Select Options Panel (available within workspace view)
While working on complex illustrations I find myself frequently needing to switch the 'SELECT OBJECT BY PATH ONLY' option off and on.
It would be hugely helpful if a 'SELECT OPTIONS' panel was available directly within the workspace.
Alternatively, a preference which offers 'SELECT IGNORES DROP-SHADOWS' would make life so much easier too. Quite often it's necessary to select an object by its fill rather the the path. Problem is, drop shadows of nearby objects keep getting in the way.
Only option is to lock objects or layers... this can be extremely frustrating when you need to lock and unlock several objects or layers simply to select a single object beneath a drop shadow.
Situations where this frequently comes an issue includes artwork containing: multiple layers (25 +), several objects with overlapping drop shadows, pathfinder generated compound shapes with over-stamped lines and clipping paths also containing over-stamped shapes and drop shadows.