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4569 results found

  1. Atomic Design workflow between Illustrator, Figma/XD and Dreamweaver.

    Create a workflow between Illustrator, Figma/Adobe XD and Dreamweaver to easily implement Atomic Design systems. In Illustrator, the user should be able to create atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, and pages of a design system that can be opened in Figma/Adobe XD and Dreamweaver too, to speed up prototyping and development.

    This workflow should create CSS, classes etc from the Illustrator file on. The changes in Illustrator or Figma/XD should propagate to Illustrator and Dreamweaver.

    For example, if I design a main button in Illustrator, when I open the file in Figma/XD, it is already a button there too, with the…

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  2. Allow to change default settings for 3D and Materials effect

    Can we please change the default settings on 3D effect to not apply anything or allow us to change the default. It takes forever to load on every project just to open it up for a simple bevel to be applied. Many times my app just crashes just opening up the window just from applying whatever the default setting is doing to the text I selected. My computer is far beyond the specs that it says the program requires until I need to open this tool on anything.

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  3. Reduce the shortening / truncating of color swatch names when in list view

    Remove the color type from the right column of the color swatch menu which would result in more space for the color name and ultimately less truncation of color names.
    The color type; spot, process or global is already indicated by a dot or triangle on the thumbnail on the left. It doesnt need to be indicated again on the right. If this was eliminated, there would be more space for the color names.
    The color mode isnt important. Book, cmyk or RGB - it doesnt matter to users when searching this list. RGB or CMYK is already apparent as…

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  4. Create set of tools for items in Menu/Object/Path...

    I find I frequently got to Menu/Object/Path/Offset Path or Menu/Object/Path/Outline Stroke along with Envelope distort and Expand.

    It would be great to have these functions available as Clickable Tools that I could add to a Toolbar.

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  5. Need "Save a Copy" suffix checkbox option, like "Export As"

    Much like the recent fix to the "Export As" dialog box which added a filename 'Suffix' checkbox option when saving an image or images, would it be possible to also get a Suffix checkbox option added to the "Save a Copy" dialog box? When I need to generate a PDF using Save a Copy (my go-to method, less cumbersome than Print>PDF) which is several times per day, I don't want "copy" added to the filename and I have to remove it every single time before saving. Thanks.

    "Export As" filename suffix threads referenced:

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  6. Show the exact location where snapping to grid occurs

    Snap to Grid is underrated. Illustrator makes everything to make it uncomfortable to use: no constantly available indicator, clashing with Smart Guides, the general lack of customization (

    And also it does not give enough feedback on WHERE the moved / transformed object snaps to, to which exact gridlines’ intersection.

    Something just happens!
    Look at the GIF — this 13.25×13.25 magenta square feels like it’s lagging, also I’m just trying to position it.

    Look at the second GIF, from Affinity Designer. Can you spot the difference? We can clearly see which point it snaps to, no problem. Well,…

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  7. Sort menus alphabetically when Cmd+Opt+Shift / Ctrl+Alt+Shift, like in InDesign

    Illustrator has a lot of things put in menus.
    The sorting order in some (like View or Object) can be unobvious for new users (and surely some older ones as well).

    InDesign allows to sort menus temporarily by holding Cmd+Opt+Shift / Ctrl+Alt+Shift while clicking one — make Ai do the same!

    An interesting thing is — does not know about it at all. Another sacred technique :/ Terry White figured it out somewhere, but where did he get it from? ...accidentally?

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  8. Mark starting points and directions for paths

    We know nothing about where a closed path starts and which direction it has.
    We can cheat it and apply an arrowhead or a brush to see that, but perhaps you just should mark the first points of paths with something else than a square? Like a triangle?
    Come on, look at Corel Draw, look at Affinity Designer!

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  9. Add an optional alert sound

    I would like to have an option to enable an alert sound whenever I nudge or move an object in Illustrator. This would help me avoid accidental movements that can ruin my design or cause alignment issues. Sometimes I don’t notice that I have moved an object slightly when I click on it, and it can be very frustrating and time-consuming to fix it later.

