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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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319 results found

  1. Transform Coordinates - "Copy" and "Paste" buttons with specific order

    We need the possibility of copying the X/Y/Angle/W/H/Shear parameters when selecting a Source shape and paste them in the Transform panel when selecting the Destination shape.
    I recommend always angle is first when pasting, before X/Y/W/H/Shear.
    It is quite strange that since all of these CC iterations, this has never been covered. It is quite awqward to introduce numbers and many decimals by hand and not having a possibility to do it quickly.

    Thanks for the consideration!

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  2. Pan and zoom on multiple artboard at once


    I am wondering if there is a way to locate and zoom all open windows at the same time in illustrator. Like in compare window in Lightroom. When you zoom and pan over the image, it helps you compare and spot the difference. I am in packaging and sometimes i am using the same diecut and artwork, but different product. i would love to pan and zoom over the artworks on multiple windows to compare and spot the difference.


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  3. Have a fill icon to fill the backround like in Photoshop and Animate

    Have a fill icon to fill the backround like in Animate

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  4. Separate rulers for artboards

    Could we get individual rulers per artboard. This would make it easier to see spacing and relationships on individual boards.

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  5. Allow for artboard to be transparent

    I'm working on a logo and I need the artboard to disappear.

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  6. Ouvrir plusieurs documents à la fois

    Je me demande est ce qu’il serait possible de faire en sorte d’ouvrir plusieurs documents, au moins deux pour copier coller des objectes, calques, de l’un vers l’autre, sans avoir à passer par la galerie.

    Importation spéciale ? Aperçu ? Picture in picture ?

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  7. キーボードのスペースキーで画面移動ができるようにする


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  8. me dice error cuando edito fotos

    deberían de dar mas seguimiento ala app sea para mejorarla

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  9. Extend canvas dimension limit

    Can't work with bigger posters. Coreldraw handles it like a champ and illustrator makes me look bad on that field.

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  10. New document preset details fields tab order

    When creating a new document in both Illustrator and Photoshop the Preset Details tab order is frustrating. It would make more sense to enter a width in the field then hit tab to go to height field. Currently it tabs from width to units to height.
    I often enter a width hit tab and enter what I think is a height only to find it's sitting on the units dropdown.
    InDesign has this tab order correct and is much more sensible.

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  11. Aggiungere opzione margini interni e formati di lavoro per social network

    Sarebbe molto utile avere a disposizione i principali formati di lavoro di alcuni social network (post Instagram o Facebook) e tra le opzioni avanzate la possibilità di aggiungere i margini interni al documento.

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  12. Duplicate File

    Like in Photoshop, I'd like an option in Illustrator to duplicate the entire file, opening the duplicate in a new tab.

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  13. Ability to create a new document

    I want to create a new document and not one from a template. Please add "Create New Blank Document".

    I use this for mobile games and don't think it's fair I have to revert back to Legacy to just create a quick ai file to edit and go.

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  14. Keep guides and elements in new document profile

    I know we can create new document profiles with custom size and custom swatches and use the profiles to quickly create new new custom documents with repeating specs.

    However either I am doing something wrong or I've missed something, but the guides don't get saved along the artboard size and swatches. Surely keeping the guides should be possible within the same technology? Would love to see this improvement.

    I have searched everywhere for a solution to always having to open an illustrator template file as a workaround.

    Thanks :)

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  15. screenshot save in adobe illustrator open document.

    I need a screenshot save in adobe illustrator open document instead of the desktop.
    I like the option to change the RGB TO CMYK OR JPG OR PNG
    I like the option to edit image crop and save it as an bitmap

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  16. Artboard creation like in photoshop

    Pretty much artboards like in photoshop but for illustrator

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  17. Baseline Grid / Set Up Guides

    The ability to set up grid systems for layouts like in InDesign. (Baseline Grid etc.)

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  18. Cloud Dokument lässt sich nicht öffnen

    Ich habe gestern meine Datei zum ersten mal unter Cloud von Adobe gespeichert und nicht auf meinen PC und jetzt kann ich die Datei weder öffnen noch Herunterladen. Wenn ich es versuch zu öffnen steht entweder nichts dabei oder fehler beim öffnen und irgendwas ganz kleines was ich nicht lesen kann. Beim Herunterladen der Datei steht dran Fehler beim Herunterladen. Ich bedanke mich bei jeder Hilfe im Vorraus.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Moritz Wenk

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  19. Feedback on Enhanced Cloud Document Feature (in Beta now)

    Now, embed Photoshop cloud documents into your cloud documents and files. You will be able to select your Photoshop cloud documents in a new cloud picker in the Place dialog.

    Track the status of individual cloud documents, through the Cloud Sync icon in your CDO.

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  20. Automatically Export artboards as placed 300dpi jpgs

    When I am done with my vector work and am ready to go to print I have to export each artboard and then import each jpg and place into the artboards and adjust to fit.

    I propose you develop a setting where we can choose to rasterize and replace the vector work perfectly in the artboard with a 300dpi CMYK jpg (or settings to achieve a variety of options).

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