Custom presets for Asset Export / Export for Screens
When adding in your own custom sizes and suffixes into the Asset Export panel it would be nice to be able to save these out as a preset for later use.
For my job I have to export the same image into 20-30 different sizes with individual names (suffixes) that don't change. That's why I thought it would be good if you could set up all the file sizes and names once then save it out as preset for later use or to even share with a colleague.
It would speed up the workflow for many people if this was a feature.

Hi Everyone,
This feature has been shipped in Feb 2023 release (version 27.3)
You may read about this here:
Please update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback.
Rohit Jain
Illustrator Team
Kimmo Hellstr commented
Please Adobe FIX this!!
This is request 5 over years old and things haven't got any better.It is quite annoying to fill in 3-5 different file size and prefixes, and find the folder every time I do a small change to my Icon sheet. It is often the most time consuming part when I update something in this project.
How hard it can be to get this simple and basic functionality to work?
Rob Hutchings commented
A check button that adds the option to auto-populate the prefix/suffix with the current filename would also be a must. The default 'Export as' function has a checkbox for using the artboards and defaults to using the filename with the artboard names as a suffix, but using this method doesn't have the option for multiple export formats. It seems an oversight to not be able to save this way using the Export for screens method.
Designer commented
I agree that Illustrator Export for Screens needs:
A) Manually select your own compression settings that are unique per file export.
B) Be able to create and save custom export presets that can be chosen from a drop-down list when needed.Manually changing a set of exports the same way each time is irritating. Especially if there are many versions that need to be exported.
Anonymous commented
'Export for Screens' is useless unless you can either:
A) Manually select your own compression settings, or
B) Create a custom export preset -
Dridd commented
I second that we should be able to save predefined export settings. Preferably with a user-defined name. For asset exports sure, but for me, mostly for the "Export for Screens" functionality.
Something similar (or exactly like) what we are requesting exist already in Adobe Lightroom (Classic), where you can predefine export presets. In the case of Illustrator, mainly to setup the export of multiple sizes of the same design.
In the Lightroom version of this exact feature, you can even choose to include things like Metadata to put in the exported files, a variety of location choices for the export, file-naming schemes, and water-marking to put on files, ....
Surely you can "borrow" a little code from your Adobe buddies in that other department? :-)
I should add, that although all these extra features would be nice, an initial quick and dirty implementation could be as simple as providing a "Save Preset" button on the export screen allowing us to save that export setup with a name, and then a selection on the screen allowing us to load a named preset. That would satisfy me at least 98% of the way. :-)
Tracy Ahern commented
Love the "export for screens" feature as it allows me to export multiple SVGs at once. However, it automatically trims the svg and does not keep the canvas (artboard) size (nor are there settings that I can adjust.) VERY problematic.
Jim commented
How is it that AI does have a preset option, but only for single images. And not in batch? That seems wildly insane. I can imagine it taking very little time to implement the feature to all export options. Saving people here billions of hours of time and money.
Upvote this!
Jeff commented
Can I add a million votes for this feature?
It seems like I have to re-select my "Export for Screens" options every time I go to export something and it quickly becomes VERY tedious.
Maksym Ovsianikov commented
OMG, Adobe, why didn't you implement this feature?! It's a huge pain without it. PLEASE DO IT! Thank you!
Tejas commented
Voted. Asset export settings and export path should be saved PER FILE!. Really lacking basic feature that I need everyday especially when working on multiple files. Also this could be kept as an option in preferences for users who don't want, "on" being the default.
Travis Romine commented
Whoa, how are there not custom presets for Export for Screens! Like all of the peeps in the thread I figured I was missing something... So strange that Adobe pushes you to use this new workflow... then leaves you hangin with no custom presets so you're stuck with whatever they feel like the correct compression is. There's no way to use Export for Screens to export in highly compressed formats like Low JPG, there is just the "20" preset but is way too large for the presentation I'm using. So I'm back to using CNTRL+SHIFT+S
lol. -
Gavin Anderson commented
I agree with this. So far as I've been able to tell, there's no way to control both dimension AND resolution of the screen output.
Example, for a certain social media profile, I need to have a JPG or PNG that is 400x400px @ 96ppi.
I can output a 400x400px file OR I can output a 96ppi file, but I can't output a file that is 400x400px @ 96ppi.
David Greenwell commented
I'd like to add my vote for this very useful feature. Photoshop is able to save the export settings on a document-by-document basis - why is it missing from Illustrator? It sometimes seems like they are products from different companies (I realise they have different development teams but there should still be some consistency between products).
Christo commented
@Philip King, is there no way we can collaborate to all upvote the same thread so that Adobe can take this seriously. I have looked around and voted on anything else that looks like it's related to this. But I'm not sure how productive that is as it seems very scattered and each of those threads don't have many votes each.
Philip King commented
Hi @Christo, there are a substantial number of requests for this on other threads. Many people are frustrated with this!
Christo commented
Adobe please allow the file to remember the export settings. This wastes so much time and when I go back to a file after a long time I don't always remember what export settings I used last time. They must be saved PER FILE!
Christo commented
Please! How is no one else frustrated with this.
Anonymous commented
We need to add files and dimensions when exporting for screens every single time when working with a new document. Presets need to be stored globally across documents. If you could also store not just one file export setup but multiple user named presets, that would be awesome! Like different export lists, not just one. Illustrator does not remember my file list, sometimes yes, sometimes no. Its a mess. I often need to re-enter my list in other documents and often also in the same document (when appending the list). That is a total of 40 export files and dimensions variations I have to enter every time. The current setup is a work-flow killer. There are multiple forum entries and also one here for "Asset Export". But we need globally stored multiple preferences for both asset export AND "Export for Screens". Thanks for your hard work.
Anonymous commented
Anyone who does logo-design for a living (among other things) needs custom presets for asset export. Please add it, as this would be a huge time saver. It's also confusing that you have a menu "Asset Export" and one "Export for Screens" then "Assets" and "Artboards". Can't you just create one "Asset Export" screen? It seems like it also never stores my presets in "Export for screens". I have to add it every time. The whole experience is really odd and not at all optimized for a good workflow.
There are about 10 different threads on this issue. I send a list of all the threads to customer support. I also spoke on the phone with the head of Illustrator CRM at Adobe for about an hour explaining the situation to him.
The solutions is to have custom presets that we can save and recall via a drop-down menu. These presets will have "Scales" and "Paths" stored in them. I think that is the most elegant solution. Also, some people would like to see a possibility to choose the color space as well. So RGB for screen export, but also a CMYK profile selector in the export option. That way we can also quickly create CMYK and print-ready export files without altering the original RGB file. In this case, the export menu should not be called "export for screens" but simple "batch exporter".
In Photoshop, there is a very cool free (Automate) plugin called the "Image Processor Pro". I use it every day.
I agree with everyone here, that this is very urgent. I also mentioned to Adobe, that this is a Workflow killer.
I have the issue, that my "Print-For-Screen > Artboard" settings wont save. Neither per document nor globally. So I have to re-enter all scales (I have 35 in total) every time I reload the the document. Right now its a half baked nightmare.
Kaio Spitz commented
I thought I was stupidly missing some save button or hidden in the menus, then I searched for this functions and realized it's not implemented and I really can't imagine how this went by the design crew, it's a real pain ********** to rewrite all of the scales and prefixes day in day out, please implement this feature adobe!