AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator)
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3 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment OK, than it’s something super weird.
Just in case — the angles set in Preferences >Smart Guides are sane as well, correct? Even though these don’t and shouldn’t influence this...Let’s try to figure this out then.
Does it happen with any artwork, or only with selections that have live shapes in them?
Can you share a test file with this small sign, rotated and unrotated?An error occurred while saving the comment Ian, please check Preferences > General, the Constrain Angle value — is it 0°?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Verónica, this choice can be overridden with an option in the Save/Export dialog, like the attached image shows. Can you check the one you have there, please?
Also, the 'Preserve Illustrator Editing' being checked in the Save As is also important — it shouldn’t affect the AI side of the file, but it will affect the SVG. Do you have it enabled?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Hmm. I do not recall it ever working for text...
I know the alignment of stroke for open paths got recently broken in Beta, but then it got fixed in
The buttons though are still not disabled and are clickable — but again, I do not remember them ever working.As far as I know, the alignment of a stroke is considered to be complex appearance, while the characters in live text can only have a basic one. So it’s more an Appearance and Text problem, rather than Stroke one...
The corresponding request never had a status change:
Which version exactly was supporting it? Please remind me! -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Laurel, I think I know exactly what is happening (and I consider it a bug).
Let’s check my guess.Please open Appearance panel (not the truncated section in Properties, but the full one).
Select the outlines of your text and check the stack of attributes it has.
Does it look anything like the screenshot I attached?
Specifically — does the fill go below the contents? -
3 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Achim, please provide more details. What do you mean by 'get destroyed'?
What settings do you use, what is happening exactly?
The team would like see the original file also.Since UserVoice sadly has some problems with attaching SVG files for security reasons, please send these over to
Also, put the link to this report in the body of this email: -
3 votes
The problem seems to be solved with Beta 28.6.
If you experience this problem still — please comment back.
An error occurred while saving the comment Janusz, the team still needs to see the original source file and the result you get.
Since UserVoice sadly has some problems with attaching SVG files for security reasons, please send these over to
Also, put the link to this report in the body of this email: error occurred while saving the comment The team informs the engine for Save As SVG generation changed — from no on it is going to be the the same one SVG Export uses.
This may indeed result in a few changes like the list you mentioned.
That said, the output should still be visually correct. Any options provided via scripting should also be used as before though.An error occurred while saving the comment @Janusz, which of three methods to produce an SVG do you use?
What was the last version you surely remember it was working the way you expected? -
2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
12 votes
The latest Beta build should now keep gradient fills applied to objects in imported PDFs, generated by InDesign.
Please check if it works for you and comment back.
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·An error occurred while saving the comment Yep, now I confirm it.
You forgot to mention a crucial detail — a gradient in the PDF should be generated in InDesign, not Illustrator.
I am upvoting it and fix the header of the report.
Thank you so much for the patience and for reporting it in the first place.As for the extreme policies UV has — yep. Even renaming an archive to TXT won’t help.
An error occurred while saving the comment Interesting.
Indeed, the outlined text in the PDF is viewed as colored in viewers, but gets imported as having no fill.
And yes, I tried to create a whole lot of different gradients , with different variations of colors used, including pure channels and mixed ones. None fired.
Can you share also the original .ai document you used, and share the PDF settings?
As for the other report — yep, I saw your comment (I see all of them), but not yet sure if it’s the same problem — that’s why I ask about the details.An error occurred while saving the comment Can’t confirm.
For me, when I embed a placed PDF (saved as PDF/X-4:2010), Illustrator places missing gradient stops at 0 at 100 positions automatically, doubling existing ones.
Can you please share a test file that you can verify this behavior with? -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Frank, I guess I know what is happening then.
At some point Illustrator introduced Large Canvas mode (you can read about it in detail here:
This was done to allow users to work with larger dimensions directly without calculating the scale manually.The way it works though is cumbersome. When a user creates a document and specify width or height larger than the hard limit (2^14 points: 16384 points, 227in / ~5766mm), Ai EMBEDS the hidden scaling factor into the document. Illustrator warns about is with a sign next to OK (see the image attached).
This scaling factor is fixed and can’t be changed or disabled later. Making a document smaller won’t magically remove the scaling factor and rescale the art back. This coefficient is respected by some PDF readers — when a document is viewed, but can be thrown away, if the artwork is imported instead — and this is what probably happens with you.
This is no mention in the FAQ (, but I am not really surprised — even though it got introduced in 2020, the tech is still not perfect and here at UV dozen reports exist about it flawed behavior.As for the moment the only way to convert a large canvas document into a normal one is to copy and past all the contents into a new one (with Paste Remembers Layers enabled, if needed).
Can you please check if that’s the case and comment back?
An error occurred while saving the comment All at once (which is expected, due to how large canvas is constructed), or each element get scaled separately?
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Now imagine a key object being able to control Live Distribute... We click the middle one to stay in place, resize the right edge with Space held, and the left edge gets shifted simultaneously, so that the middle one stays in place, while other objects move... to get the row shown at the bottom from the one at the top.
Ai underutilizes the key object paradigm greatly :(AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) shared this idea · -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Eimantas, please send an example PDF to the team to investigate, to (in this case please also put the link to this report for tracking purposes —
You can also attach a test PDF here, if you are OK with sharing it publicly. -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Kiran, can you record it on video the next time it happens, please?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment The latest driver version is fine, but what exactly GPU model do you have?
I don’t see you specifying it — please provide the exact model.
Also: was it ever working for you with previous builds of Illustrator? -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Ah, OK, didn’t know it. This makes it more strange, but still it can be caused by a hardware problem... the RIP could have failed for some reason — that’s why I asked about the format you were using. Do you save a PDF? What settings do you set when you do?
What Ai build do you use and when did you notice the problem? I understand that testing this can be hard, but can you downgrade and see if the older Ai version results the same problem?
Also — can you please share the test file that definitely results in an error with the team?
If it’s OK, please send it all to, with a link to this report for tracking purposes ( error occurred while saving the comment Monica, I personally think that it’s not a problem with assets at all, something else changed.
'Pixelated' — these are not pixels, this are ink droplets the printing head makes. It’s definitely a printer’s problem. Miscalibration, clogged nozzles, roller misalignment... but hardly an artwork!Different colors — again, this is most probably a color management problem on the printer’s side. Perhaps they changed inks? Printing head? Material? Operator? Temperature in the shop? Any of these factor can result in a result like this.
Still — how do you prepare the materials for printing? Which format, resolution, size? Color profile?
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Can you please share a screenshot of the problem?
2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
Agape, do you know how InDesign’s Links panel look?
It allows to display columns to show the dimensions and file size of each asset.
Illustrator can’t display such columns in the panel, but it allows to sort linked assets by size.
Will the way InDesign does it suffice?