Artboards do not snap to whole pixels
When the snap to pixel option is turned on and I use the Artboard Tool dragging the corner of the artboard results in random decimals.
Say if my artboard is 512x512 and I drag a corner out it will now be dragging at every pixel but with a random decimal rather than a integer. this decimal will be the same at every snapped pixel until I let go. at this point if I move it again a new random decimal will be added.
These two screenshots show issue values. take not it is random and the X and Y values do not always match.
I am using Illustrator 22.0.0 (64-bit)
and windows 10 pro Version 1511

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Steph commented
If this is fixed, it still isn't on by default. How do you turn it on?
Emma M. commented
Not fixed; this is still a big problem in 2022.
Paul commented
This makes no sense as a "fix." What is the use case for ever ever having an artboard NOT snap to pixel, btw? For print, 300dpi nothing matters, anyway. For digital/web it ALWAYS matters if the top XY pixel is perfect. Really, why EVER have an art board not snap to pixel by default? In some 1 in 1,000,000 scenario where someone wants to do pixel work that is NOT aligned at all, then you can have THEM manually change the artboard location. 🙄
Hans commented
The problem is that there is no option to snap to whole pixels in XY coordinates. This can make it add an extra pixel when exporting. Please fix.
Clay Ravin commented
No, the problem is still not fixed. Artboards still don't snap to the same locations as artwork. Please fix!
John commented
This feature works ok, but there's a bug. If you create a 600px x 600px artboard and then move it without the align pixel feature and then turn it ON afterwards. The artboard does NOT snap to the nearest pixel when you drag it. Illustrator remembers the decimals of the current non-pixel aligned position and adds or removes whole pixels. So then you'd think that you could just click the "align to pixel" button next to the snap, but that doesn't MOVE the artboard to the nearest pixel, it also RESIZES the artboard.
Please just make an artboard "snap" to whole pixels when you have the snap-to-pixel turned on. Remove all the decimals when you use this option. that will fix it..
Just an user commented
Ashutosh, what kind of Senior Quality Engineer and Manager are you, if you're not being able to offer a proper explanation on how have you fixed this problem?
Jay commented
If you are waiting for Adobe to fix this issue you are wasting your time. And... they are wasting yours. Use another application and the reduction of subscription users will let Adobe know how you really feel.
Artem commented
Issue still there. Very frustrating and a huge time-waster.
A 300x300px artboard snaps to half-pixels. When "Align selected art to pixel grid" is clicked, the artboard self-resizes to 301x301px and only then does it snap to full pixels. -
pawel kuc commented
ai 23.0.1 (x64), Windows. This issue is still there:
'Snap to Grid' option set to on. When I move my artboard (without resizing the artboard rectangle, i.e. just changing its position) with mouse it doesn't snap to my grid. at all.It has been reported November 22, 2017 7:42 PM. A whole year ago!!! And still nothing!!! I am totally frustrated with the quality of your software, Adobe!
Glen Webster commented
Hi. I have downloaded the 23.0 Beta and the issue certainly isn't fixed. Am I doing something wrong? Also if this is not going to be released until 2019 then its pretty much useless ad 3rd part plugins will not work until the official release and the plugin developers have updated their plugins! Stick between a rock and a hard place. Can you not do an update to the current version?
Elena commented
Hi guys.
Why this simple option became such a complicated thing?
I still don't understand why this product not working on us anymore,
and why I should work on it?
I today spend half work day on manual snapping with outline view only. -
Luis Rodrigues commented
This is a very annoying bug that really consumes a lot of time. Please be more careful with future updates.
Thanks -
Anonymous commented
STILL Not fixed
Anonymous commented
I can second what Glen said, this isn't at all fixed in the new version.
Glen Webster commented
Sorry Ashutosh. I have just updated to 22.1 and the issue is still there. This is a really important feature for print! Can you have a look into this with the highest priority. Thank you.
Toby Eglesfield commented
The snaps on Illustrator sink up to 20% of my job time when working with multiple art boards.
Geo Manolov commented
This bug eats a lot of my time designing things for Print, to snap exactly the edges of the artboard to the image/panel/sheet. Please take your time and fix this problem, because the only way option round this is to try to downgrade the version. Thank you!
Ivailo Rachkov commented
It will be great if someone from illustrator team can fix it. It is so strange - how can you broke something that works perfect, and after that - can not fix it fast?!?!?!
Jesse Schoen commented
Artboards do not snap to grid any more.
This has a devastating effect on production!
Please fix it so art boards snap to the pixel grid as Illustrator did on the very recent past!