Freezing and crashing
Constantly freezing while trying to use various features, such as selecting multiple layers or toggling layer view. This has happened on multiple projects today and yesterday. The app sometimes crashes while this happens, other times I have to force it to close and lose my unsaved work.

Gabriel Otárola commented
Alguien ha encontrado alguna solución al problema?
Tengo la misma situación que los demás, inclusive si abro la aplicación y la dejo sin hacer nada, se cierra sola, provocando perdida de datos. -
Baheeya Saliba commented
Mine is crashing too!
jesmin beuving commented
I have exact the same thing? Is there any solution already? Looks there is none action taken?!
Arash commented
I’ve abandoned illustrator because it just doesn’t hold up and is not worth the money anymore. These bugs have been serious for years and they charge more than ever for it. It’s a scam at this point
Shelby Baerwalde commented
I am facing the same issue. Sometimes, the app works for 45 minutes or so, then begins to slow down significantly- Like I’ll draw a line using the blob brush and it will take five whole seconds or longer to appear. Then, it eventually crashes and I lose the last few minutes of my work.
Sometime it crash’s without warning or slowing down first.
I use the app for paid illustration jobs and I’m unable to meet the deadline because of these issues. Please fix as soon as possible. Or let me know what I need to do to get the app running smoothly again.
Also- I’ve noticed that many of these comments are from several months ago. Please address this issue.
Balachandran Sambasevam commented
Hi ,
Im facing the same issue , below are the steps that I performed .
1. Placed an image with zoomed till out from canvas.
2. Select brush and change the colour .
3. The canvas will hung , and no action is doable from this point onward .Kindly take action and advice for this issue.
Cristóbal Olivares Padilla commented
Hi. I have the same problem when I open my projects. Please give me a quickly solution.
Anna Christakos-Di Teodoro commented
Updated iPad brand new. Ai keeps crashing can’t do any work. Very frustrating
Keegan Barber commented
Everything freezes and sometimes crashes when working in new and existing documents/projects. This is happening with every project I open or create. When I force the app closed and reopen it the freezing is still there and I can do anything. I have to wait long periods before it will let me go in and start working again, but within 5 or 10 minutes of working it with freeze again. This is making it very difficult to get anything done. I would like to have this problem fixed since I am paying money every month to have this app.
Anne commented
App is totally unusable, it crashes almost instantly after opening. Newest iPad, everything updated, not even asking the app to do anything complicated—most of the time I can’t even get to a file before it crashes. Deleted app & data, reinstalled, etc. etc. no change.
Danius Krisciunas commented
I can't stand when illustrator always crashing on my brand new iPad Pro.
It always lagging . -
Bree Mateljan commented
Just downloaded and started using Illustrator for iPad yesterday and it’s been a frustrating 24 hours.
Petite Gentlemen LLC commented
Same here, the app freezes and closes just when trying to open a file.
Gracen Nolan commented
Freezes and crashes within moments of opening. Deleted the app and reinstalled but nothing helped.
Toby Cook commented
Yep. Lots of freezing even now, in November 2021. Frustrating.
Anonymous commented
I’ve now lost a lot of work from a couple layers freezing the app and causing a force close and restart when simply changing the visibility of layers or sub layers. It’s at random which layers cause problems. They also seem to corrupt the file and it does not even export the culprit layers to SVG to test in other programs.
Krystal commented
The app freezes can’t do anything, in the layer contents are highlighted, cannot unhighlight them, and have to completely close app and restart but it keeps doing it after a few changes in the document, It is super frustrating and seem to happen after last update.
Desiree commented
I am working with multiple art boards and clip masking, and now I can’t even even keep the app open long enough to copy and paste in another program to save my piece because it crashes almost instantly when I open that file. This isn’t the first time this has happened, it does it every time I work on things with a lot of clip masking. If this was a free app I would settle and use it for simplicity, but I am paying for it and very disappointed.. I tried to take a screen video but when the app crashed it turned off my video and never recorded it.
Arash commented
I don’t know if it’s because I’m running heavy documents but I have the latest version on an iPad Air bought less than a week ago and illustrator crashes every time I zoom in too much or too rapidly. It not only crashes the app but it restarts the iPad and once the screen went pink
Anonymous commented
Illustrator for iPad keeps freezing and is unusable. Very disappointing after I spent money on a new iPad Pro for a mobile project.