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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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185 results found

  1. Add Convert to normal map filter / effect

    As It's already existing in Photoshop, and as there are some Photoshop filters applicable in Illustrator, I was wondering if we can get the "convert to Normal Map" filter directly in Illustrator.

    It may be useful and more efficient than using AI + PS to generate some Normal maps based on vector graphics.

    Many Thanks

    7 votes
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  2. Transforming 3D effects

    For 3D effects such as 'Extrude and Bevel', 'Revolve' and 'Rotate', transformation behaviour is incomplete. For instance:

    Scale Strokes and Effects doesn't cause the extrude depth to scale.

    Flipping the object only flips the path and not the 3D effect.

    Both these things should transform as expected...

    7 votes
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  3. Numerate / Numbering / Sequential numbers / Number sequence / Auto-serialize

    As a function of the transform tool, or perhaps a tool in it's own right, a feature to numerate copies in sequence and/or apply fully scanning bar or QR codes. E.g. raffle tickets, concert tickets, coupons, vouchers, etc.

    This would be invaluable as a time-saving measure, and allow an artist/designer to keep something like tickets completely in-house. I've been working with Illustrator for 15 years, and to my knowledge there's no feature that does anything like this. When I design concert or raffle tickets I have to use a 3rd party vendor, pretty much just for the bar code and…

    7 votes
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  4. procedural textures for fills

    It would be nice if there was a procedural texture fill available. Something like coreldraw has, but completely procedural so that file size doesn't bloat. The more parameters the better so we could create many varying textures/colors/patterns/etc.

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  5. Turn off effects in outline mode

    I never really understood why effects are loaded in the background in outline mode. Why is it necessary to load an effect when you don't even see it? I thought the purpose of outline mode was for when the artwork have become heavy and takes longer time to load. The usual reason why my artwork becomes so heavy is because of all the effects I use. I wish I could switch to outline mode for quick edits instead of having to wait for the effect to load every time I do a tiny adjustment. Effects should be turned off in…

    6 votes
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  6. An option to Consider End Handles when filling open paths

    In illustrator we can to adjust start and end point handles in open path, but it have not much sense. What about to consider this handles to adjust shape of the object fill. Not on strait line like usual, but in way like we want. By the way, if we decide to close the path, Ai should make it in that way too.
    So, we doesn't need two objects with stroke and shape separately, it will be one object with adjustable end handles.

    6 votes
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  7. 5 votes
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  8. An ability to create custom bevel profiles for 3D and Materials Extrude

    We can create our own profiles for now Classic Extrude, by modifying the — located here:
    Mac: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator [version]/Support Files/Resources/[locale]
    Win: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator [version]\Support Files\Required\Resources[locale]

    But changing the file does nothing to customize bevels for the modern 3D!
    They seem to be hardcoded.
    Please, make the same file to be recognized by the modern 3D, or perhaps come up with some better way, that does not require to modify a red-only file and restarting Ai — for both 3D methods.

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  9. I would like to use the old extrude and bevel feature

    the new 3D & Materials feature does not have the same little cube you could manually adjust the perspective on, and instead it is much more tedious having to enter the numbers

    I also found it easier to get out a vector version rather than the image it likes to output now

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  10. Z depth / 3D space for points on path.

    I do medical illustration for suture techniques. I use a path with a stroke to illustrate the suture (like a string), which need to overlap and show depth. I add a drop shadow to the path, but it simply goes around the entirety of the path's stroke shape, and doesn't apply above segments of the path which should appear below the higher sections.

    There needs to be a z-axis system where I can assign a z-depth to each point on a path, which allows the drop shadow effect to apply to the same path on depths below it.

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  11. Overhaul of Illustrator's 3D capabilities.

    Illustrator's 3D effects are hugely outdated. Something that matches or even exceeds After Effects would be a would boost to the program.

    Heck, even something that allows you to easily rotate and move the shapes around in 3D space like AE would be great. Illustrator's current 3D tool are clumsy and cumbersome.

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  12. Envelope Distort in Effect > Distort menu, to be compatible with Appearance

    Wouldn't it be logical to add the Envelope Distort to the Effect > Distort & Transform menu (as well)?

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  13. The ability to offset paths multiple times all at once

    The ability to offset paths multiple times all at once would be so useful!

    Freehand used to have this ability. Comes in handy!

    As it is now I need to go in multiple separate times to do this. Makes it awkward and time-consuming.

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  14. Separate "Random" checkboxes for every parameter of the transform each command and effect.

    Seperate "Random" checkboxes for every parameter of the "Transform Each" command and effect.

    This would allow the user, in one step, to randomize only the selected parameter, (say the vertical scale) but still transform the other parameters (maybe rotation and number of copies) uniformly.

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  15. Drag & Drop Appearance


    Currently, moving individual "Appearance" between objects is a difficult route:
    1. Select the object. Deselect the object.
    2. Display the "Appearance" palette
    3. Delete unnecessary "Appearance"
    4. create a style. with the right Apperance
    5. Select the object.
    6. ALT + Click on the style to add a new Appearance to the existing Appearance of the object.

    Whew ....

    Can you not create the ability to drag the Appearance?

    It would be great and so much more time during work.

    Best Regards

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  16. More controls for the center point of the Transform effect: relative to artboard / object

    I would like a few more controls for where Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform centers the transformation.

    Next to the 3x3 centerpoint grid, there would be an "Origin" dropdown. offering the options of "Relative to Object" and "Relative to Artboard". "Relative to Object" is the current behavior, and should be the default option.

    There would also be a pair of X and Y inputs to specify an offset of the centerpoint from whatever corner was chosen.

    As an example of why I might want this: I have an Appearance stack for doing quick and dirty rimlighting of an…

    4 votes
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  17. Add metric units in 3D

    When generating 3D, even if 2D path could be very precise in dimension, the 3D volume is most often expressed in proportion (from 0 to 100%)

    When you try to export for 3D printing it could be more usable to be able to express in metric units...
    Like it has been done in Photoshop some times (years) ago ;-)

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  18. 3D & Materials: separate colour/material for extrusion

    Please introduce the ability to apply separate colour and material to the extruded part of a 3D shape. There are multiple examples where such a feature would immensely help recreating real world objects. For example: laser cut plywood (burned edges, parallel to the surface), slice of bread, etc. Basically, any cut object which interior is different to its surface.

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  19. Allow to change default settings for 3D and Materials effect

    Can we please change the default settings on 3D effect to not apply anything or allow us to change the default. It takes forever to load on every project just to open it up for a simple bevel to be applied. Many times my app just crashes just opening up the window just from applying whatever the default setting is doing to the text I selected. My computer is far beyond the specs that it says the program requires until I need to open this tool on anything.

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  20. 4 votes
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