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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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502 results found

  1. Canvas HTML5 with layers from Illustrator website

    I did this years ago.
    You still can't.
    Export HTML5 canvas from Illustrator, multiple layers - all configurable as a web app.

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  2. Respect 'Decimal Places' setting in CSS values exported to SVG

    The "Decimal Places" setting in the SVG Options (export) dialog is not respected in style elements.

    Steps to repro:
    New Document
    Create a rectangle with Stroke 3.1459
    Create a new graphic style from the rectangle.
    Save As... Choose SVG
    In SVG Options, set Decimal Places:1 and CSS Properties as Style Elements
    Examine SVG Code
    Look at the 'stroke-width' value in the stylesheet.
    Expected behavior: Stroke width should have 1 decimal only
    Actual behavior: Stroke width is 3.1459.

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  3. Improve compatibility of object's features between Illustrator and InDesign

    It's about 80% easy to share an object such as a logo or ad design or similar between the two packages, which is facilitated by the programs sharing an overlapping feature set.

    With some features, such as gradients (InDesign to Illustrator) and type (Illustrator to InDesign) there are serious problems and the feature either doesn't travel across or is corrupted in the process. These problems mean that some parts of your project will easily copy and paste (or travel via PDF export) yet others fail.

    It's not uncommon to use Illustrator as a publishing software for web assets and InDesign…

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  4. Non esiste la possibilità di ri-utilizzare un file .ai in adobe Draw. Questo è un problema!

    Nel caso capiti di perdere o sovrascrivere un file creativo online (nel Cloud) dell'App Adobe Draw e si avesse solo l'esportazione del progetto in Illustrator (.ai), non esiste la possibilità di poter ritornare a lavorarci in Adobe Draw! Non esiste un file di scambio al contrario cioè da Illustrator a Draw! Questo può rappresentare un problema serio!

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  5. Illustrator file not movable

    If i make an Illustrator file (cc 2019) , and say place it in the desktop folder, if i move that file to the documents folder, open it and change it, it saves the new version on the dekstop again.

    is this a bug or a feature i dont know of?

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    It’s a common behavior for all files and all editors out there, not only Illustrator.

    When you 'open' a file, the editor reads it and 'hold in its mind', making a virtual copy basically. When you save it, it writes it back the disk, to the location where it was read from. Illustrator does not track what the OS does with the file, and OS never tells Illustrator that a user moved the file elsewhere, or deleted.

    An editor can lock the file, so nothing can move or delete or rename it, but this method causes more troubles and frustration. It’s safer to never let the data to get lost.

  6. CGM Import

    Enable Ai to import CGMs that have Active X controls. I export CGMs from an IETM, but do not need to retain the embedded links within the CGM file. Allow Ai to import Active X CGMs and disable Active X. May want to display popup window stating Active X will be lost unless save imported CGM as a new file.

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  7. Add data attributes to elements for SVG export

    I'm using data attributes quite a bit these days, and have been experimenting with using them in SVG. They work very well, as a way of adding metadata or parameters to elements that can later be read by javascript/ES.
    But (of course) no support in illustrator for this feature. Worse, if I add them with another tool, then open the SVG in Illustrator, they get stripped from the document entirely. This is just stupid.

    Best of all, a data-attributes panel, very similar to the variable panel, but without the redraw bugs. Workflow something like this:

    Select an art object.

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  8. Allow links to be embedded when link is missing, rather than showing an empty box

    If a link is missing from my file, rather than hunt down the link, I create a new file, and embed the file with the missing link in it. Once it's been embedded I have the high res raster image, just not necessarily with the same name. Much like photoshop tells you raster info will be used for fonts, or missing links use raster info it would be great if Illustrator gave you the option to embed. It may only be possible for images with full PDF compatibility, but it'd be a great improvement!

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  9. Support for "9-slice scaling" in SVG

    SVG export breaks "9-slice scaling". This is understandable, since SVG has no such concept built-in.

    But SVG can do something like this. Or "4-slice scaling". See, for example:

    I would like to see Illustrator's SVG export offer this feature, given that Illustrator does.

