Make Static Symbols the default, instead of Dynamic Symbols.
A new symbol is saved as "Dynamic" by default. Please make "Static" symbols the default. They are the "Standard" and should remain the default. It is the exception when I want a "dynamic" symbol.

The choice of the type of a symbol is sticky in the latest version of Illustrator. If a user toggles it to Static, it remains Static when another symbol is created — and vice versa.
Ton commented
I agree, sticky it should be.
Alan Posch commented
@Egor Chistyakov
That's a great suggestion!
I think it just should be sticky.
If a user toggles it to Static, it should remain Static when another symbol is created.
Aiming and clicking is exhausting, and this can’t be accessed via standard Alt + key combination (in Windows). -
Alan Posch commented
Dynamic symbols don't work with some other features in Illustrator. I make asset libraries not only for myself but to share with others on the job to use in their work, so yes, that's all about reuse. But there can be no reuse if something doesn't work. I always have to make sure the Dynamic option is off.
It depends on how one uses symbols in their workflow.
Rixn commented
Very bad suggestion. Symbols is all about reuse - then let's focus on that.
Ton commented
Static symbols make smaller files because they all refer to a single symbol that is stored only once in the file, change that symbol and all instances will change.
With Dynamic Symbols you have more editing flexibility, you can have more variation within the instances of that symbol. But these instances are all stored individually in the file, making it much larger. -
Rixn commented
No, no, no. The very idea of using Symbols is to being able to reuse them.
Kristen Katz commented
Better yet just make those settings the user can select and set their own defaults. I use almost exclusive dynamic and would be equally sad if that wasn't my default. I totally vote for the option to set our own defaults in symbol creation.
Ville Salervo commented
Amen. I constantly create static symbols in my workflow and it feels annoying to have to select "static" every time I need one. On top of this, It's impossible to create a macro where a symbol is created with the "static" option because it isn't record.ed.
I think this should be an option in settings panel so that users could choose the functionality they prefer.
Alan Posch commented
Ditto. New features and tools are brought to the forefront in Illustrator to force us to use them even if it hurts our workflow. This is beyond aggravating for one who works in Illustrator much of the day and must be efficient. Why would a software developer want to make users' work more difficult? Please fix this.
Also, why in the world does symbol type default to Movie Clip?
Anonymous commented
Yes, 9-times-out of-10 I want a STATIC Symbol. Please give us the option to work more efficiently instead of changing work habits because an Adobe programmer likes a new feature.
Jeremy commented
I would also like to be able to set the default as static, since copy with "Optical" kerning changes letter spacing non-proportionally at different scales. I would think it would be better to allow us to choose what we'd like as default, as dynamic may work just fine for some as the default.
hamko1114 commented
When the dynamic symbol instance is deformed, the result changes depending on the setting of "Scale Strokes & Effects", and Users switching this setting are confused.
Moreover, adding one anchor point to the master symbol will reset the appearance of the instances.Dynamic symbols are an interesting feature, but we need to be careful to use them.
The default should be the static.--------------------------------------------
ダイナミックシンボルは面白い機能ですが、使うには注意が必要です。シンボル作成時のデフォルトはスタティックであるべきです。 -
Jayse Hansen commented
And dynamic symbols are still very buggy. -
Oz commented
Being able to change the default symbol type to 'Static' instead of 'Dynamic' would be great. Dynamic symbols can cause scaling issues here and there's never a case where my team WANTS our symbols to be dynamic.