Magic Wand Tolerance should remember previous settings
Why does the Magic Wand tolerance settings reset whenever I open a new document? It makes much more sense to have the option to either set a default tolerance for the Magic Wand so it will always stay the same, or have illustrator remember the last settings used every time it is changed.

K-O commented
And the default of 32 makes no sense. It picks up such a huge range of hue, saturation and brightness that its practically useless for professional work. Zero 0 should have been the default, then user preference should stick.
Stefan commented
Please take this seriously. This is one of the examples, where Adobe products are inconsistent. Having to type in my favourite settings each time is tiresome. version 1) save settings in preference file (and document it, please!), so it's available after restarting Illustrator --- version 2) save settings with document, so every user opening the file has this as setting [both OK with me]
Bo St.Clair commented
Yes, please save a PREFERENCE like everything else. Tired of changing it everytime!
Someone75 commented
... so many bad UX/UI settings in Adobe Illustrator for years! And no improvement, still ...
All the time, Jakub. It’s just so many things to fix in Ai :(
Jakub commented
is anyone listening at all?
Someone75 commented
They will never improve their UI and formerly implemented tools, like they never did with selections tools and other, too ...
Iniesta Andrias commented
come on adobe, this is so important, I keep Illustrator open all day long just not to do the settings once more!
K-O, there are some discussions held about giving more fields a sticky behavior, including Magic Wand. This does not mean specifically it’s going to happen soon, but at least this train is finally departing. The team is at least aware of this now!
25 votes is a sum of unique voices for all three requests merged — it means same users voted for all three.
Until the status of this request changes to 'Under Review' or anything similar, we all should wait (again) and hope (still). Thanks for the head up.
BTW, if you notice some other requests that can benefit from being merge, don’t hesitate to comment. Many similar entries get merged daily, but there are plenty of them left. I read all new comments as soon as they pop.
K-O commented
Adobe, you have combined "magic wand should be zero" and "keep default", does that mean you are finally working on this? Its been 4 years. Why only 25 votes on this after merging the 2 requests?
Modern Jeff commented
Seems like it should be a no brainer to have something like this
Fernando Zamora commented
i can't believe we still have to beg for this.
Modern Jeff commented
Completely agree, I rarely set the tolerance to anything higher than 0. It really should be the default, or at least have a setting to keep your settings persistent.
Modern Jeff commented
Super annoying, the default should at least be at 0
Someone75 commented
Adobe will never ever update old bugs and insufficient tools!
K-O commented
I am back to follow up on this. I posted in 2019, asked again in 2021. The Magic Wand tolerance should be set to ZERO , 0 by default. Im sure 99.99% of users would prefer this.
Adobe team, can we get a reply please? This seems like a very easy fix that would provide huge QOL improvement for users. There used to be feedback on the forums, now just silence. Most of us would rather have these type of small easy fixes like default hyphenation-off and global HSB vs things like grammerly support which you did actually provide an status update on. What's going on with Customer service over there Adobe?
Lex commented
Also back here after almost 2 years, wondering why this is still an issue. Please Adobe, help us out here! The world is a messed up enough place, without the tolerance setting being 32.
keith-o commented
Here I am 2 years later and the word "magic wand" is still censored in my original post. Adobe, why did you censor it?
More importantly, why hasn't this been address? In its most simple form, its as simple as adjusting a simple default setting in the code. No new programming required. -
Matt Teutonico commented
1000% - start with zero tolerance. The Magic is that it selects all of one specific color , why select multiple shades at once....can always shift /add it to select more colors.
D -
Lynn Stoecklein commented
It is super annoying that it is still something that I need to change each launch.