Info  ·  PCM Maro responded

    Illustrator 製品フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。


    1. お使いのオペレーティングシステムおよび Adobe Illustrator (デスクトップ版) のバージョン
    2, 問題が発生したときに実行していた手順
    3. [再現検証用] Illustrator ファイルまたはムービー



    Illustrator チーム

  13. 1 vote

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    Need More Info  ·  PCM Maro responded

    Illustrator 製品版フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。




    Illustrator チーム

  14. An unknown error occurred when saving AI file

    Since updating to 24.2 on our Macs people are intermittently getting "An unknown error occurred" when trying to save an AI file. We have found in those cases outlining all the fonts will let us save. We are using the latest version of Universal Type Client for our font management.

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    Thanks for reporting this issue, Illustrator Team really appreciate this.
    We are unable to reproduce this issue in house. We need your help in getting this issue reproducible.
    Kindly provide some video and Test file(Via File→Package) with some steps with which you are facing issue and share with us in a zip file at Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.
    Please Also let us know if you have been using any 3rd Party plugin while facing this problem.

    Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we might need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
    If yes, then please do let me know about your available time so that I can schedule a connect session accordingly.
    Our time zone is IST (+5:30 GMT).We are available…

  15. ローカルに保存できない(不明なエラー)

    Windows10 64bit pro




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    Need More Info  ·  PCM Maro responded

    Illustrator 製品フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。



    Illustrator チーム

  16. 79 votes

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    Thanks for reporting the issue .
    We have fixed the bug which was orignally reported but it seems some users are still facing the issue.

    We are not able to reproduce this issue in house now ,Kindly provide following info to nail down this issue:

    1)Kindly provide some video , Test file(Via File→Package) & some steps with which you are facing issue and share with us at .

    2)Please try the below mentioned workaround and let us know if that helps:

    If you do not use custom Adobe PDF presets/joboptions or not heard of it then follow the below steps
    1. Navigate to user presets folder
    Win: appdata\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings
    Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings
    2. Rename the folder to “Settings old” and create a new empty folder “Settings” in the same place
    3. Launch Illustrator and check if you can save the document

    If you use custom…

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    Need More Info  ·  PCM Maro responded




    1. お使いのオペレーティングシステムおよび Adobe Illustrator (デスクトップ版) のバージョン
    2. 問題が発生したときに実行していた手順や操作
    3. 想定していた結果
    4. 実際の結果
    5. [必要に応じて] Illustrator ファイルまたはビデオをアップロードしてください。


    Illustrator チーム

  18. Illustrator could only partially read this file

    When I load the first attached file in 24.0.1 (with Windows 10) it loads OK and I can edit it. When I save it and try to reload it in 24.0.1 it says Illustrator could only partially read this file. That's awful when Illustrator cannot read a file it has just saved.

    The layers (and sublayers) under ALL > WATERWAYS > A-B beginning with A have all gone missing when it reads in what it can. Other parts may be missing too.

    It works fine in 23.1. and I have had to revert to using that.

    I have lost a…

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  19. Save/Save As doesn't work in Action

    1. Make a new document
    2. Record a new Action for Save (CMD+S) and Save As (Shift+CMD+S), stop Action
    3. Do something in the document - Draw the rectangle for example
    4. Play Save/Save As Action
    5. Close the document (Attention!!! No warning about Save Changes!!!)
    6. Open the document

    Result: Opened document doesn't contain the rectangle.
    That means nothing happened with this document while Play Actions

    Illustrator ver. 24.0.2
    It is the critical issue and my suggestion to downgrade Illustrator to 24.0.1, if you use "Save/Save as" and "Close" commands in Actions in your work

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    Apologies for the inconvenience caused to you due to this issue.
    We are unable to reproduce this issue at our end.

    Please help by providing the below information:
    1) Is it reproducible on the latest illustrator version 25.4.1?
    2) Kindly share some video, Action recorded script (.aia), the Test file(Via File→Package) & some steps with which you are facing the issue and share with us at in a Zip file.

    Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.

    Thanks and Regards
    Rohit Jain
    Illustrator Team

  20. Asset Export not respecting Clipping Mask on image

    When dragging an image with a clipping mask into Asset Export it will add a white border and export at the original image size, not the clipped size

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    Gentle Reminder.

    Please share the given details at
    1) If the issue is reproducible on latest build 25.2.3?
    2) Is multiple AI versions installed in your system? If yes, please share the details.
    3) Some video & Test file for our reference.

    Illustrator team

    Also, please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.


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