Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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- Description
- Why is this valuable to you?
4570 results found
Better ExtendScript sockets
Please add socket support to ExtendScript's Illustrator engine. Also add support for HTTPS.
2 votes -
Edit Original Link Image in contextual menu
It would be a lot less clicks if one could right-click an image file and have "edit image" be in the contextual menu. Currently, click the object, go to links palette, click on the little pencil icon... photoshop launches... Kind of labor intensive...
6 votes -
Share for Review extra functions
I'm really thankful for this review function but there are a couple of things I would like to see in the future. Hopefully, some are already in progress!
Ability to select which artboards to share
Show the size of the artboard (I prepare 6 artboards at a go, clients do not know what size are they looking at)
Have a pretty URL that does not look like...
A caption area for each artboard so that I can put down some notes directly on the Illustrator app.
Thank you!
3 votes -
include additional information in the XMP metadata to indicate image status (linked or embedded)
request to include additional information in XMP metadata that could give an indication of an image's status. Help designate if image is linked or embedded. Currently there is no distinction in the XMP metadata.
1 vote -
Allow us to export PNGs with Transparent and White Background at same time with Export for Screens
I often need to export PNG versions of the same asset with White Background and with Transparent Background.
The way the Export for Screens work, doesn't allow this. You can set multiple export scales, but they all will use the same PNG settings.
It should be able to select Different settings for all scales. Or at least different Backfgrounds ( white/tranparent)
But individual settings for all scales would be better, as then we could have much more control.
5 votes -
Save the Export Path to with Export for Screens Presets
Please, SAVE the "Export To:" path with the Export Preset.
I don't want to set my Export Path in Export for Screen every f*ing time I restart Illustrator.
I was hoping that Export Presets would have fixed this annoyance, but it didn't help at all.
It amazes me how impossible it seems for Adobe to get these simple things work like they should.
3 votes -
It would be great to have more control of the .jpg compression settings in "Export for Screens"
It would be great is more granular control of the .jpg compression settings. Right now we can only export at 100, 80, 50 and 20. We find that 60% compression is often the sweet spot between size and quality. Having a user adjustable slider or more presets would be great. It is another reason why we are still using the legacy export.
4 votes -
座標や回転を維持して書き出せれば、3dを使ったモーションポスターなどの制作などにとても役立ちます。3 votes -
Separate the Icons for stroke and fill.
Why does the adobe illustrator swatch palette overlap the stroke and fill? Why would they not separate this so we dont have to pick so carefully to access the color we want? What is the point of this? Is there some option to change the appearance of the swatch palette? I find this cumbersome and unnecessary.
1 vote -
Some way to control the mesh density of generated 3D objects?
I'm using Illustrator to turn some 2D drawings into 3D objects which I export as OBJ/GLTF to other software. The process is really quick and simple, and produces very smooth and clean mesh objects, however... I'm having trouble with the total lack of control over the geometry density/resolution of the generated 3D model.
I've experimented with increasing the number of anchor points and size of the drawing to see if I would get a 3D model made of more polygons and vertices, but had no success.
It would be amazing if there was a proper way to control the generated…2 votes -
Menu bar item “Duplicate with New Document”
The History panel menu has a highly useful feature called “New Document.” As it is versatile, it should be added as a menu item on the menu bar.
Menu bar “File > Duplicate with New Document”
メニューバー「ファイル > 新規ドキュメントで複製」4 votes -
create outlines into groups
It would help my pre production workflow a lot if it was possible to automatically create "separated" groups from text objects when I use create outlines on big chunk of text. For now one text block equals one object. It could be a function allowing me to produce single groups for every line shift for example.
1 vote -
Option to simplify UI by removing % from the document tab.
Provide the option to view only the document name in the document tab. ie optionally remove zoom and color profile like attached screenshot.
1 vote -
American's with Disabilities Act Request for Adobe iOS/Desktop apps Google Play
As much as Katerina (our autistic artist) loves your apps, she has made it clear that she needs Adobe to migrate the apps for iOS/Desktop to android due to how her disabilities impact her life. We are forever grateful to Adobe for giving Katerina the ability to focus on creativity instead of her disabilities however, not having the same ability to create on Illustrator has decreased our productivity. Katerina has informed us to place an American's with Disabilities Act Request which deals strictly with access. Thanks again for creating programs which give Katerina a way to show the world what…
1 vote -
Add search to the History panel
With 100 or more states showing in the panel, it would be helpful to have a search field. Type in Graphic styles, merge, drop shadow, or whatever the label is to find it. Not sure if it's possible to highlight all of the matches, like all states labeled graphic style - or if there would be an arrow button to let you page through all graphic style states it finds.
3 votes -
Make Redefine Graphic Style option better accessible, and from the Graphic Styles panel too
If Ai had a hotkey for this command (like this request is asking for:, perhaps this one would be less painful.
Yes, I know, you edit an appearance in the Appearance panel, and then force this changes to update the original style, using the panel’s flyout menu... but
A. I often start looking the wrong panel, thinking 'I am updating a graphic style, so the relevant command should be in Graphic Styles' — and when I realize it’s a wrong assumption, it’s too late. For some reason this habit is hard to change!
B. Why this command is…
11 votes -
Color differents problem
I have a problem with big color's preference difference between my AI monitor and real color on my and other machines. It's also concerning all the colors.
I choose the red color and I get the brick color otherwise. Really in image and PDF file, I see the red color indeed.
It's very serious problem for me, because I cann't know what the color I use to.1 vote -
Streamline and improve node/anchor editing.
I have used CoreDraw for many years, but needed to move to Adobe for a new position. In Corel, you can manipulate nodes (anchor points) with the direct select tool. Everything you need to do - add points, remove points, move points along the path, curve the line, move the handles, etc. - can all be done with the direct select tool and the 2 mouse buttons. In Adobe, I have to keep switching between 3 different tools to do the same thing, and on top of that, not all nodes have handles! It's very frustrating and slow. Why does…
1 vote -
Problemas con uso de mallas.
Al tener una forma creada con la herramienta Creador de formas o buscatrazos, y luego intentar utilizar una malla no funciona,
O al intentar usar las herramienta "creador de formas" o "buscatrazo" en una forma que tiene una malla de degradado, tampoco funciona.1 vote -
Be able to create a finished vector repeat tile from Pattern Editing Mode.
Currently, the only way for a designer to get a final tile from a repeat pattern created in pattern mode is a clunky workaround involving dragging the fill swatch art from the swatches panel to the artboard and then working with the bounding shape to create a cropped, repeatable tile for export. We need a button to click inside pattern mode that creates a tile from the artwork inside pattern mode that is perfectly cropped (could be a clipping mask) but will retain all the live content that typically gets expanded when you exit pattern mode. This option should allow…
9 votes
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