Artboard background color needs to be user-assignable
We need to be able to change artboard background color.
Working on pure white is straining on the eyes and it's rarely appropriate for non-print projects (99% of my work). Having to draw colored rectangles, lock them or put them on separate layers, and then manage them when we resize or duplicate artboards is painful and tedious.
Let's have an icon for it next to the artboard name (in the Artboard palette) where we can choose a swatch (including transparent).
Let's support changing multiple artboard colors at once with multi-selection.
Thank you!

Illustrator allows option to Simulate Color Paper, whereby user can pick any color as the background. (This is accessible from File -> Document Setup)
Does this help solve the described concerns?
Hi users
Illustrator team is looking into this feature. We would love to know what are the use cases or workflows where this feature will be helpful. Please take this short survey to help us build the right product.
Anonymous commented
Photoshop has the option to add an artboard colour - surely Illustrator can do the same? It would help when creating web ads. Having to make background rectangles and lock them is an extra step that would be great to eliminate.
Jim commented
Thank you, but it does not. The problem is when we work on very large documents with multiple art boards, in my case anyway, I am called to have different backgrounds either for print or for web. So currently what I end up doing is just creating a background rectangle and locking it. It would’ve just been easier if I could’ve assigned a background to a specific art board. This is not mission critical, but it would definitely be useful.
Diana commented
The artboard should be colored to make it easier working on pure white icons and graphics, also so we can actually see a thumbnail preview of the artword once it's saved. The color of the artboard is for working / viewing purpose only, when saving / exporting it reverts back to transparent, it doesn't add a colored layer to the artwork.
Gabriela Radin! commented
When we add an artboard, its only possible background color is white. I suggest offering the possibility to modify the background color of an artboard directly at the time of creation.
This avoids the need for another layer in the project that will only be used for the background and will not have another uses.
[Deleted User] commented
Hi there. I agree with all the comments below, and would love to add my 2 cents :
UI designer's feature needed here.
If I'm building icons, by default Ai displays a white background. And when I want to work on white icons, it's of course not optimal.
The trick is to show the transparency grid, which by default is set to white and light gray.
I had a lot of white icons coming from CC libs (first coming from Ai files). And those icons would mostly be white and transparent strokes and fills (mostly white fills).
If Ai became smart enough to realize that a mostly white content document requires to be displayed on a dark background, then it saves me so much time.
Of course, make this a preference so users don't hate you for a dark transparency grid.
Cycling through transp grid color would be nice also.
And alt-click on the transparency grid button sending you to the document settings would have avoided me digging through the 20+ preference panels :)
Anonymous commented
I frequently create large amounts of web ads in Illustrator and need to create a background colour on each. It would be REALLY helpful if a background colour could be added at setup. I need the colour to export, so the workaround of 'simulate coloured paper' does not work.
SVG? SVG is a vector format. If there is nothing in the background, it will be transparent. You have to create a 'big box' underneath, that is how a format works.
To avoid it from being selected when you marquee your stuff —just move it to a separate layer and lock the layer, or just the background itself (but in this case you can accidentally unlock it Unlock All command when working on the design) -
CPhillips commented
I agree. Depending on the colors we use for our art, it can get lost unless we hack it and create a new shape layer at the bottom of our stack. Not very intuitive. Should be and option to change the artboard and canvas color.
I always work outside of the “pure white” artboards, onto the darker canvas.
Anonymous commented
I do "export as" and choose SVG. I don't see such an option. I chose TIF, BMP, PNG and I don't see the option you are telling me about.
What format do you export your document to? What method do you use? Export As? Export for Screens? Save for Web?
Most of them allow to choose if you want transparent or opaque background.
If not (like TIFF and Export As, which is a miss), then you can can create your big rectangle and place it on a locked layer under your art — this will prevent it from getting selected. -
Anonymous commented
Can I have a real non-transparent artboard? For example, if I am creating art to be exported into another document, I see my background being transparent which is not what I want.
I know I can draw a big box and put it in the back and make that big box non-transparent by filling it with some color. The problem with this is highlighting multiple objects with the mouse is hard because when you are trying to draw the selection box you select the big white box too which is not what you want.
So, can we have a real non-transparent background?
David commented
Being able to select a background colour other than white would be great for jpg asset export too.
Marco Pashkov commented
The ability to set the background color of an art board.
Jayse Hansen commented
Hugely agreed. Making a dark box as a background for every document is highly tedious. Changing to transparency grid and making both checker-box colors dark SHOULD work - but it doesn't because it messes with all your thumbnails and also makes a 'broken line' outline to your artboard. Please add this essential option asap.
Colin McDermid commented
It would be great it were possible to set a 'working' background colour for artboards e.g. upon export of the image / artboard it would default back to transparent or white (depending on output format).
Having worked through creating a number of white icons, you can get around it by manually drawing in background and turning the visibility off, but if there was an option on the artboards palette to do this, it would be much easier.
Karo Holmberg (Loupedeck) commented
Stephen commented
Agreed! I understand that for print documents "paper" color can change how printed media looks, but in 2019, the majority of users are probably creating work for screens almost exclusively. White graphics are almost impossible to create or edit in illustrator without using silly hacks or work-arounds.
Jeff D commented
It's a cruel joke that this function is still missing from Illustrator.
Anonymous commented
as Pierre-Francesco Costa said. But it would be nice if we could set the *default* grid colours to our choosing - e.g. dark for all (new) documents