Enhanced Smooth Tool in Illustrator Desktop
The Smooth Tool in Ai desktop has been enhanced and allows for an intuitive and easy application. The highlights of this enhancement include:
• New and Improved algorithm
• Simplified UI (proposed)
• Allows for a local and a global selection
• Check out Auto-smoothen
Please give it a try and we look forward for your feedback.

Kara Henry commented
Please give me back the old smooth tool. This tool was my lifeline, it was the only way i could get smooth curves quickly but with precision. The new smooth tool sucks. Where is the control? Why can't I smooth one area by brushing over it anymore????? I miss it :(
Eliza, Opt/Alt in Illustrator never toggled the Eyedropper for Brush and Blob Brush... I just checked it in several older versions (up to CS, just to be sure). Perhaps you are confusing it with Photoshop? There is actually a dedicated request about it: http://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657/suggestions/39243472 — and I added you as a voter there, based on your comment.
Eliza Bruce commented
I think the tool is actually good, even if a little sensitive. My issue right now is that the smooth tool is what comes up when i press opt while using a paintbrush, which previously toggled to color picker and was far more useful to me. Especially since I use smooth enough that I already had a convenient customized shortcut for it.
Ben, Smooth is a new feature, and it was no there 10 years ago. You probably confuse it with Simplify, which is still there and works as it used to.
Ben Morris commented
The new smooth tool is terrible. I've used this tool for 10 years and you all basically made it 3x harder to use. I'm not sure what point the current behavior serves. The old tool just worked.
bluenightpro commented
The smooth tool for 2025 version is way too sensitive. The option to control the percentage is too limited. The previous version was much better and easier to control. The new version is out of control! Agree with previous comments on the annoying pop-up.
Ellen commented
Move the disruptive pop-up that appears every single darn time you select this tool! It has doubled my time in having to drag it out of the way! Why on earth would you have this box appear directly over what you are wanting to smooth????? It was a simple step to adjust the smoothing degree before, I don't need this pop up every single time. Really horrible change.
Kris Ruff commented
I COMPLETELY agree with the complaints about the pesky smoothing tool pop up. Why on earth would we not have control over the position of this menu? I can't think of any other menu whose position is so sticky.
And speaking of smoothing, I DON'T WANT my lines to be smooth, and it seems that the fidelity of the brush tool is getting worse and worse. Even when the brush is set on Accurate, smoothing still occurs. I long for the days when we had powerful controls to adjust line quality. Please stop dumbing it down. Not everyone wants to create perfectly smooth, vector-y looking drawings. It's getting harder and harder to make hand-drawn looking drawings like this one.
Madelyn Renaud commented
The changes to this tool are incredibly annoying and I wish there was a way to go back to the previous version because it was already perfect. The smoothing pop up is obnoxious and constantly blocks the subject Im trying to work on. I also have not been able to find the option for a global selection vs local, so the tool continues to isolate a single edge, forcing me to return to the selection tool and re-select the other elements to begin smoothing again. It's horrible and has made a smooth workflow into something clunky and annoying. Please change the smooth tool back to the way it was before!
Jake Bertrand commented
The smooth tool pop up conflicts with the touch ring on a wacom tablet. I have the touch ring set to zoom and when using a brush, the smooth tool annoyingly pops up every time a zoom in or out using the touch ring. Cant find a way to disable it. HELP!
New idea from comment
This comment was upgraded into a new idea: Smooth Tool Interferes with Touch Ring Zoom Function on Wacom Tablet -
Natalie commented
Joely T. commented
@saniit Samanta: this thread here is old and still escalating – why is Adobe inactive???https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657-illustrator-desktop-feature-requests/suggestions/31150012-improve-graph-chart-tool
David commented
I appreciate you adding this tool. I have a couple of issues with this new beta Object > Path > Smooth command/"Smoothing HUD", one minor and one major:
1) The user interface is too small and simple, and doesn't have the option to open an advanced panel like the Simplify tool does. The UI doesn't offer any feedback like telling you the before/after number of anchor points or having an option to show the pre-smoothed lines behind. And you can't type in the smooth % you want - you have to use the slider, which is hard to use and laggy, and sometimes it skips numbers (i.e. one time I used it I couldn't get it to 7% - it kept jumping between 6% and 8% no matter how carefully I moved my mouse).
2) My major issue with it is that, although its results look better than the current Simplify tool, it still doesn't create truly-smooth paths. For more detail on what I mean, see this Adobe Discussion thread I posted, including replies and attached files: https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator-discussions/i-need-pre-2019-object-gt-path-gt-simplify-functionality/m-p/14117484#M382110
Overall, I would prefer it if you'd also (or instead) reintroduce the pre-2019 version of the Simplify tool, which was awesome.
Thank you!
I'd be more than happy to discuss this further with someone from Adobe.
(note: I submitted a similar comment via the What's new in Beta > Rate Features dialog)
Pankaj Tripathi commented
yes, auto-smooth function looks great
Eric Garcia commented
how do i get out of the hand tool ? I dsont know how it turned on and i dont know how to change it back to the arrow
I am checking it in the latest Beta, and I don’t think it’s a major difference.
Ai still does not highlight the portion of a path that is going to be smoothed while you hold the mouse button/pen down, and there is no way to definitely make targeted point just vanish.
If you are done with it and take no more feedback, it’s fine. But if there is still room for improvement, I’d live to have more feedback on it. Like why do we have to release the key to see the result in the first place?