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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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76 results found

  1. 細線に対する線幅プロファイルが正常に適用されない


    1. 10mm程度の線分を描画する。
    2. 線幅を0.41mmに設定し、線幅プロファイルをアーチ状(デフォルトプリセットの6番目)のものを適用する。
    3. 歪んだ状態で適用される。パスのアウトラインを行うと歪んだ状態でアウトライン化される。




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    Hi All,

    Thanks for reporting this issue . We are unable to reproduce the issue at our end and would require help from your side to debug this issue and do an in-depth investigation around the same.

    Please share the following details :

    • Machine\OS details
    • Files with which the issue is reproducible
    • A small recording of  the issue

    Warm regards,

    Illustrator Team

  2. Round caps for a stroke turn into butt caps when expanded or outlined

    New bugs for Illustrator CC 22.0.1.

    1. make Path Line(pen tool), set Stroke Weight, set Round Cap
    2. use "Outline Stroke" in "Path" menu in "Object" menu" (or "Expand" in "Object" menu")
    3. confirm result

    The state of the start point or the end point changes from before processing.
    Attach screenshot of Japanese version.

    It does not happen in CC 2017.

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  3. Non Functional Gradient Stroke along/across options when stroke is outside/inside

    make a box, add a gradient stroke, apply gradient across stroke, align stroke to outside - you can't button does nothing.
    make a box, add a gradient stroke, align stroke to outside THEN click apply gradient across stroke...button is active but does nothing

    I have been reporting this bug and hoping for a fix for 4 years now. Going to give me back some of that money I have been giving you LOL?

    First post July 2013...

    again July 2015
    Dec 2015
    Nov 2016
    Jan 2017

    made bug reports each time, but always…

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  4. Expanding stroke on small objects seem to omit points in result

    A very small ellipse, after its stroke is expanded, looses its lower inner point and the curviness changes visually. Please see the test file and the animation attached.

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  5. 'Use Preview Bounds' works wrong with 'Stroke Inside' for Compound Path

    If you set set stroke's alignment to inside and check 'Use Preview Bounds' (image 1), AI will draw bounding box (and calculate dimensions) where the stroke would be visible with no alignment (image 2). This is not how it's expected to behave. The box should wrap the shape.

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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 24.1 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  6. Expanded Objects have missing Corner Widgets

    1. Problem occurs in all versions of Illustrator 21.x.x and 22.x.x

    2. When an Object with a non-simple Appearance is Expanded the resulting shapes have Corner Widgets created for some of the corners but not for others.

    3. All corners should have Corner Widgets.

    4. When an Object with a non-simple Appearance is Expanded the resulting shapes have Corner Widgets created for some of the corners but not for others. I don't understand why when I expand a rectangle I get a new rectangle with 3 corners that have Corner Widgets but the 4th corner doesn't have a Corner Widget - how can it…

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  7. Dashed line not working

    I have the latest build of Illustrator 2021 for macOS Big Sur. When I try to apply the dashed line feature to lines or shapes, the effect does not show up. It’s as if I never clicked it. What’s going on here? I’ve never experienced this in past versions of Illustrator. I even tried deleting my preferences. Still nothing. This is so frustrating!

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    Thanks for reporting this issue.
    Unfortunately we are not able to reproduce this issue.
    Could you please provide a video, test file or steps of the workflow with which you are facing this issue and share with us. Kindly share the above with us in a Zip file at . Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.

    Ankit Goyal
    Illustrator Team

  8. Dash lines display incorrectly on rectangles with rounded corners. Ai CC2022.

    The lower right corner is rendered incorrectly if you apply rounded corners to rectangles with dashed lines.
    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Draw a rectangle, 3 x 4 inches (for example).
    2. Apply 0,25 in of corner radius.
    3. Change the stroke to 6 pt and set the dashed line at your taste.
    4. Look at the bottom right corner of the rectangle.
    Please check the attached images.

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  9. Blending paths with Width profiles works wrong

    Create two lines.
    Apply width profiles to both of them.
    Blend them.
    Ai will generate steps that have uniform profiles instead of intermediate.

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  10. Unidentified dash / gap values get shown as zeroes

    Make a simple test (as demonstrated in the attached GIF).
    Make sure you test this after relaunching Illustrator.
    Open Preferences > Units and make sure you have all three parameters (General, Stroke, Type) set to Points.

