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56 results found

  1. Treat groups as a result of Unite and not Intersect when using as a clipping mask

    If we put a group on top of some art, select them together and create a clipping mask from this top group and the art below, usually we won’t see anything, as if it does not work.

    We expect Illustrator to treat the group as a result of Unite operation, but actually it is Intersected instead. This is hardly useful. and if we wanted to use an intersection of parts, we’d clip with a compound intersecting shape probably.

    Please give us a way a to choose the default treatment for a group used as a clipping mask. I assume it…

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  2. 線の塗りを設定しているオブジェクトがマスクされてしまう



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  3. Non-destructive clipping mask options

    An option where you take a whole object or group and use it's whole area(including strokes) as a clipping mask for other layers. Similar to what you can do in Photoshop.

    So you can create for instance, a shape with stroke and set it as the clipping mask for an underlying texture. Without the need to flatten it, so you can experiment with it, or keep a text live for later editting it.

    Or have multiple shapes working as the clipping mask while you are choosing the appropriate combination or later need to adapt to a different format.

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  4. Clip to key object

    Illustrator allows to set a key object in a selection with a click. The object gets thick edge and can be used for aligning and distributing operation, to stay in place.

    This simple way of marking an object is used only for these, and it’s a waste.
    We need to be able to use key objects for other operations as well.

    For example, why not allow users to clip into the key object, if it’s set? Currently we would have to move it above other objects in a selection, reselect them together, and hope we didn’t mess it up... or…

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  5. Faciliter les masques d'écrêtage sur des formes complexes

    J'ai réussi une seule fois à le faire et depuis impossible, j'ai passé plusieurs heures mais je n'arrive pas à comprende où est le blocage. Cela devrait être simple et facile car c'est une manipulation facile via pathfinder ou le tracé transparent.
    EN bleu version test réussi et en orange les crash tests. Si vous pouvez m'aider, merci d'avance !

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  6. When pasting into photoshop, masked objects should be defined by / constrain mask size. Objects / pixels outside the mask should be ignored.

    When pasting a masked object from AI to Photoshop, the size of the object is determined by everything inside and outside of the mask. It should be determined by the size of the mask only. Photoshop interprets the clipboard size based on the entire object size rather than the masked size. The result is that the desired final cropped artwork is pasted pasted too small.

    I believe this is a bug or design error. I am pretty sure much (much!) older versions of AI didnt do this.
    I dont know of a scenario where the current action would be desirable.…

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  7. Add Clipping Mask Feature Similar to Corel Draw's Powerclip

    Please make clipping mask like Corel Draw's Powerclip.

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  8. Improve intertwine for gradients on strokes and effects

    Improve intertwine to allow gradients along a path before intertwine is made, then fully implement drop shadows to overlap intertwined segments. See attachment explaining workaround I produced along with high res rasterization to show where result is better than Illustrator display on monitor.

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  9. Automated clipping with a hotkey based on the selection

    Can you make clipping easier and automatic depending on what you have selected perhaps with a key command?

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  10. Select Compound Shapes by visible parts only

    When working with Compound Shapes, I don't' want to 'feel' the original paths which in many cases cover paths beneath.
    Make it work like a Clipping Mask.
    Maybe af preference to select only visible parts is a solution.

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  11. クリッピングマスクしたものは、整列ツールで整列できないことがあるエラー


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  12. Intertwine with Live Paint objects

    It feels like a rare thing to do, but no — this is exactly what I needed recently, and it is forbidden, of course.
    I had to expand my Live Paint group :(

    Please make sure all special plugin objects can work with each other.

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  13. Points of a path being able exist in multiple different layers

    If you have every tried to make Celtic knot designs, you know what I am talking about. If points of a path can exist in multiple layers this will make it a lot easier for parts of single paths to go below or above other paths, like a ribbon going through different ribbons, making knots or weaves, without the need to cut parts of paths and shift them to different layers. If you have not tride to make celtic knot designs (or something similar) just imagine if you need to edit the curves this 'chopped-up' path with multiple strokes and…

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  14. Created Intertwine zones are invisible both on canvas and in Layers and can’t be really edited and repositioned

    When we try to edit an already created Intertwine object, we don’t edit it actually, it’s more like we create another one instead.

    There is no way to fix a mistake rather than undo (if it’s an imminent one), or disassemble it completely (if it’s an old one), we can’t reposition zones, scale them, attach to the particular segment or point (like with the #ProjectMagenticType from 2022 MAX), we can't delete one or change the order of segments in an existing one.
    We can’t even see which zones do we already have, even when we create them still for the…

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  15. Allow to group a single Intertwine object

    A way to workaround the bug with the self-expanding Intertwines on effect application ( would be to group them and apply an effect to this 'protection container'...

    But alas, Ai won’t allow that, and grouping an Intertwine object does nothing.
    I suspect Illustrator treats it as a group, onle a 'magic' one, and normal group restrictions, such as 'Thou shalt not group a single group' are applied to it.

    Why then we can’t ungroup an Intertwine... anyway, this one should not be applied, even if you fix the self-expanding.

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  16. A rectangular marquee in Intertwine edit mode can’t be repositioned with Spacebar held

    When I draw a rectangle, I can hold Space bar to reposition it to a place I want. This would make defining zones in Intertwine Edit mode so much easier, but no, this is not possible — yet, I hope.

    Also this is not possible when a new artboard is created which is also a miss:

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  17. Lasso tool in Intertwine is not the actual Lasso tool and needs a separate cursor

    This implies a user can use other tools to draw an intertwine zone, but switching tools just leads to ending the editing mode — which also does not get telegraphed well enough,

    While the action this pseudo-tool performs is more or less the same, the difference is murky. Either change the cursor or make the mode more clear.

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  18. A group can’t be turned into an Intertwine object

    I suspect it’s because the team is going to improve Intertwines and make then operate on groups as elements, instead of single paths, but this does not mean a single selected group should be affected and block us from converting it to an intertwined art.

    Live Paint allows to convert a group, no problem with that.

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  19. Add Expand command for Intertwine objects

    Unlike other special objects, like Live Paint-s, Envelopes, Blends, etc., Intertwine objects don’t have their own Expand command. It’s not very consistent.

    We need this command to appear in the menu, the context menu, Properties, Control.

    Repeats don’t have this one too, which is also strange:

    We have to use the general Object > Expand: Object for this — but is has a dialog, which is not always nice.
    A specific Expand allows to choose the order of operations for a complex objects. Take blends, for example — if you apply 'expands' in a wrong order, you risk to…

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  20. Intertwine needs a better way to display order operations rather than hiding them in a context menus

    It’s not clear we can chose methods other than 'swap order' for cases when a freshly created intertwine zone has several possible solutions. Illustrator draws and edge around the current zone (quite poorly signaled, which is a different topic:, but then a single left-click just swaps and immediately ends editing the zone.

    The fact we can click on the highlighted segment with a right mouse button and choose an order is not very obvious... because — let’s admit it — Illustrator can’t do context menus very well and we are not used to have anything really 'contextual' in…

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