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  10. set pdf content active as helpers/rules when imported

    As it's convenient to keep links to reference file, it's sometimes mandatory to attach/align new shape to points/path of the imported shape.
    but by default the pdf content is not "live". it would be valuable to have this content live as it's possible for Glyphs or symbols...
    Many Thanks

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  11. Share for Review wish list

    This function is long overdue and I am loving it. However, as someone who uses it multiple times a day, every day, I think there are a couple of things I think could make it better.
    1. The ability to group files together in the same link.
    I'm not a fan of "writing over" an existing file so that I can click on "update content". That is ok for small changes, but when the client is asking for significant updates/changes, I prefer to save a new file named "rev 1" or something similar. This then requires me to get a…

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  12. Select Same Appearance on a mixed selection

    If I select an object with a particular appearance, I can call Select > Same > Appearance command to select all object which have the exact same stack of the appearance attributes.

    But if I have two objects with different appearances, and want to select all objects that have the same appearance as any of them (either of two!) — nothing is going to happen!

    The command is active, but the selection stays the same... Not cool.

    Sure, I can first find the first batch, lock or hide it, and then do the same for the second object, then unlock/unhide…

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  13. Respect clip groups in pattern brushes

    We can put a rectangle with no-fill and no-stroke under a tile art of a pattern brush to tell Illustrator about the bounds we want to use.
    Also, we can clip the tile art with a copy of this rectangle.

    When used together, this allows to create a tile which is clipped and uses the bounds we expect... Well, almost — the preview of the tile in the dialog is going to be wrong, but the preview of the brush itself and the way brush behaves is going to be correct.

    But without the bottom copy Illustrator won’t respect the…

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  14. Treat all objects as filled for selection tools (like in Corel Draw)

    Corel Draw has an option, 'Treat all objects as filled', which allows select objects with no fills with just a click inside. While it’s 'not the Ai way' — this can be useful in some cases.
    Just make sure it works properly in the Outline view( that is does not get applied at all).

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  15. Allow Transform effect applied to an object to transform its the opacity mask also

    If I apply Transform effect to an object with an opacity mask (to move or scale it parametrically, for example), only the object will be transformed — but not the contents of its opacity mask.
    This is not consistent with the destructive method, when you actually move or scale this object...

    The workaround is to apply the same effect to the contents of the opacity mask, but it does not always have the same effect, since the contents can have different bounds, and the transformation points will differ.

    There should be an 'Affect Opacity Mask' option in the Transform effect…

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  16. Intertwine with Live Paint objects

    It feels like a rare thing to do, but no — this is exactly what I needed recently, and it is forbidden, of course.
    I had to expand my Live Paint group :(

    Please make sure all special plugin objects can work with each other.

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  17. Appearance panel needs a better way to signal 'No selection'

    Very often, working on a complex appearance, we accidentaly loose the object selection, and the stack we edit remains unassigned.

    The panel then gets 'No selection' in the top row... but if the attributes stack is long, this line can get hidden if you scroll the panel down.
    Then, if you select something else, all your changes get lost.

    The workaround now is to be vigilant (ha) and save your appearance as a temp style before you select back the art you wanted to edit appearance for in the first place.
    A better solution would be to make the 'No…

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  18. Make Layers show which operation a compound shape uses, like 'Compound Shape (Subtract)'

    Compound shapes have 4 different modes, and sometimes it’s important to be able to see which one is used when you work with the resulting shapes in Layers — especially if you nest shapes in several layers.. But at the moment Illustrator just display all of them as just 'Compound Shape'.

    Compare these two structures:

    Compound Shape
    ...> Compound Shape
    ......> Rectangle
    ......> Ellipse
    ...> Compound Shape
    ......> Rectangle
    ......> Ellipse

    Compound Shape (Unite)
    ...> Compound Shape (Subtract)
    ......> Rectangle
    ......> Ellipse
    ...> Compound Shape (Intersect)
    ......> Rectangle
    ......> Ellipse

    Don’t you agree the one at the bottom is easier…

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  19. Multiline tooltips

    Plugin developers can’t make tooltips go in several lines. Extensive tooltips are forced to be one long line, and it’s hard to read in time.
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  20. Custom exposure time for hover tooltips for third-party developers

    A narrow enough request. At the moment developers can’t customize the time each hover tooltip gets displayed. When the text is long, it vanishes too soon.
    Comes along with this request:

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