My feedback
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An error occurred while saving the comment Deono shared this idea ·
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Deono commented
I don't have screen record software so I can't really do that. On a side note, it's only happened twice since I've posted. (I struggle with it for weeks, finally post about it, and it's barely happened since. Go figure.)
Your group theory has some merit, all of this happened when aligning groups, but I would also open the group and attempt to align a single object within it, but either the art kept moving when tapping button or nothing at all would happen. A restart then corrected the behavior... for awhile, until this week anyway.
I'm wondering if file size is an issue? The files where it occurred the most were rather large for my .ai files, between 500 & 850 meg. These newer files, where it hasn't happened, were much smaller, 40-80 meg. Perhaps I need to break up some larger projects into multiple files instead of trying to keep them all together in one?
Deono shared this idea ·
Option to export to clipping mask boundaries
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516 votesHi Everyone,
The fix has been rolled out and is available in our latest release build – 24.1.1 for Win and 24.1 for Mac which is available worldwide now.
What’s new in 24.1:
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback.
An error occurred while saving the comment Deono commented
This is the most frustrating part of using Illustrator, especially for making web graphics where accurate dimensions are crucial. When it comes to exports please honor clipping masks and actually "clip" the art as expected when one uses a "clipping mask".
At the very least, please honor the dimensions of the artboard on exports. Macromedia Fireworks exported art perfectly with intended dimensions over a decade ago, why can't Illustrator get it right in 2021?
We've been struggling with this for years, YEARS I SAY! You clearly don't know what to do and need to hire someone to fix the problem, please do that ASAP. Adobe destroyed Fireworks, the absolute least you could do is make Illustrator an alternative that actually works as intended. Thank you.
And yes, I understand that Adobe already gets our money each month, they have no reason to fix a problem that makes our jobs harder, but one can hope. At least they can't claim we never complained.
Deono supported this idea ·
37 votes
I am closing the ticket due to lack of response.
Please get in touch with us at or any of the other support channels – . Please give a reference to this post so that we can identify you.
Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.An error occurred while saving the comment Deono commented
Random: When duplicating an artboard and changing the name from 'Artboard name copy' to 'new artboard name', click off and see the new name in place, then switch to layers and work, return to artboards and the name has reverted back to 'Artboard name copy'.
Other times: change artboard name, select rearrange all artboards, name changes back to copy name as I watch.
Other random times: name changes remain in place.
This is valuable to me because it's a real pain in the backside having to re-type artboard names multiple times. It's also valuable when I miss the name change because it stops me from easily finding exported art that I expect to have specific names and having to re-name when I finally find the exported art that I need.
This was a problem in past versions and it has returned. Unless this is intended for some reason that I can't fathom it would be nice to have it working properly again.
On Mac 10.15.7, Illustrator version 25.2.1.
Deono supported this idea ·
366 votes
Hi Everyone,
This feature has been shipped in August 2020 release (version 24.3)
You may read about this here:
Please update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback.
Deono supported this idea ·
2 votes
Deono supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Deono commented
This happened to me too. All my tool panels were on top of the main screen and canvas. I switched to a default workspace and then back to my saved one, where the tool panels are supposed to be on the second screen, but all the panels moved back to the main screen again, as if I'd want all my tools covering the canvas. btw, this is also happening with InDesign and photoshop tool panels just disappears and then reappears. Seems to be a CC wide issue.
Wrong exported image size (extra pixel added) if artboard coordinates are non-integer, not pixel-perfect
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170 votesThis issue is probably happening because the artboard dimensions are not appropriate for raster export (i.e. are in decimals).
If you make x and y values as the whole numbers in the transform panel (not in decimal), then the extra pixels will not be added to the exported image.That is the workaround, and it’s reported that it’s not always the case.
At the same time — Ai knows the size of artboards to be exported and yet it does not deliver the set sizes, which is not fair. The team is going to rethink the algorithm.
An error occurred while saving the comment Deono commented
I'm also having this issue, but even with the floats rounded up I'm getting some exports with added pixels. I have an artboard that I duplicate many times, the only thing different in each artboard is the color fill of the paths and layer names, but my collected assets are exporting at different sizes, i.e. some paths are exported at 300x300 as they should be, others 301x300, or 300x301. Again, the only thing different is the color, how does changing red to blue add a pixel? This causes my animations to jump around and it's very annoying, especially with smaller pieces.
This happens when using both the stroke panel and properties panel, and the top tool bar when stroke options are there.
I've never used the eydropper or graphics style to change a stroke so can't comment on that.
Record it? I have no way to do that, I could take a screen shot if/when it happens again.