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AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator)

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  1. 10 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
  2. 13 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Gradiator panel from Astute Graphics now allows that along with many other smart gradient tricks

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    @Rombout, Eyedropper options are available in all versions of Illustrator.
    @Miguel, indeed, right, this is not possible in Illustrator yet, but there is hope.

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    There is a way to do it already.
    Chose Eyedropper tool, Press Enter to go to it's options (or double-click tool icon), then check both topmost options on both columns, 'Appearance'. Then it will copy all of gradient properties, including angle and position.
    Be careful though, because it will now pick appearance from group[s if you use complex looks.

  3. 11 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
  4. 25 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Nice screenshot. I want this.

  5. 13 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Please make ALL things hotkeyable, I'm growing tired of asking it.

  6. 12 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
  7. 14 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Ryan, there is actually a way to do this, it’s just placed in the different spot of the dialog. Search for the Clear Selection button below. Why it is placed there instead of the section when you set items, I do not know.

    Let’s pretend your request is about moving this button up? Voted.

  8. 21 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    David, have you tried GuideGuide plugin?

  9. 16 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Here is the demo

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Sure, @Scott
    Take a look. I have a two-object blend, I split it, I have a three-object blend now, that has a middle object made from the middle step I chose. Each of these two now-combined blends has its own quantity of steps defined.

    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) shared this idea  · 
  10. 6 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Photoshop does this fine, by the way, resets Untitled-s to -1, when no documents left open.

  11. 39 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
  12. 55 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    I think it just should be sticky.
    If a user toggles it to Static, it should remain Static when another symbol is created.
    Aiming and clicking is exhausting, and this can’t be accessed via standard Alt + key combination (in Windows).

  13. 22 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    First two now work.
    Two other still don’t.

  14. 7 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
  15. 1 vote

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Alberto, a bit more info, please.
    What is your Ai version, what are your CPI and GPU models?

  16. 1 vote

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Peter, the immediate workarounds I can offer are these:
    1. Try to install a Beta version of Ai, accessible form the Beta section in Creative Cloud Desktop application and see if it runs fine
    2. Try to uninstall Ai completely and follow the instruction to clean the remnants: — then reinstall

  17. 508 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Ah, now I get it. This feature is called Envelope Distortion, and no, Charlie, at the moment there is no way to do the same on iPad version of Ai.

    I am now trying to protect the iPad version, but as far as I know, the product was never advertised as a full replacement for the desktop app — because is surely is not, and many obvious tools are not there.

    There is a general request to for this specific feature, a quite popular one:
    Do you mind me merging your request with it, to add your vote?

    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 
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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Charlie, can you provide some explanation on this?
    What do you mean by 'text fill shapes in the same format'? Can you make a screenshot of it, maybe, or just explain?

  18. 1 vote

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Can’t confirm it still. Works fine at my end.
    Can you please record a short video of the full process at your side?

    How do you copy it exactly?
    With the special Copy button below the result area, or by directly selecting the text in the text area and using the standard OS methods like Ctrl+C or the context menu? Does it make the difference?

    Again, does disabling the 'Include SVG Code' option in Preferences > Clipboard Handling help? Please try it as a quick fix and reply if it works.

    Also, as a workaround you can paste the text first in another app and try to copy it again from this app. No convenient, but can help if you have a task to be done.

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Where do you copy it from? From another application, or from Illustrator’s document?
    What is the strong exactly?
    Does it get pasted fine in other applications?
    Do other words get pasted fine? What about words in other languages?
    Does toggling the 'Include SVG Code' in Preferences > Clipboard Handling help?

  19. 1 vote

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) commented  · 

    Kala, Illustrator does not have 'Smart Filters', it’s something Photoshop has. Illustrator has effects, available through Effects menu. It uses slightly different paradigm, and has a dedicated panel to tweak the applied effects to an object — the Appearance panel. However, the objects with effects applied to them are marked in Layers with circle marker at the right — when there are effects, it’s rendered full rather than empty.
    Does it make sense for you? Please reply.

  20. 49 votes

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    AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea  · 

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