Layer Panel Rename + tab
This one is (or sounds) easy and would mimick Photoshop’s function :
I need to be able to rename layers in a row without scripting, by simply typing tab to go to the next visible layer’s name.
- it would really help with Character Animator's process.
Step by step :
I’m in the Layers panel.
Those are badly named (layer 1, layer 2, layer 7…)
I double click on the top layer (1) name to change it.
I type « item A »
Then i press Tab once.
I’m now in the « layer 2 » name field, and all is selected.
I can there type « item B »
then press Tab…
Shift Tab would take me one layer up.
When I’m done, I press the Enter key.
right now, it requires double-click, type, enter, then move the mouse, double click, type, enter.
And going between keyboard and mouse in inefficient.

Done in version 26 (2022). You can now use Tab and Shift+Tab to cycle focus while renaming layers and artboards (but not assets yet — vote to make it happen, Yay!
Please comment here if you have any issues with how it works).
Jan Vork commented
When editing a sequence of layers, each has to be clicked, one by one.
Why not activate the cursor down arrow to allow the user to rename layers one after another, without leaving the text editing mode? -
PECourtejoie commented
Yes, a much needed functionality, that is especially needed when using fontself, or sorely needed when sharing files.
Rishi Kumar commented
Hi there, I have made a free to use scripts to rename Objects/layers in Illustrator. You can make action and assign shortcut to it. You can see the full documentation & tutorial, it will be really helpful.
Here's the Google Drive Link - came across this problem when I was working on a character in Illustrator to be used in an animation. To my surprise, I found that there is no keyboard shortcut in Illustrator to rename layers/objects. With so many groups and layers, renaming things by going in layers panel was very frustrating.
MaxAff commented
Anyway fix this renaming layers ********, as requested for several years plz
Mimic the After effects way, use some ideas from C4D, anything, but do something. We are requesting it since 1999 i think.The total yearly amount of time lost by people renaming layers in illustrator could have been used by humanity to reach Mars already.
Jack Vaughan commented
Please please please do this! It's such a drag on workflow.
Kinga Sz commented
renaming layers in Illustrator have always been tedious so I tried to avoid it as much as I could. But now getting into AfterEffects and I can't believe such an important basic option is missing from Illustrator. Instead of spending time on animating I'm forced to waste it on clicking separately on each one of dozens of layers to rename it before I can even put it in AfterEffects. Well done Adobe...
Anonymous commented
A long sought feature that would streamline the animation process when using AE.
MaxAff commented
Yeah, what is so complicated about that? What the heck are you working on at Adobe? Can't you take few hours to implement such a basic function, instead of wondering how you could get more money with the same product for f sake?
And why the heck doucble clicking sometimes renames the layer, and sometimes opens the options dial box? Have you ever try to use your own software, just to get a glimpse of how the user struggles with your paleolithic UI?
Dreu Austin commented
Another of several features in AI that should be obvious to create a solution to by Adobe.
Herman van Boeijen commented
Oh, and I use "rename current artboard" on a daily basis:
Herman van Boeijen commented
I wrote a script that should (kinda) help you out.
Michal Fíbek commented
Definitely want this feature!
At least there's small speed improvement for workflows which does not require selecting specific layers in the panel, but directly on the artboard (good eg. for Ai -> Ae fast layer preparation workflows) – you can record custom action for opening Layer Options panel and assign a shortcut for it.
[Deleted User] commented
This is what it takes : 30s to rename 10 letters/layers, with random 2-3 clicks that will select the layer's name or open the option dialog (which requires to press OK…). I used to find it long for @AdobeXD projects. Now with type, it's more iterations and objects renaming.
I put a small video on twitter :
[Deleted User] commented
This is #colorfontweek, and everywhere, you realize that preparing font files with fontself in Illustrator requires to rename 26 characters by hand + 10 digits.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please! Renaming gets frustrating in illustrator
Anonymous commented
Pierre Simonneau commented
Yes, yes, yes !
Christopher Clinton commented
Many as well as myself use this feature in Photoshop often! This is a good one.
Anonymous commented
Yessss. Add layer naming to illustrator. Renaming layers in illustrator is so frustrating
Anonymous commented
Tab Between Artboards and Layers to rename them. My workflow often includes several versions of a logo on one master file. It is a big time saver when exporting multiple artboards. Being able to easily name layers and artboards would make the entire process smooth.