    At the very least, if implementation wont happen, or is delayed, please mention that 9-slice scaling is not working in SVG export in the docs and (for bonus points) as a warning in the export dialog box (in cases where the document uses this feature).

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  10. Imported SVG path elements - always black fill

    I am using the latest version of AI (early 2019).

    I notice that SVG path elements often lose their fill color. (They are always black.)

    Have not been able to pin down the exact circumstances where this fails, but I am attaching a bare bones file which exhibits the issue clearly.

    This file displays perfectly in (e.g.) chrome. There's a red and a green filled path.

    But when importing the SVG to AI, the 'red' path loses its fill and becomes black. The green fill is honored on input. I can't see any meaningful difference between the way the fill…

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  11. Allow the existing file to remain active when using "Save as"

    When working in AI in a native file format, then saving as a different file format (ie PDF), the new file format is now the active file. In InDesign and PS, when you "Save as," your new file is saved in a folder but you are still able to continue working on your native ID or PSD file. I wish Illustrator would work this way, too. Or am I missing something in settings to fix this?

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  12. Updating to 2019 makes illustrator useless - downloads tons of data upon saving a file

    My workflow requires opening and saving AI files with large linked pictures, stored on off-site server with low bandwidth (around 5-6 MB/s). The linked files can be big, several GB in size. When I try to save my AI, it freezes and starts downloading at full speed of the off-site storage and downloads 2-3GB of data before it saves the AI. None of previous versions had this issue/feature. It is a big deal for our company, because we work approximately 1 hour on each AI and now just saving it takes 5-10min. We need to open the AI (sometimes it…

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  13. Save PDF to file size [Target File Size]

    It would be very helpful to have a save to File Size option when saving illustrator files (and inDesign Files).

    Smallest and Highest are nice to have, but when eMailing a PDF, these two arbitrary sizes can be useless.

    As a general rule 10MB is the max size attachment for an email.

    Rather than selecting SMALLEST saving it to determine the file size, then Saving it again and going into compression and guessing how much more resolution one can eek out of the compression it would be nice to have a "Target File Size"

    I'm guessing this might require some…

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  14. Open Corel Designer files (DES) in Adobe Illustrator

    For the transition from Corel Designer to Adobe Illustrator you should be able to open Corel Designer files (DES) in Adobe Illustrator. At least the import should be possible. This would be a great benefit for users like me, who want to switch to Adobe Illustrator.
    On the other side especially AI files can always be opened in Corel Designer.

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  15. Export / Save As Multiple formats on the export screen

    After selecting the export or save as, the normal dialog box would open and include a check box for multiple formats (ai, pdf, jpeg, etc.).

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  16. Change "Export For Screens" Save Path Default To File Folder

    If I go to File > Export > Export For Screens the default save path points to the last folder I used. What we as users are expecting is the default path to be equal to the same folder as the Illustrator file is currently located in.

    If you feel this should not be the default at least give us a way to change this in the AI Preferences. Thanks!

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  17. To implement 'Show in Folder' for all saved or exported documents.

    It's same feature like internet browser for newly downloaded items.

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  18. Bulk import of SVG files to artboards

    We have the ability to export a series of artboards to individual files, this is great for working on e.g. an icon library, or even a font.

    But going in the opposite direction seems to require repeated copying and pasting, there's no trivial "bulk import" facility. This makes it painful to work with a pre-existing folder of SVGs.

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  19. SVG import/export destroys details for SVG-files generated by Inkscape

    Whenever I open a SVG-file in Illustrator that was generated by Inkscape, very frequently details are destroyed. A message appears stating that "round-way to tiny" may have exactly done this.
    This bug makes it impossible to collaboratively work on figures with colleagues that do not use Illustrator, but Inkscape instead.

    I am using Illustrator CC 22.1.

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  20. Export Individual Layers separately

    Now we can only export the multiple art boards on one layer at a time. Please make it possible to select more than one layer and export those to files.

    It would save a ton of time when we have multiple images to export from like dartboards stacked up on multiple layers.

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