(Align to) broken more than not
Illustrator version 25.4.1
Mac 10.15.7
(Align to) works SOMETIMES, and other times not so much. Doesn't matter if it's set to align to artboard, objects, or selected. Currently can only get it to work properly by shutting down & restarting every time I need to center something after successfully working ONCE. Here's what happens;
- Layer 1, align to center, worked.
- Layer 2, align to center, art moved 4 inches to right.
- Layer 2, align to center, art moved 4 more inches to right.
- Layer 2, align to left, art does nothing.
- Layer 2, align to center, art moves another 4 inches to right and out of bounds of ALL artboards.
- Shut down Illustrator.
- Launch Illustrator.
- Layer 2, Align to center, works! Hurray!
- Layer 3, Align to center, art moves 4 inches to right.
- Repeat.
It certainly seems to be a software issues as it continues to move the art each time the button is pressed instead of moving only one time to reach the align point.
It's almost as if Illustrator is reseting center point to a different location each time the button is pressed, instead of moving the art to the center point, it moves the center point THEN moves to art to that new center. That's how it appears, I'm sure it's much more complicated.
Please fix, this is super annoying to have to shut down and restart the app every 2nd time an align is needed.

Deono commented
I don't have screen record software so I can't really do that. On a side note, it's only happened twice since I've posted. (I struggle with it for weeks, finally post about it, and it's barely happened since. Go figure.)
Your group theory has some merit, all of this happened when aligning groups, but I would also open the group and attempt to align a single object within it, but either the art kept moving when tapping button or nothing at all would happen. A restart then corrected the behavior... for awhile, until this week anyway.
I'm wondering if file size is an issue? The files where it occurred the most were rather large for my .ai files, between 500 & 850 meg. These newer files, where it hasn't happened, were much smaller, 40-80 meg. Perhaps I need to break up some larger projects into multiple files instead of trying to keep them all together in one?
Yes, I had this too, once or twice, and it involved groups. Was not able to catch it, and nobody else I asked for was. Maybe this time we can figure it out?
Can you record the video or a GIF when it happens?