New Customizable Toolbar need a way to Lock
Customizable toolbar absolutely needs to have a way of locking it!
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Anonymous commented
Adobe near thought of this stupid tool bar editing decision became a disaster like this, hope they will learn from this lesson, try to think and work as a user point of view.
Kostya commented
Hurrah!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Love this new Adobe game - Find my ******* square tool again. **** your deadline mate, Im hunting for a circle.
Desiree commented
All is good...i found the reset button, lol, all is back to where it should be :)
SirStancelot commented
Not sure if still applicable, but have you tried CMD+SHIFT+B (Mac) or CTRL+SHIFT+B (Windows)? This is the show/hide bounding box shortcut. Hope it helps someone :)
Desiree commented
My direct selection tool is TOTALLY missing after updating last night. What the heck?? Why can't you people (Adobe) leave something that already works well alone and stop changing things to make it more complicated? This is getting so annoying!!
Bronwyn commented
I do not have this update available. I have forced it to check and it says no updates.
Anonymous commented
Finally, the start need to reset was a stupid waste of time. Please don't ever have the program try to anticipate what tools I want!
Chad commented
I agree. It's annoying and a time waster!
@Derrick Riley - Thanks for the suggestion. I have edited my post to add a link on how to reset -
susanatsv commented
Where has the type tool T gone?
Derrick Riley commented
Can you please add the instructions on how to reset the toolbar? I've updated but can't figure out how to reset without scrolling through hundreds of people's complaints below.
Anonymous commented
Winkworth is the coolest name ever. Anyway i tried calling adobe to see if they could credit my last montly payment to offset my trouble snd they said no. Then they transferred me to a tech that i explaind all the steps ive taken to, who then told me i just needed to reset the toolbar. THANKS! I just told you that was the first thing i already tried. Sad i have to ad adobe to the list of poor companies - ebay - apple - amazon to name a few. Worthless customer support.
ShannonWinkworth commented
Thank god, I thought I was going crazy.
I don't dare contact Adobe for help because their chat professionals are useless--not sure they even know/use the programs and I swear they try to make the conversation unnecessarily frustrating and unhelpful.
Adobe, clean up your act, please! The last few years of dealing you have been painful. -
Eric Wroblewski commented
Who is the moron that keeps changing things in Illustrator. You guys and gals at ADOBE really suck. You take away Muse after many people fall in love with that program and use it to build their businesses. You keep monkeying around with features on programs that don't need to be fixed. STOP that stupidity!
Darlene commented
Seriously I'm on "reset toolbar" about 50 times or more a DAY! My tools just wander where they please without any way of stopping it. Whatever "mind of it's own" it has is more than just annoying - it's a deal breaker to keep using this subscription at all $50 a month while I have to either search the menu bar to find the tool, or I choose the wrong tool by accident cuz it's not where it's supposed to be!! Geez, come on you guys - please deal with this! Affinity Designer is starting to look good to me!
Justin Raymond commented
Rather the tool is outlined or not depends on the user interface color you pick. In a light interface the black tool is solid, but in the dark interface the black tool is outlined. This only appears this way in the tool panel. When using the two primary selections tools they are only black or white with a tiny outline of the opposite color.
By default:
Selection Tool (Black Arrow) is on the top left. The shortcut is 'V'.
Direct Selection Tool (White Arrow) is on the top right. The shortcut is 'A'. -
Anonymous commented
Justin Raymond, or anyone with swapped icons - I uninstalled illustrator, ran the adobe cleaner app, reinstalled illustrator 23.0.2 from and the 'selection tool' and 'direct selection tool' icons are still reversed. I think I need to confirm that I'm not having a psychotic episode or some other type of mental breakdown that has me imagining this problem. I have used Illustrator since the 80's and if I remember right the selection tool has a solid black arrow for the icon, right? And direct selection tool should have the outline of an arrow only, right? My apologies if I have imagined this problem, but I think the icons are reversed. Its funny how something that seems so trivial can really make this difficult to use. Using key commands does not solve the problem, because the keys select the correct icon, but the wrong behavior. I can't seem to retrain myself and I'm not sure I want to.
Dave Moulton commented
Not good enough............, how on earth can you release a version that is not fit for purpose,? in the real world of production and printing presses waiting this is seriously poor, I think I'll stop using illustrator and revert back to FreeHand.... oh wait, ahhh, err, Oh I can't do that can I (Monopoly), looks like I'm stuck with this sluggish slow laughable 'Industry standard'........... get your act together!
Cooley Design Lab commented
Ha! I thought this was just my experience and I had inadvertently done something to cause my tools have a mind of their own. I do use Astute Graphics plugins and thought maybe they were causing the issue but I never experienced this with previous versions of Illustrator. I have been using Illustrator since 88 and have noticed that ever since the subscription model was rolled out, Adobe cares less and less about its customers and especially its longtime, professional users.