    A. Create a new document based on Web document profile
    B. Create a simple rectangle
    C. In the Stroke panel enable Dashed Line option

    The first 'dash' value would be 12 pt (or somethin else if you general units are not points), and the rest of the fields would be empty, undefined. It means Illustrator uses the same 12 pt for the gap.


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  11. Scrolling Stroke Arrow Styles Crashes Illustrator

    When editing a stroke arrowhead, Illustrator freezes and crashes when I try to scroll down the list of available arrowhead options. It will happen in the properties panel and the other stroke panels. It is 100% repeatable. I can select the arrowhead styles that are at the top of the list no problem, but if I scroll it crashes.

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  12. Width tool messes up the width points when a path is extended / shortened / cut

    Maybe this feature exists already but I haven't been able to find it.

    When using the width tool, it would be nice if you could "freeze" the width nodes in their position, so you could extend or shorten the path. Today the nodes adjust to the new length of the path, messing up all your previous work.

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  13. Inside / outside strokes get silently expanded when you create a pattern with them

    Try these steps:
    1. Create a shape (like ellipse or rectangle)
    2. Make sure you have Inside or Outside option chosen for Align Stroke in the Stroke panel
    3. Object > Pattern > Make (or drag the ellipse to the Swatches panel)
    4. Check the contents of the pattern.
    The stroke gets expanded!

    However, if you copy an object with an Inside / Outside stroke and paste it into the pattern — it doesn’t get expanded and stays live... until you commit editing — only then Ai warns you non-cnetered strokes will get expanded.

    Perhaps Ai should drop a message…

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  14. bug: [PARM] error after changing stroke alignment

    I clicked the 'align outside' button in the stroke panel and got this error.
    I would keep popping op so I had to close AI.

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  15. Width tool not working right: can’t adjust widths at the first point of the path

    Have a fairly simple shape inside a radial repeat x 12. That shape has about 4 width adjustments. And one of them has a hard adjustment, from wider to smaller, but it acts really weird and can't make it a smooth width. It doesn't have two width adjustments on top of each other, and I can't delete the width adjustment. This has happened twice in different files, made separately but with similar processes. Can't seem to find a way to fix this besides deleting and starting over.

    Windows 11
    Intel i5 13600k
    32gb ram
    Adobe Illustrator version 28.5

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  16. Expanding an Inside / Outside stroke creates barely open paths

    1. Create a rectangle
    2. Apply a thick stroke to it and change its alignment to Inside or Outside
    3. Expand Appearance for the shape
    4. Deselect the shape
    5. Grab Direct selection and carefully move the corner points at the top right, for both paths

    It turns out Illustrator doesn’t keep these tidy! One is cut open, another has a doubled point! It leads to a problems later, when we try, e.g. to make corners rounded, or apply effects.

    A current workaround is to apply Add (as Pathfinder operation or an effect) to the stroke, separately form the fill... and it’s taxing for memory,…

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  17. Stroke Inside is unchangeable on a compound shape

    If you make a compound shape from two paths with strokes set to Inside, then this is retained for the compound shape and shown in the Appearance panel, but it's not reflected in the Stroke panel and it can't be changed there.

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  18. Fill/Stroke automatically snaps back to previous setting

    Whenever I make a change to fill or stroke (color or on/off) it automatically reverts to the previous setting as soon as you click back to the artboard. (ie: select shape, turn stroke off, stroke turns back on, hit cmd+z to undo the stroke turning back on. This has been happening over multiple versions.

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  19. Offset Path and Aligned Strokes get rendered partially with a specific handle configuration

    When a curved segment of a path has diverging handles that are oriented in different quadrants across the X axis (this is my guess), like it’s shown in the attached document and the GIF, Illustrator renders the result only up to the horizontal tangents of the path. Same thing happens if you try to toggle Align Stroke options (they seem to use the Offset math).

    Adding and extra point on the rendered segment helps, but it’s not really a solution.
    The bug is quite old and perhaps it’s time to get it fixed?

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  20. Dash offset defined by a negative strokeDashOffset value is not respected when a stroke is outlined

    Illustrator has a strokeDashOffset property that sets the indentation of the first stroke in the dashed line.

    It works when specified through the script, but there is no similar field in the interface of dashed line settings, i.e. it looks like a hidden functionality. It’s still legal and it works, but at the same time, a dashed line created with this parameter cannot be outlined correctly using standard Illustrator tools when the value is negative.

    It's a cursed property: it's a pity to ignore it, and it's a shame to use it because of its unreliability.

    Please fix the bug…

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