Make a quick-key or toggle for “Scale stokes & Effects “
I find myself diving into Preferences to toggle this setting on & off many, many times. I’d love to be able to toggle it with a keystroke.
Thank you.
It is possible to achieve this with a script.
There are many variations of this, but I like this compact one by Oleg Krasnov:app.preferences.setBooleanPreference('ShowExternalJSXWarning', false);
(function () {
var n = "scaleLineWeight"
, m = "scale strokes"
, state = app.preferences.getBooleanPreference(n)? 0 : 1;
app.preferences.setBooleanPreference(n, state);
return m + ": " + (state? "on" : "off");
})()Save it in a text file with .jsx format.
Then you can put this script into the dedicated Scripts folder, record an action to call it, and assign a hotkey to the action.
Once it’s set up (and backed up! actions can be lost on updates) — it just works.The request is a legal one, sure. Voted.
Lincoln Wolf commented
I agree. Many tools and plugins allow you to change how something works while keeping the mouse button down. For example: While using the pen tool, you can move the current node by holding the space bar.
It would be great if I could select an object, then while using the scale tool I start to click and drag, and while I'm still dragging I press spacebar (or some other key) to toggle between scaling the stroke/effects.