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Illustrator (iPad) Feature Requests

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809 results found

  1. Magic wand please

    Add Magic Wand tool, similar to the one the desktop app has

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  2. Option for pattern fill

    On the desktop, I can put patterns instead of solid colors. It would be very useful when drawing illustrations.

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  3. Expanded Export File As...

    Options for export design by: format, size, transparency, dpi, etc

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  4. Creative Cloud Libraries on ipad?

    I'm sure this is in the pipeline, but it's odd that Creative Cloud Libraries isn't available on the iPad version of Illustrator. I have searched the web front-to-back and can't seem to find a way to use the Libraries panel in Photoshop or Illustrator on iPad. I apologize if I am incorrect. I just can't find a good resource to point me in the right direction.

    I do most of my work on a PC and will likely continue to do so. It's just convenient sometimes to start with an idea on my iPad and finish later on my PC.…

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  5. 19 votes

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  6. Export Single Artboard

    Right now it seems we have to export all artboards at once every time. It would be great if you could select one and only export that (great for when you need to update small changes to designs)

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  7. Width tool and Free Transform Tool

    It's super painful to jump on the desktop version every single time, just for small corrections.

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  8. Swatches panel / fill color

    Easier way to select color and fill in color is needed! Having to select on the color tool every time and then from there select the eye dropper tool every time you need to change a color is way to much work. Make the swatch panel always visible on screen. There should be a shortcut or something where you can hold down to fill with selected color or a live paint bucket tool. Also, making a color palette in swatches and being able to save it so you can use it in other files.

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  9. Swatches - Gradient, Pattern, and Etc

    Would be really nice to see swatches in a tab of its own, Currently it’s a little awkward to navigate through the small window and the swatches are very small making color combos difficult to distinguish. We’re also missing all the glory or gradient, pattern and misc swatches that are available on the desktop. Bring em to the iPad please :) !

    In addition a shortcut “i” for eyedropper tool would be great (or some version that is more aligned with the desktop possibilities and easy to grab color)

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  10. Add color palettes to library

    It would be nice if we could add the color palettes created in Illustrator on iPad to the cc library to be able to access these from the desktop as well. This was a feature I missed in Fresco as well. It would be nice if we could just select color swatches from the document and add all the colors to a group at the same time, just like in the desktop version.

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  11. Cloud Library

    I’d like to import all of my cloud assets like vectors, colors etc.

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  12. AI text to image generator available for IPad

    Can we please get the new AI text to image generator added to Adobe Illustrator for IPads as it's already available for desktop use!!! Considering I'm paying almost $20NZD PER MONTH for subscription fees, it would be greatly appreciated!

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  13. Smooth tool like the desktop version

    On the desktop version they have a smooth tool where you can target specific lines and shapes. I use this tool constantly and was disappointed to not find it on the app version. It’s the major missing feature keeping me from using the app more often

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  14. Set default stroke Line width

    It would be useful to be able to set a new default line/stroke weight or set it before you star drawing. Currently the option in the side menu only appears once you have started a line and resets when you start a new layer. I almost always need a 0.25 weight yet have to constantly either start a line and go back and set from 1 back to 0.25

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    5 comments  ·  Strokes  ·  Admin →
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  15. Gradient Along Stroke

    Need gradients along paths. Big part of my style. The current feature only allows gradient fills.

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    1. Instead of having that "alt button"you have to visually search for, just make placing fingers anywhere on the canvas mean the same thing. 1 finger means shift and two fingers mean alt. "Shift" click should always constrain to 45 degree angles while using the pen tool, similar to desktop version. Affinity Designer on iPad does this really well.

    2. The ability to customize the quick menu. Make blending modes available along with the transparency option.

    3. Long press finger should always give you an eyedropper.

    4. Pen tool should give a preview line, like on desktop version.

    5. I shouldn't have to use a…

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  17. Template Layer

    The ability to make a layer a template layer as per the desktop app.

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  18. I’d love image trace and the ability to warp text

    I don’t use a desktop only my iPad so I can create on the go. In my opinion there’s no reason to pay for illustrator on my iPad when it doesn’t have key features like the ability to warp text and image trace.

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  19. Ability to see, add, change, assign, convert Color Profiles

    Color profile settings are not visible The color is so different from the PC version that I need to set the color profile.

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  20. Trackpad / Mouse Panning Function

    The current panning function is only possible for touch with 2 fingers.
    Would be really nice to have a panning function or tools like the desktop version when used on desktop mode (using ipad with external keyboard & mouse/trackpad)

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