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177 results found

  1. Drop shadow distribution curves

    Right now shadow is just blurred silhouette.
    Please add option to tweak it's distribution, as PS does ('profiles').

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  2. Easier way to set color for drop shadows

    Right now when you need to change Drop Shadow's color, you have to click effect in Appearance palette, then click color and only then choose color.

    But when you have a LOT of shadows — you are screwed (because Drop Shadows can't use global swatches:

    You have to click EACH shadow and change it.
    Not effective.

    Why not to make shadow's color appear in Appearance the same way as fill does?

    It will also allow to change color of multiple shadows for one object at once (yeah, I have to layer shadows, because AI doesn't allow to tweak…

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  3. procedural textures for fills

    It would be nice if there was a procedural texture fill available. Something like coreldraw has, but completely procedural so that file size doesn't bloat. The more parameters the better so we could create many varying textures/colors/patterns/etc.

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  4. glow

    the glow selection effect to be able to have some form of HARD line which is what I think most of us want to be able to put around a photo clipping so that the background and the product photo can live together. so basic a stroke setting

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  5. Attach Symbol Effect

    Adding a new Effect to Attach a Symbol would heavily simplify the creation of Appearances (Graphic Styles) like the one in my Screenshot.

    Of course a Reference Point and Liquid constraints like in InDesign would be amazing.

    And that will open all new horizons of possibilities!

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  6. Enhancing the Convert to Shape Effects

    The Rectangle, Eplise and Polygon tools had been updated with dynamic properties in CC 2014.

    That will be huge to have these properties added to the "Convert to Shape" Effect and to add the Polygon and Star tools to the "Convert to Shape" list.

    It will allow more Advanced Appearances and Graphic Styles.


    +Adding the Reference Point:

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  7. Allow to rename attributes (fills, strokes, effects) in Appearance Panel

    Appearance are the most powerful feature of Illustrator, but the learning curve is difficult and for Advanced User it's difficult to manage and remember what are doing what in a Complex Appearance (cf. Screenshot where I had to use Colors to identify properties…)

    Please allow for all the items in the panel (fills, strokes and effects) ) to get custom names.

    It will be more easier to understand Complex Appearance samples and for Advanced users, it will be way more efficient.

    Another related request:
    Allow to make folders in Appearance Panel

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  8. Extend the transform effect into a tool which lets you design each generated copy!

    Extend the transform effect into a tool which lets you design each generated copy!

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  9. Add Convert to normal map filter / effect

    As It's already existing in Photoshop, and as there are some Photoshop filters applicable in Illustrator, I was wondering if we can get the "convert to Normal Map" filter directly in Illustrator.

    It may be useful and more efficient than using AI + PS to generate some Normal maps based on vector graphics.

    Many Thanks

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  10. Ability to create object clones

    This idea is inspired in mograph features of Cinema4D.
    It would be great to have an instance (or clone) of an object so that when you alter the shape of the source object, the clone alters automatically.

    This would also be a powerful simmetry tool as well but much more flexible since you can position the clone wherever you want.
    You would be able to clone it several times in a grid and alter all clones by fixing one single object (similar to what can today be achieved with Transform menu, but with much much more flexibility and control).


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  11. Add Vector Noise effect

    There is a way to and raster noise, but I'd love to have vector one as well, as AE and Xara and others can.

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  12. Ability to copy individual effects from the appearance panel to other objects.

    currently if you want to copy effects from one object to another your only option is to copy all of its appearance properties. You should be able to drag or copy just one aspect of somethings appearance without effecting the other properties. say i have a transform effect on an object in my appearance panel. currently if i want to apply that to another object i also have to copy the stroke, fill and any other properties that object has. there is no option to copy just that individual transform effect to other objects. this is an unnecessary limitation that…

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  13. Transforming 3D effects

    For 3D effects such as 'Extrude and Bevel', 'Revolve' and 'Rotate', transformation behaviour is incomplete. For instance:

    Scale Strokes and Effects doesn't cause the extrude depth to scale.

    Flipping the object only flips the path and not the 3D effect.

    Both these things should transform as expected...

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  14. A tool to drag and make objects 3D

    A tool that would be used to click and drag an object into varying aspects of 3D, rather than guessing and drowning in menus with the normal 3D effects.

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  15. A way to fill shapes with brush textures (paint bucket)

    An ability to use a paint bucket to manually fill shapes with textures such as the watercolor brush, or an ability to pick swatches and textures within the fill panel.

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  16. Alt+click in Appearance hides all effects except clicked one

    Sometimes I need to isolate one particular effect and work on it.
    I always try to alt+click it, like I do with layers in Photoshop, but fail, of course.
    Why not to add this in AI?

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  17. Dynamic Offset Path

    Because I make maps using Illustrator, I tend to work with loads of strokes for hundreds of streets. So far I've managed without outlining these strokes, or outlining by copying these strokes, converting them to shapes and then applying a stroke to that shape. However it is tedious, hard to edit and basically creates twice a set of roads - which is never fantastic.

    It would be great if the Offset Path effect or function could have a dynamic nature: Reading its parent stroke's width to widen or narrow accordingly. I've attached three images:

    One: with a work-around-ish 'hack' using…

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  18. Warp Effect Not Working

    I've noticed that ever since upgrading to Illustrator CC 2018 (22.0.1) that the Warp Effect doesn't seem to work properly. The Arc and Arch effects will work, but applying any of the Flag, Wave, Fish or Rise effects won't change the object at all.

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    Thank you to all who shared their files. We do not support flag, fish effects on a straight line with just two anchor points. The feature is implemented to work on the line segment which is not straight.
    Please refer to the attachment for supported and non supported scenarios. Should you have further query please email us on

  19. Arc Warp effect and envelope distortion presets skew vertical lines

    The Arc upper / lower warp effect isn't very good! It distorts too much!!!! Please improve!!!! It's been like this for years.

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  20. Effects do not rotate (drop shadow) or scale (e.g: gaussian blur)

    If you create a logo and use the drop shadow effect, the values will scale but not rotate.IN packaging design we often rotate the logo for every panel on a carton. After you rotate the logo you must manually change the values to for example get the most popular bottom right drop shadow on all logos.

    Gaussian blur can be sued to make a your own drop shadow effect, but that has another problem in that the blur amount will not adjust.

    If you search your home or local supermarket, you will eventual find items that went incorrectly to press,…

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