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538 results found

  1. put the draw rectangle back into the standard and advanced toolbar

    put the rectangle tool back into the toolbars

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    There was a bug which allowed to accidentally drag-n-drop tools and insert them into other tools’ subgroups.

    It was fixed by introducing a special mode to enable this. No accidents with lost tools should happen. Please comment back if it happens for you in latest versions.

  2. Guidelines for artboards and transformation options

    You should be able to have a ruler for every artboard you work on (with an option to turn it on or off).
    Also, artboard should have their own guidelines, that does not extend beyond bleeding area of the artboard. These guidelines should copy automatic to the new artboard when you copy the artboard with Option-Drag.
    Also, when selectable, the Guideline should have the transform options in transform panel (a rotation and size would be an excellent option)

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  3. Illustrator or Photoshop for digital drawing??

    I am a digital artist. I didn't see a thread about difference between this two software , and it seemed like no one has given their impressions on this oftware so I wanted to put together something quick to kickstart a discussion or something.

    Illustrator is a vector based application and Photoshop is an image editor. That means Photoshop works with pixels and Illustrator does not. Illustrator drawings can be scaled and printed at any size without loss of image quality. The lines are very clean and sharp, which is great for logo design and illustration. Photoshop drawings can be…

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  4. flip horizontal and flip vertical from contextual menu

    Please add "flip vertical" and "flip horizontal" to the "Transform..." contextual menu pop-up in Illustrator. We have this function in Animate already. It would improve workflow and is something that should be relatively easy to program. Thank you for all your hard work improving Illustrator.

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  5. Forcing us to use Preview Bounds to get cap handles in CC 2019 is a no

    For years we've had cap handles on strokes. Now we have to turn on Preview Bounds to get them. Unacceptable.

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  6. Drag toolbar buttons into Custom Panels.

    It's great to make custom Toolbars, but what I really need is to create PANELS with toolbar buttons. Then I can dock them, make them retract automatically, etc., just like any other panel.

    This way I can produce sets of very specialized panels that snap alongside the related settings panels.

    It's not visually helpful to be forced to keep ALL tools in just one or two columns! There is no user-based reason that a toolbar can't be made square, or docked with the other panels.

    Of course, ultimately I just want a very easy, drag/drop way to make custom panels…

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  7. Soft selection (Selection drop off)

    This already exists in many 3D applications (Maya, 3D Max, and C4d, for sure) and it's often treated, not as a separate tool, but as a setting in the regular selection tools. The idea is that you can set an gradient influence area where the points directly selected are affected 100% by transform changes, while everything else is affected by the changes but adjusted to the alpha percentage of the gradient at that point's initial location. I know that sounds like a mouthful, but it's very similar to how the mesh warp works (minus the having to convert anything and…

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  8. Polygonal Lasso/Rubber Band effect for standard lasso

    Polygonal Lasso/Rubber Band effect for standard lasso. Should work just like PS lasso. You don't get a break now. Once you start a lasso selection it's on until you've completed your selection.

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  9. Create folders for brushes

    Can we get the ability to create folders for brushes?

    I would like to be able to group my brushes by length, width, style, color, etc. As it is now, I have to wait for the tooltip to show up before I know whether my brush is a medium, short, long stroke...

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  10. always create spines for blends

    When you create a blend between two or more closed paths, Illustrator automatically generates a blend spine that you can edit.

    But when your blend involves at least one open path, suddenly Illustrator decides you don't need a spine. If you want one, you have to draw an approximation of the spine you figure your blend would have, probably move it around a lot to put the blend where you want it because you guessed wrong as to where Illustrator thought the center of the paths in your blend would be, and then finally do the blend spine tweaking you…

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  11. Add support for linear arrays when copying.

    I'd like to propose that support be added for linear arrays when copying, similar to how it's done in Sketchup (

    When copying an object by holding down the ctrl key, after releasing the mouse, typing in "x3" will result in 3 copies. Likewise, typing in "/3" will repeat the copy but in 1/3 increments. This would be great for rotations and scaling as well.

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  12. Please support for CAD functions

    Pleased support CAD functions natively in illustrator like CADtools or CAD-COMPO, I consider that these functions are very important.

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  13. アンカーポイント削除時の挙動










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  14. Correct direction of the object rotate function

    When rotating objects in a positive angle direction, objects SHOULD rotate CLOCKWISE
    When rotating objects in a negative angle direction, they SHOULD rotate COUNTER CLOCKWISE

    Illustrator seems to be BACKWARDS from all other programs I have ever used...

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  15. Add the ability to select an object by clicking it's visual appearance (strokes, glyphs, effects)

    Sometimes selection tools fail (seemingly) to pick up object.
    For example, if you have an object with fat stroke, clicking to outside part of that stroke will select nothing (or object underneath stroke) — you have to select in/inside edge to do it.
    Second example — type object, with an empty descender zone, behind baseline; you click below letters to select an object behind, but pick type object instead.
    Third example — object with a subtle but wide drop shadow effect applied to it. Shadow is almost invisible (low opacity and light color), but when you click in it, AI…

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  16. Star and Spiral live shapes, with on-canvas controls, better tools

    Better Star tool, with side widgets to change the number of points, the rays’ length, etc.
    Possibility to re-edit anytime the number of points in a star.
    Also, the possibility to adjust the thickness of the star "arms".
    (like Freehand was doing long time ago...)

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    Star is now a live shape and available in the all the public builds starting from V 28.3.0.

    You can now customise your star in any way you like; may it be changing the no of sides, corner angles, or even the corner radius. 

    Please try it out and let us know what y'all think !

  17. Hold shift when selecting Arrowheads in Stroke pane.

    Hold shift when selecting arrowheads from the stroke pane, to apply the same arrowhead to both ends of the stroke.

    I work for a sign company and need to supply my clients with diagrams and measurements with all my proofs. It's painful having to scroll down twice all the time.

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  18. Make ability to create Dead (not Live) shapes

    I don't always need LIVE shapes. They have different controls, different treat of Control panel, they bite off Transform palette. Sometimes I just need rectangular path, as it was before, not Rectangle. Now I have to use Plain rectangle plugin on common basis, rebound to M hotkey.
    I would like to use them if not a bug with Ctrl+Enter in Width/Height fields, while proportion constraint is off (Live shapes don't constraint it with Ctrl+Enter, as everybody else do, — I'm surprised I haven't reported it yet.)

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  19. Ability to change starting point for closed path

    Currently the only option is to cut and the path or redraw the path completely if the starting anchor is in the wrong place. For straight edges, such as a square or even a rectangle it's easy to work around, but when it's a curved edge it is difficult to replicate the same curve with the cut method. Could easily add this feature to stoke effect so that the starting point can be adjusted with a click on the anchor. Or have left and right arrows to move it to a different starting anchor (although that wouldn't work on things…

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  20. Changeing force of Bezier handles without changeing their orientation

    Case study:

    1. click Direct Selection Tool (white arrow)
    2. click a curve segment (not vertex) of any shape
    3. drag

    See how the orientation of Bezier tangents at both ends of the segment change orientation? This is most unhelpful. If, instead of dragging the mouse, you use keyboard increments (arrows), then the tool acts the correct way -- changeing the Bezier handles length, or "force", while retaining their direction, or "azimuth".

    I understand the interest of the present behavior, but I believe it would be great if there was a modifier key to activate the "keyboard" behavior when using the mouse drag.

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