Internal snapping tolerance for positioning objects is way too high and can’t be changed
There seems to be a default 'snapping' that is hard-coded. With all snapping and guides turned off under "precision" I still cannot move an object with as much fluid precision as I can on the desktop version w/o snapping turned on.
I also cannot determine a way to select an object and then drag it by a single point to a single point of another object to 'snap' the points together as is possible on the desktop version.

I am not reproduce this issue at my end, can you please share a video for the issue so that we can try it on our end.
Alan, can you record a video of this bug happening?
Not sure if I get exactly what is going on with it. -
Alan Coryell commented
When I turn off Snap to Grid my object is not placed on my grid correctly. Instead of the object being placed perfectly is symmetry with my grind it is placed exactly .5 away from the next point. That being said, I know that this just means that I only need to calculate the difference by half of a point to create a geometric and uniform style but the point of a grid is so simplify the workflow not to complicate it. Just mentioning this in case anyone else is having this issue and hopefully it is resolved in the next update.
Chris Phillips commented
Same. The snapping on the iPad version is bizarre.
Mitch Lewis commented
I also find this really frustrating. Surely this is an issue felt by a large amount of people. I am contemplating returning my ipad pro as this issue hinders the artwork I create.
Anonymous commented
I want the snap to points on the iPad. It doesn’t work. It snaps all around but not on the points of other objects. Make IPad Illustraotr almost unusable as it has so many odd glitches in the waxwork. the video by Ben1968 is a good representation of this issue. I am more interested in moving individual points to points but this video does so the same kind of snapping issue. Thank you for fixing this looking forward to illustrator improvements on the iPad all around.
Matticus commented
Nitish — I’ve been experiencing this same issue as well. It really hinders the ability to have objects and guides to line up perfectly.
ben1968 — Thank you for uploading a video of this issue in action!
ben1968 commented
hier a short video how illu snaps even all snapping turned off!
Feek commented
rectifying above, 0.01 mm should be 0.05mm!!
Also on max zoom level, still 0,05 mm increment
This is dependent upon the zoom level. If you are at higher zoom level you get better precision.
Feek commented
Using a A4 document and millimeters as dimensions, object positioning is not really accurate. Moving an object is only possible with increments of 0.01 mm.
So for more complex objects exact positioning is not posssible.