Artboards do not snap to whole pixels
When the snap to pixel option is turned on and I use the Artboard Tool dragging the corner of the artboard results in random decimals.
Say if my artboard is 512x512 and I drag a corner out it will now be dragging at every pixel but with a random decimal rather than a integer. this decimal will be the same at every snapped pixel until I let go. at this point if I move it again a new random decimal will be added.
These two screenshots show issue values. take not it is random and the X and Y values do not always match.
I am using Illustrator 22.0.0 (64-bit)
and windows 10 pro Version 1511

We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Christopher Clinton commented
This will save a lot of time!
Anonymous commented
Still a problem for me too. Come on already! This is so **** frustrating and wasting so much time!
Kelly Torrance commented
This is still a problem as of January 24th, 2018, running the latest version of Illustrator. This is costing me an enormous amount of time and frustration. Our company has a dozen 'seats' with the Adobe suite - I'm hoping our manager decides to fill those seats with an alternative design suite. I'd rather learn a new software package than keep putting up with this buggy nonsense.
Nick Almquist commented
This is so unbelievably frustrating. This has been an issue since Illustrator CC 2018 first shipped and it is STILL an issue. Just updated to 22.0.1 on OSX 10.13.2 (17C88) and it's still happening. Please get it together and fix this.
Tony commented
I want to vote more than once for this.
I work on grid.
I want to rearrange my artboards manually and keep my art perfectly aligned. I select multiple artboards, make sure snap to grid is turned on (and move/copy artwork button is pressed, but it's irrelevant), and drag these selected artboards to new position — they don't snap.Everything MUST snap to grid when it's on
Anonymous commented
I have a studio full of designers whose productivity is being affected by this bug, is anything being done about it or is time to learn affinity?
Anonymous commented
Any news on this?
pawel kuc commented
same issue here. Adobe Illustrator 22.0.1, windows x64.
plus this:
'Snap to Grid' option set to on. When I move my artboard (without resizing the artboard rectangle) with mouse it doesn't snap to my grid. at all. -
Levi B commented
I noticed the same issue today. The best workaround I found was to create a rectangle to the size you'd like your artboard to be (make sure snap to Pixel is ON), then use Object>Artboards>Convert to Artboards. Then you can drag copies of that artboard, and as long as you hold shift to keep them on either the same vertical or horizontal axis, they will stay the same size and export to your specified pixel dimensions.
TishwikJono commented
I too have experienced this issue.
Unbelievable that they charge for us to be beta testers.
nozzle commented
Artboards move off the grid when selected with artboard tool. They jump around like crazy. Appalling that a company can release such a sub-standard product and expect it's paying users to spot it's shoddy mistakes. Wow, 482 bugs so far, that's impressive.
Anonymous commented
When the creating new artboards, I have experienced issues with the (x,y) coordinates of (0,0) moving. Subsequently, this moves my document grid and thus causing all elements on my pasteboard to be off the grid. sometimes by .24 of a pixel.
AdminNitish Agarwal (Illustrator on Web/iPad Team) (Lead Software Engineer, Adobe Illustrator) commented
Hi Glen,
Thanks for sharing your problem. We understood your problem and we are already working on it to fix. Also, I have one workaround for you. If you are using closed paths near the art board boundaries you can use Stroke inside instead center stroke. You change it by following below steps :
1. Go to Window > Stroke in Illustrator
2. From fly out menu select show options
3. In Align Stroke option, select Align stroke to inside.This will always have all the art inside of the bounding box. But the limitation is it only works for the closed paths.
I hope it solves some of your problem.Thanks & Regards
Nitish Agarwal
Illustrator Team -
Glen Webster commented
Hi Nitish. I am sending you a screen video of the problem. you will get it from wetransfer and from my work email address
AdminNitish Agarwal (Illustrator on Web/iPad Team) (Lead Software Engineer, Adobe Illustrator) commented
Hi Glen,
You can share your file at If you can make a video or enter detailed steps it will really helpful for us and get this fixed early. You can log your feature request separately in the feature request section of user voice itself.
Thanks & Regards
Nitish Agarwal
Illustrator Team -
Glen Webster commented
Hi Nitish. Thank you for your response. No the snapping to the centre point was fine in previous releases as far as I can remember. This would be great to fix as soon as possible as it does ad time to completing artwork. However the feature suggestion would be amazing too! How can I share the file with you Nitish?
Glen Webster commented
illustrator 22.0.1
In the artboards dropdown menu where you select the option 'fit to artwork bounds. There should be an option to fit to diecut centres. this is because the artboard must be the same size as the physical cut when printed and not the outside of the line. Job boxes that designers place onto the artwork would state the actual flat sheet size. this information is derived from the document info panel. Because fit to artwork bounds fits the artboard to the external edge of a diecut the dimensions in the document info panel will not be accurate. Is there a way for illustrator to recognise the centre of a diecut when setting artwork bounds? Also when you select the edit artboard in the document set up panel and then use the handles to move each edge of the artboard to the centre line of a diecut, it no longer snaps to the centre. this has only changed in the last update. This is an incredibly important feature for packaging designers and very frustrating that you can no longer just snap to the centre line of a diecut unless I am missing something.please see the attached screenshot.
Thank You.
Anonymous commented
Updated to the latest version this morning and this is still an issue! Can we get a fix please!
Anonymous commented
This is something that has only started to happen in the latest update. When you edit an artboard and have smart guides turned on, if you rezise the artboard and try to snap it to objects its is completely inacurate and not snapping to anything properly.