Customize page sizes and templates on Home screen
On the new Home screen in Illustrator 23, there does not appear to be any way to customize the list of page sizes that appear in the "Create a new file" section (as shown in the attached screenshot), at least as far as I can tell.
Three of the sizes shown in this list (A4, Postcard, iPhone X) are ones that I rarely work in, and would be willing to select them from the Custom option when needed. On the other hand, I do frequently work in US letter and statement sizes, but there doesn't seem to be any way to create those in a single click from this screen; the only way to create documents in these sizes is to click Custom and select them manually from the full list.

Related request:
Allow to edit predefined and add new preset sizes for each document profile (like A1, A5...) -
Marinka commented
Would love to have an option to show the opened CC libraries panel on the Home Screen.
Richard Turner-Jones commented
I'd like to be able to edit the list of presets on the Home screen as I always use A4, never Letter, but there is currently no way to replace or edit it. Instead, I go from one click to at least three in creating a new A4 document.
Anonymous commented
Absolutely should be addressed. Navigate to my template file to open it. Really? It's 2021. Please address this before some other pet feature.
Simon Suh commented
great idea!
Herre commented
On the home screen a list of presets is shown. This list would be useful if it would show other presets. Esp. the Letter page size is not used in Europe, so it a better choice should be A4.
So the feature is to make this list customizable by the user.
Anonymous commented
Home screen needs more customisation, such as being able to add 'Create a new file' shortcuts for sizes/templates I often use, currently I only use Illustrator for creating and modifying print files so web, iPhone, HDV etc shortcuts are completely useless to me, as is the A4 and postcard shortcuts as I work in many different sizes. Also being able to make the thumbnails for recently used files smaller to be able to have more files showing would be a huge help.
alex commented
The best way to customize the welcome screen is to eliminate it. Under general prefs (command K) there are two columns, the sixth one down (on the left);
unclick the preference that says "Show The Home Screen When No Documents Are Open."
be frustrated no longer.
john112358 commented
Seriously, how do we remove A4 from the welcome startup screen?
Robert Mechlin commented
NOT RESOLVED - A4 is annoying.
Ty Hudgins commented
I would use the **** out of this, I just tried this for a team of 30ish. would be amazing ot have this.
If I could have the main 5-10 file types we start from it would be significant. I feel like most designer won't look for anything but if its right in front of them they are more likely to use it. I'm still getting people to adopt Libraries, so getting a file format up front and center would be great.
This would also be really effective if you scale down to other devices.
My workflow is totally different on an ipad of phone but this feature would helpful in all cases.
Antony Sayer commented
Get rid of the Welcome screen... its a window too much... if we want it we should have the option to find it and then open it not the other way around... its so annoying!
Anonymous commented
YES PLEASE!!! I work in the sign industry and almost everything I do on a daily basis is custom sized. I have no need for presets, and if I do it's usually standard letter or 11x17. I am NEVER going to use any of the presets that are standard. I also work with multiple customers a day, editing proofs and setting up files for production. This stupid thing takes up almost half of my home screen and it's useless to me. What would be helpful is if I could get rid of the presets and make the thumbnails of recent files size adjustable, like in Bridge, so I could see more of them right off the bat.
Anonymous commented
The User should be able to select which document templates appear under "Create a new file" on the Home Screen.
Right now, it shows A4 (which I rarely use), Postcard (in godforsaken metric), Web Page, iPhone X (which I shall never, ever use), HDTV 1080 (which is identical to Web Page, and therefore pointless), and Custom.
But it does not list US Letter at all, even though I work at that size far more often than any other.
That is just plain stupid.
Let ME decide what templates to show on MY Home Screen.
Bryan Pagenkopf commented
I would Love! a Customizable Home Screen!!!! I originally asked about this in the forums as well.
Matt Picone commented
You did NOT answer this question. I have the same question.
Anonymous commented
Colour settings keep reverting to 'Emulate Adobe 6.0' and the colours are showing up way off. For example, bright blues are presenting as violet. When I switch the colour settings to "North America General Purpose 2" everything is corrected - but the moment I minimize the application to use Photoshop or Indesign, the profile reverts back to 'Emulate Adobe 6.0.' Restarting the program doesn't seem to do anything, and neither does saving the settings in Bridge. Very frustrating, as I use many different Creative Cloud applications all day long for work.
Andres Cathalifaud commented
Hello Nitish. Thanks for your suggestion but Preferences are out of the way and too "global" for this type of frequent, "on the fly" change. I'm not suggesting anything unknown and "novel" to Adobe as that same capability is, already, partly implemented in Photoshop: File/Open Recent/Clear Recent File List) obviously, not a global preference. So, please add the same capability to Illustrator (and InDesign, etc). Separately, the "Start a new file fast" box is, possibly, something that may be controlled via Preferences panel as I don't believe users would want to mess with that too often after it's setup once. Right now, the EU size A4, not the most used size in the US is off and useless and defeats the "fast" part of the area's name (I'm rather puzzled by Adobe's choice to have this odd standard-size show un n the US). Thank you for your time. A.C.
Kendra Harnden commented
I'm with Andres! I don't use any of the options that are shown in the "create a new file" section. I want it to show stuff I do use. I don't want to click on a4 and edit it, I don't want it on there at all.
AdminNitish Agarwal (Illustrator on Web/iPad Team) (Lead Software Engineer, Adobe Illustrator) commented
Hi Andres,
There is a way in Illustrator as well to always keep recent files empty.
1. Press Ctrl/Cmd + K
2. Go to File Handling and Clipboard
3. Change the number of recent file in "Number of Recent Files to Display"On the other to customize Home screen, you can add a feature request.
I hope this helps.Thanks & Regards
Nitish Agarwal