Incorrect object size when exported to SVG - Illustrator v 28.4.1
The latest Illustrator v28.4.1 generates slightly different SVG code compared to its precursors.
Attached is the code generated by 28.3 and 28.4.1 of the same design.
Then the latest version of the SVG file is loaded to my laser software (Glowforge) the design ends up being much smaller than it is supposed to be, for comparison a 12 cm square will only end up being 9 cm square. The issue disappeared once Illustrator was reversed to version 28.3 and files were re-opened and re-saved.

The problem seems to be solved with Beta 28.6.
If you experience this problem still — please comment back.
Janusz commented
Just tried again with Beta 28.6 and the problem seems to be gone. I'll be monitoring this closely for some time and will report if the problem reoccurs with the next final release. Thank you for now
Janusz, the team still needs to see the original source file and the result you get.
Since UserVoice sadly has some problems with attaching SVG files for security reasons, please send these over to
Also, put the link to this report in the body of this email: -
Janusz commented
Just wondering if this is going to be looked into, beta 28.5.78 is still facing the same issue.
Janusz commented
Egor, thank you for your comments.
I always use the same settings (attached) and I double-checked before I posted this bug however, somehow the latest versions give different results. Illustrator doesn't have any issues with these files but as mentioned before, when imported into the Glowforge software all designs appear smaller than they are supposed to be. -
The team informs the engine for Save As SVG generation changed — from no on it is going to be the the same one SVG Export uses.
This may indeed result in a few changes like the list you mentioned.
That said, the output should still be visually correct. Any options provided via scripting should also be used as before though. -
@Janusz, which of three methods to produce an SVG do you use?
What was the last version you surely remember it was working the way you expected?