Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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- Why is this valuable to you?
427 results found
select same by stroke weight/stroke color within a graph (CC2018)
In CC2017 with a direct selection arrow, you could select by stroke weight or color, within a graph. After the CC2018 update you can no longer use the Select by options within a graph. Please bring back that feature.
5 votes -
When it will be fixed question.
Dear Developers of Illustrator CC and Management team, i have seen the list of all of your pretty names in about illustrator section and can now play "How many Kumars worked on the latest version" game. It may be different in your culture and menthality, like you have more patience, tolerance, you think strategically and working on the long term goals or such. But why do you think that a half cooked curry should taste as good as propery cooked? Why for the heavens sake do we have to spend more time working as your Quality Assurance, and have a…
1 vote -
Create design oriented PDF forms
It would be very helpful to have an option of creating PDF forms in Illustrator.
Creating forms in Acrobat PRO is very clunky for anyone who needs more design oriented features. It would allow graphic designers to create editable PDF templates for products such as cards, invitations etc. Such templates are in a high demand, people want to purchase files that can be edited with ease and there are no good options for creating them.Such feature would also be very helpful in InDesign for catalogs, brochures, anything with multiple pages.
4 votes -
Preflighting Images
Placed images (links) should have a display to show measurement: ie. W 91% H 89%
3 votes -
Give Illustrator stand alone software buy.........
You really should let ppl buy standalone software like Photoshop and Premiere is now..
WTF not with Illustrator? and the other softwares...
I won't be using it much so paying under a subscription is too much....
1 vote -
Shape Distribution Tool
A tool you can use with selected objects, that would distribute those objects, in layer order, around the outline of the designated shape, most likely a circle/oval, square/rectangle, triangle, star, or custom shape.
This would be a great layout assistant for placing, scaling, and rotating different kinds of objects at once. A time-saving and more accurate way to create many types of layouts.With this tool, you could:
- distribute different types of objects (shapes, text, symbols, etc) around a shape
- scale the shape and objects independently
- auto orient rotation to the center or the line segment in…5 votes -
Relative paths for linked assets
An option to use relative paths for linked assets. Because links use absolute paths, simply moving the folder your artwork is in will break the links unless the links are in the same folder. For example:
c:\artwork\standard-title-block.aiIf logo.jpg and are both linked to inside of, renaming the project folder will break the links. Moving the project folder will break the links.
Instead of storing the link paths absolutely, store them relatively. This way at least renaming the folder will preserve both links and moving the folder will only break links that point to file outside…
81 votesThis feature is now available in all the public builds starting V 28.5. Please give it a try and let us know what you think!
Delete hidden layers
Would it be great if add the option of deleting all hidden layers as in photoshop..
5 votesThere is a command in the Layers panel’s menu, called Delete Hidden Layers... Unfortunately, it deletes not only hidden layers, but also all hidden content. There is a separate request to rename the comment or add another, to distinct two operations: Please vote. Also, there is another request to delete unused/empty layers: -
Select Fill or Stroke Does Not Make Selection Automatically Edit-Ready
For years I have been frustrated with how anytime I want to edit fills or strokes, Illustrator seems to ALWAYS have the wrong choice forward in the tools panel! It seems to always know when I want to edit strokes, because it always has fills ready to edit in the foreground swatch and vice-versa! All these years I just felt is was some sort of voodoo thing, but I finally realized why this happens to me the majority of the time. I use Select>Same>Fill Color, Select>Same>Stroke Color, Select>Same>Stroke Weight all the time. The main reason I make those selections by…
6 votes -
Adobe installers for Mac install corrupt files
Adobe installers for Mac install corrupt files, as shown by DiskWarrior "Files - Check All Files and Folders”. For instance:
/Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/LWA/amtservices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/._Info.plist
/Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/LWA/asneu.framework/Versions/A/Resources/._Info.plist
It would be great if Adobe checked that to make sure all files are OK before releasing installers. Thanks.
1 vote -
Autofind Missing Links like in Indesign
When I'm relinking a missing image in Indesign, it automatically finds other missing links in the same folder that a relinked to. It would be life changing if Illustrator did the same. Currently you have to manually relink each missing link which can become very tedious.
161 votesAs stated in this request’s status update, the team had to temporarily revoke the 'Search for missing links in this folder' feature to make a way for the missing 'Apply to All' option when relinking, starting with version 29.2.
These two can’t coexist at the moment, and the team intends to come up with a better solution to allow both.
The ability to save an appearance of a selected object.
The ability to save an appearance of a selected object to apply to other objects. Much like the copy and paste layer style in Photoshop.
5 votesYou can do that by using Graphic Styles panel:
16 bit mode for Illustrator
When creating Illustrations with gradients, we can only use 8bits. When imported in Photoshop or After Effects 16bits projects, the gradients stick to this poor 8bits - resulting in banding.
Especially when working on normal/displacement maps for 3d materials, 8bits is not enough.
How great would it be if Illustrator had a possibility to switch to 16 or 32 bit mode!
70 votes -
'Expand' generates excess groups, clipping groups, compound paths and other unwanted vector garbage. Keep it simple!
Try expanding a brush or a 3D shape and take a look at the large pile of unwanted groups, compound paths and clipping masks Illustrator has generated for you. It just adds complexity to the file and makes the object appearance tricky to work with. See example ai file attached.
If you have Astute Graphic’s Vector First Aid plugin you can remove all that stuff and see just how simple and usable your vectors can be (I recommend it), Wouldn’t it be better if Illustrator didn’t generate junk in the first place?
Please make sure Illustrator only generates the barest…6 votes -
When a layer is locked don't ask me if I want to unlock it. Instead give me a drop down list of all the layers to choose from
Usually when pasting something in Illustartor if the layer is locked it means I didn't select the right layer. If I could choose which layer to paste to I wouldn't have to cancel, select the correct layer and paste again
7 votes -
Make it so I can edit an embedded image
Make it so I can edit an embedded image in photoshop and save back to Illustrator like editing an image in Acrobat Pro
17 votes -
Ability to Import New Brushes to Adobe Draw
Would love to be able to create your own or import other brushes to Adobe Draw.
6 votes -
I hate Create New. It is redundant and the keyword is New. Lets just say New.
I hate Create New. It is redundant and the keyword is New. Lets just say New.
2 votes -
When will it be possible that Adobe Illustrator to create and import objects of more than 32000 points?
When will it be possible that Adobe Illustrator to create and import objects of more than 32000 nodes? Why is it still cannot (at the end of 2017)? It is a very big limitation for those of us who work in mapping projects (because the vector geometries are in need of a great graphic definition).
An added problem is that even though we use specific plugins of cartography (Avenza MAPublisher, for example) like they work in Adobe Illustrator they suffer the same limitation and they do not suppose any alternative…
By when a definitive solution?
29 votes -
An ability to copy/paste appearance attributes / styles
I would LOVE to be able to copy appearance attributes!
It would be VERY helpful if I could copy the appearance of one item and paste to apply them to another, instead of having to do everything over again for each item.66 votes
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