Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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319 results found
default units
I am currently using the 2020 version and i would like to have inches as the default unit. It is not available on this version. I had to contact customer support and they only way is keep documents in inches is when i open a new doc and each time i have to change the unit. There should be a way to have all my docs set up as inches under Units. So general and type in inches and stroke in points is what i would like to see.
3 votes -
Fit artboard in window when opening an Illustrator document
Please have the file open as Fit Artboard in Window. Like it used to be. It is annoying to have to hit the shortcut, Command - 0 every time I open a file.
7 votes -
Maintain Word style
When I paste an italicized Word font into the Illustrator, it becomes plain text.
I'd like to see Adobe improve this feature so that you can "copy and paste" while maintaining Word's italics and other styles.
1 vote -
Allow to change color & width of border / edges for artboards (all and active)
Sometimes when I am using black colour I cant see properly my artboard size so I have work with the guides instead of using the change artboard colour option so it gets annoying. If there were an artboard frame colour option it would be easier to compare my design w.r.t. the artboard
31 votes -
Delete artwork together with artboard
There are times you want to delete artworks and the artboards as well. It would be lovely to do both in one command.
1 vote -
Please allow to flip artboards
Allow to flip artboards just like vector shapes vertically or horizontally, no more having to enter the opposite measures on each size field.
2 votes -
New document without symbols, brushes, graphic styles
New documents are pre-filled with unwanted symbols, brushes and graphic styles that bloat the documents. I always have to go in and delete these to keep file size down, especially when saving as EPS for logos, etc.
6 votes -
Artboard Dimension Limitation
One of the biggest complaints we hear from our franchisees is the artboard limitation of 227.541". Why is that the limit? Corel doesn't have a limit. Why Adobe? and why such an obscure number? I realize there is a PDF limitation of 200" so that is another issue.
15 votesThe maximal size of an artboard is limited by the canvas, which is limited to a 2^14 = 16384 points (16383, if you count from zero). It equals roughly to 227 inches or 577 millimeters.
Why this value? Because of math and a weighted decision the team had made long ago about storing coordinates, I assume.
Why is this still relevant? Because a lot of other stuff had been built upon this foundation. It’s extremely costly to make changes to this without making everything else crumble.
There is another request, now marked as completed, 'Remove Canvas Limit' — To make it work, the team added an internal scale factor which allows 10x larger canvas, by removing one decimal space — which makes sense, since a user probably won’t need to deal with ten-thousands when working in tens of meters.
However, this request is still valid — but please…
Auto guides
My workflow would be so much quicker if when you draw a box or shape, you could hit a command that creates auto guides vertically and horizontal centrally to just that box.
2 votes -
Alt+click to create an artboard and open artboard dimensions
Alt+Click in artboard work space to set location AND open an artboard dimensions dialog box. At present we have to draw an artboard and then go edit the dimensions. Currently its 2 clicks and a couple of drags, instead of just one click with the proposal above.
Also most other tools have "Alt+Click" features enabled, think "square" "rotate" "scale". etc.
4 votes -
Can we have master artboards for Illustrator, the way we do for In Design??
I do so much illustration on my projects that it's not practical to use In Design for layout, so I use Illustrator for everything and it's almost perfect. The one thing I find I'm consistently missing is the ability to assign templates to certain artboards (like a master artboard.) I can't use "paste to all artboards" for this, because often I am doing book format with A/B. Sometimes, I'm doing student/teacher guides where the looks need to be differentiated.
Can we get the ability to assign some artboards to another so that they can update dynamically if we change them…
1 vote -
1 vote
Align to...BUTTON
In a past version of AI, the "align to artboard or selection" was a button rather than a menu. Please bring back the button! I switch between these two options hundreds of times a week and the menu wastes time that adds up.
Thanks so much always!
2 votesAlign To is now three buttons in Align panel instead of a dropdown list.
Comprehensive Design Theme
An comprehensive theme which contains a preset colors for all type of projects, along with selective fonts for specific client/brand.
This feature can be used across all apps and will be adapted automatically.
For example: It will automatically use the presets RGB colors for web and video projects, then for web design project it will also select the theme "predetermined safe/web fonts". And when you're starting a print project, this feature will automatically use the presets CMYK and PMS (if available) colors with the theme's predetermined fonts.As an added feature, there would be an AI inverted (dark) theme. I…
1 vote -
always auto alignment / scale to fit to artboard for dragging in assets
when drag in assets, able to pop up selection to tick, able to remember the settings and able to unable it at preference settings.
below is the option.
[ always auto align center artboard ]
* able to select alignment point for example top left, bottom right etc[ always scale to fit artboard ]
[ always scale to certain percentage ]
main purpose - to further shorten working time
Thanks. Adobe.
1 vote -
Zoom in, out and pan when in dialog window
No matter what dialog window we are currently in, we should be able to zoom in and out and pan the artboard.
8 votes -
Set artboard rearrange for document so when artboards are duplicated they automatically go to the next line versus getting the error.
Set artboard rearrange for document so when artboards are duplicated they automatically go to the next line versus getting the error "Cannot create Artboard outside of the canvas. Please rearrange and try again. How about that feature automatically rearranges the next artboard to follow your preferences (direct down for example).
3 votes -
Don’t include the stroke of the object when creating an object-sized artboard with Artboard tool
Create artboards to CENTER of stroke pleasssseee!
If I create a box with a fill and stroke, using (Shift+O) for Artboard tool, I double-click my box and a new artboard is created.
When I double-click my shape with the Artboard tool, it creates an artboard around the stroke width and not the actual bounding box or CENTER of the stroke.
I believe Illustrator used to perform this operation correctly in the past.10 votes -
Infinite Canvas
I find myself using more and more Figma to brainstorm and create my designs as I have a single document containing all of my visual explorations.
For print assets I go back to Illustrator and create the final file, but I really wish I could have done it all in illustrator. So just removing the canvas limit.
Not artboards or number of something — just being able to spread and spread your ideas in the same place.17 votes -
Automatically incorporate the .jpeg .png name into the artboard name
When working with multiple assets (png's and jpegs) and wish to import them in a document for various purposes: resize, remake them as vector for "overwrite" purpose it would be really helpful to:
When importing a .jpeg or a .png file into a document, by clicking on the .png or .jpeg with the arboard tool, instead of creating a generic name, the artboard tool should "take" the name of the file automatically.
When working with hundreds of small assets, it is very painful having to rename every single file in order to batch export them.
Very helpful in, mobile, web…
2 votes
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