Zoom with scroll wheel / Pan with middle click
A lot of softwares have same useful navigation-shortcuts, which illustrator doesn't have;
Zoom = scroll wheel
pan = middle click
It is confusing, if you want to switch illustrator with other softwares (like autocad or even Photoshop).
It would be useful, If changing default setting is possible.

Hi Everyone,
We have added a preference to enable ‘Zoom with Mouse Wheel’. Go to Preferences→ General→ Enable ‘Zoom with Mouse Wheel’.
Also, now you can pan the doucment using the middle click of the mouse.
Both of these functionality are available since January 2021 release (version 25.1) onwards.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback
NEHA commented
Hi! I don't have that feature in my preferences section, where can I find it?
Demetrio Castillo commented
I cant pan with the middle click.. how do u turn it on?
Anonymous commented
upvoting this!!!!
confused commented
My preferences box does not show this option. Its the 2020 version. Please help! I need this function.
Bagha Shams commented
Incredible! It's 2021 and I can finally navigate Illustrator one-handed! I actually can't believe Adobe implemented this, I thought it would be another 5-10 years at least...
Brenton commented
It took quite awhile, but I'm happy for this update. This makes the quality of life in Illustrator SO much improved. Thanks.
James, you can do it in the latest release — Preferences, General: Zoom with the Mouse wheel.
Yep, this took them that much to add this. -
James Phillippe commented
Presently the mouse scroll wheel pans and you must hold alt + scroll wheel to zoom. I use zoom far more often than pan. It would be great if you could add the ability to change the default behavior to zoom somewhere in the preferences. This would speed up my workflow so much when using Illustrator!
Glen Charles Rowell commented
It's really annoying how we can't scroll to zoom in the navigation area. I always turn on scroll to zoom settings for the main drawing area though.
Anonymous commented
Wow I was expecting this thread to be something in 2012 or something turns out it's in 2020! I can't believe Adobe still haven't added this feature.
[Deleted User] commented
I want this
Anna Shaposhnik commented
This. Yes please!!!
Tim Fisher commented
I thought I was the only one! It's the smallest thing but like it actually makes using Illustrator ******* tedious!! The software is super powerful and I love it for that but the lack of modularity and personalizatoin for an easier user experience is really annoying. I know the people at adobe are extremely talented and they know what they're doing so tbh they could probably get this kind of thing done in no time at all.
Michael C commented
seriously? How did the product get shipped without this feature. Insane.
Anonymous commented
I would also like this functionality.
CRW commented
I love this thread. Every time someone comments I get a notification and I'm even happier I cancelled my Adobe account.
Anonymous commented
This is honestly just stupid. Please Adobe implement it on your next update
disappointed commented
just shows how disconnected and entitled Adobe is...
[Deleted User] commented
lmao Adobe is still in 2001 or something
Ivraj Seerha commented
I commented on this over a year ago. I typically unsubscribe from most things, but I still snicker every time I see a notification pop-up regarding this topic.