Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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- Why is this valuable to you?
543 results found
Easier way to do charts and graphs
PLEASE come up with an EASY and SEAMLESS way to export excel charts into Adobe Illustrator! Please! I have over 153 bar and pie charts I have to create from a pivot table in excel, which is arduous and time consuming. The chart feature in Illustrator is awful and confusing to use as well. I’ve been doing charts the same way for years by copy/pasting from excel into illustrator and having to remove about 10,000 clipping paths. Surely there is something you can that will make it easier to do charts. An extension? Maybe play nice with the @micsrosoft developers?…
7 votes -
I need an option to disable path segment reshape tool
Please! Let me disable path segment reshape tool, because the anchor tool is totally unusable because of it. It almost impossible to point on a vector, because every time the path segment reshaper gets in the way!
48 votes -
Artistic Corner Options
I had to make a customized corner style for a project that needed to match its existing vintage look and realized how limited the options were. I had to paste the shape into indesign and even then I still needed to modify them after I converted it back to Ai in order to match the desired look.
I know with nowadays minimalism we rarely make complicated borders and corners anymore but I still don't get it why we have millions of fancy brushes for stroke but non for corner....I hope there'll be an update with better options for this…
2 votes -
Remove Single Handle from Within the Pen-Tool
If you want to REMOVE a handle by clicking, this can be achieved by using the Convert Anchor Point-Tool and Clicking on it.
Now, all other Pen-Tool Functions can be accessed by pushing modifier keys like Ctrl and Alt, except for this one. It requires you to change out of the tool.
I therefore suggest adding the functionality to the ALT-Mode of the Pen-Tool, which activates the Anchor Point-Tool, that if you click on a handle, this handle gets removed.
This does NOT conflict with the current function, which is to disconnect handles, since this require Click and Drag.
6 votes -
Illustrator 88's pen tool worked better than this one
Please, please... does anyone at Adobe actually draw with the current pen tool? This is the main tool in your toolbox and it hasn't had a good flow since Illustrator 10. You should be able to draw and use modifier keys to change to the +, - and ^ with ease. Instead, the cursor flashes and gives you one teensy moment when any of those are available resulting in additional points being placed when you might, for instance, be trying to remove a point. The direction handles get in the way of reaching points. Segments are selected too easily when…
92 votesWe would like to understand more about this request. Please me us know if you can talk to us on a call to demonstrate the issues in detail.
Yogesh -
An ability to permanently move the transformation center (pivot, anchor) when rotating, scaling, etc.
Rotation center point should be able to remain with objects and groups and then used when rotating an object using the bounding box controls.
I want to be able to permanently edit (and reset) an object's (or group's) rotation axis (center point). I want the new rotation axis to apply for subsequent rotation transformations, for example when using the bounding box controls.
Currently, the rotation tool (r) allows you to pick up and move an object's center, and then rotate the object around that point. Great, except that point disappears as soon as you exit the rotation tool, which isn't…
99 votes -
Make it possible to select locked objects?
I wish it was possible to prevent an object from moving, but still have the ability to select it. A preference setting to "allow selection of locked objects" or "lock position only" or something?
5 votesThere is a way to select locked objects in recent Illustrator versions.
In Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display section toggle ‘Select and Unlock objects on canvas’ option to see small lock icons you can click when locked objects get into a selection marquee. -
Live preview of gradient (while dragging)
Whenever I'm using the gradient tool I wonder why I can never see the appearance of the gradient while dragging it. resulting in having to tweak it at least a couple of times before I'm content.
16 votesIllustrator now displays the appearance of the gradient interactively when you drag it, but only when GPU preview is on.
Make sure it is on in Preferences > Performance > GPU Performance, that you View > Preview on CPU / GPU Preview is correctly toggled, and that you are not using Overprint Preview.
If the issue still persists with all these checked — please comment back.
Please have customized brushes/swatches/&c. save automatically.
It would be nice if custom created brushes were saved automatically so that users do not have to save them after they have created them.
3 votes -
Direct selection tool
Can you please put the selection tool back next to the direct selection tool instead of making it a hidden tool. It's very annoying having to pull it out to have both tools.
1 vote -
Rename 'Group Selection Tool' to Path Selection Tool
Confusing name - the Group Selection tool, ignores groups - it selects a path, even when part of a group.
Should be name 'Path Selection Tool'2 votes -
Include warp envelope anchors and handles in preference setting
When using the warp tool and envelope distort, the anchors and handles are too small and difficult to target. I think it would make sense to have these obey the same preference as the general anchors and handles.
5 votes -
Draw with paintbrushes as if you were really drawing!
For example, some of the brushes when drawing appear as a purple pathway first before turning into a line from the brush you have chosen. This can ve very frustration if you are using for example the water colour brushes. You should also have a circle radius around the pointer before drawing that enables us to see the size of the brush as you can on some features in photoshop. This would be very helpful to artists to see the size of the brush they are using and the brush lines you have chosen to appear instantly as if it…
1 vote -
Curvature tool continuation tolerance
I work quite zoomed in, and when drawing close to an existing path with the curvature tool, it often picks up the end of the existing path and continues drawing from it. I'd love to be able to select the tolerance for this behaviour, so I can be more precise.
Currently I have to draw my intended path somewhere else, and move it to its intended location, or switch to the pen tool, which it more accurate.
9 votes -
Illustrator 3D tools needs an upgrade. Suggestions for fixing
My details can be found at this forum thread: vote -
resize does not respect the homothety #2
I already had a big problem with this 2019 version of illustrator and the ungrateful homothety (see BUG "resize does not respect the homothety") but I discovered that the application is really worse than I thought.
Look even worse when there is a blur effect on a shape. The application does anything, the numbers are completely crazy !!!! Impossible to work. Impossible with a PRO application !!!1 vote -
Illustrator support on Huion tablets
Illustrator is not compatible with huion tablets. The cursor moves when pen moves but no ink comes out when press down. This works in ALL other products (e.g photoshop) except illustrator. Several people have reported this issue.
22 votes -
Drag to "bevel" a shape.
I'd like to have a bevel tool.
One for "Below" and one for "On top"
Shown here is the "Below" version, dragged straight and at a 45º angle.79 votes -
Better Opacity Shortcuts
As far as I can tell, the only opacity shortcuts are:
10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%That means the following opacities are missing:
0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%, 11%, 12%, 13%, 14%, 15%, 16%, 17%, 18%, 19%, 21%, 22%, 23%, 24%, 25%, 26%, 27%, 28%, 29%, 31%, 32%, 33%, 34%, 35%, 36%, 37%, 38%, 39%, 41%, 42%, 43%, 44%, 45%, 46%, 47%, 48%, 49%, 51%, 52%, 53%, 54%, 55%, 56%, 57%, 58%, 59%, 61%, 62%, 63%, 64%, 65%, 66%, 67%, 68%, 69%, 71%, 72%, 73%, 74%, 75%, 76%, 77%, 78%,…1 vote -
1 vote
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