Illustrator (Desktop) SDK/Scripting Issues
130 results found
Add 'Convert to Shape' to the menu command notifier list
Please add the menu option: Object->Shape->Convert to Shape to the menu command notifiers list. (I've noticed other menu commands that also need to be added, but I only care about this one).
I'm using Illustrator CC v.23.0.3 on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit.
2 votes -
Wish Applescript could create more extensive dialog boxes in Illustrator.
It would be great to be able to create dialogs with radio buttons, check boxes etc., as can currently be created with Applescript in InDesign.
2 votes -
CC2019 CoordinatePrecision2 in Preferences
When doing operations on small vector objects I found that the precision was weird.
After checking the Preferences files I found that the key
plugin/SVGFormat/CoordinatePrecision was set to 3 (like in CC2018 were it works fine)But also found a new key:
plugin/SVGFormat/CoordinatePrecision2 set to 1!After closing Illustrator and updating that value to 3 it works again.
I didn't see any mention of that change in any docs.
Is "CoordinatePrecision2" the new value from CC2019? and "CoordinatePrecision" deprecated?
2 votes -
accented charaters bug?
(Illustrator 2015-3, mac)
I try to put this text in a frame.
Before insertAfter, the text ( as a char *) is correct
After the insertAfter, it is also correct ( via getContents).
But garbage is displayed as seen in the screen capture.
Dropbox - Capture d'écran 2018-04-25 05.39.42.png
I'm stuck.
Thanks for any help.
He re is some code I use.
// get contents
TextFrameRef textFrameRef = NULL;
AIErr result = sAITextFrame->GetATETextFrame(bloc, &textFrameRef);
ATE::ITextFrame textFrame(textFrameRef);
ATE::ITextRange textRange = textFrame.GetTextRange();
// textRange.Select();
int longueur = textRange.GetContents(s, 255);
// set contents to contenu
// Set the contents of…
2 votes -
[Feature] Ability to embed HTTPS sites into extension HTML via iFrames
Currently it is not possible to embed HTTPS sites into extension HTML via iFrames because it results in a mixed-mode security violation. It would be nice to have the CEF used in the extension ignore this error when using extension html installed on the local system.
I've attached a simple file demoing the problem.
2 votes -
[BUG] Unable to debug Extensions on Windows with CC2018
Currently when attaching the Chrome debugger under windows this causes the application to refresh the extension panel, and to disconnect from the debugger.
2 votes -
Can you provide a script that will take selected elements and groups and place them on their own layers?
Can you provide a script that will take selected elements and groups and place them on their own layers?
2 votes -
AIArtStyleParser->CreateNewStyle not working in Illustrator 28.7 with SDK Build 130 and 709
AIArtStyleParser->CreateNewStyle return 0 (no error) but also the pointer to the new AIArtStyleHandle is invalid.
Also AIArtStyleParser->NewPaintFieldStroke doesn't work.It worked in previous Illustrator Beta releases with SDK Build 130 (April 2024)
1 vote -
1 vote
Executing the script throws the Error 1242: Illegal argument
[Windows11 Pro 22H2] Adobe Illustrator27.9で次のJavaScriptを実行するとError 1242:Illegal argument -argument 1のエラーとなりましたのでバグとして報告いたしますvar textValue = null;
var selectedFont = null;
// アクティブなドキュメントを取得
var doc = app.activeDocument;
// インストールされている書体のリストを取得する関数
function getInstalledFonts() {
var fontList = [];
var fonts = app.textFonts;
for (var i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) {
return fontList;
var fontAll = getInstalledFonts();
// ダイアログボックスの作成
var dialog = new Window("dialog", "縦組テキストを配置", undefined, {resizeable: true});
dialog.orientation = "column";
// ダイアログボックスに「テキスト入力エリア」を追加
var textArea = dialog.add("edittext", undefined, "", {multiline:true, scrolling:true});
textArea.preferredSize = [500, 200]; // 幅500、高さ200
// ダイアログボックスに「書体の選択」の追加
var fontDropdown = dialog.add("dropdownlist", undefined, fontAll, {scrolling:true}); // インストールされている書体のリストを取得
fontDropdown.selection =…1 vote -
Change Adobe PDF settings without creating a PDF file
Does anyone know if there is a way to change Adobe PDF settings without saving the current file into a PDF file? More specifically, is there a way to turn on/off the "Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities" option using C++ SDK?
1 vote -
weird unicode file names in CEP panel scripts
Files with unicode names should report correctly in the documentAfterActivate and documentAfterSave events.
I just noticed that there are not only strange sequences of escaped and unescaped characters, but they can even differt between these two events.
A € sign produces 0x80 in the activate event and %e2 0x82 %ac in the save event1 vote -
how can i call these functions in AI via script?
-I would like to open a Multipage PDF with settings set to open "all pages" and "import pages as links".
If the pdf has only one page import it also as a link (if possible do it)Import an Illustrator *.ai file Multi-layouts by importing them as links across multiple layouts.
Set flattener presets:
preset name
various parameters...
Select all (Select / All)
Run the command: Object / convert transparency / Previously saved preset / OK
I saw among the commands that there is an openOptionsFreeHand could I create a script that opens the freehand files for me?
How could…
1 vote -
AppleScript can't get character properties (ver26.4.1, ver26.5)
tell character 1
endver26.3.1 get properties
but, ver26.4.1, ver26.5 cant't get properties1 vote -
variables.removeAll(); does not work
When I execute variables.removeAll();. error occurred: 1346458189 ('PARM').
On the other hand, dataSets.removeAll() works.1 vote -
ExtendScript Debugger 2.0.3 for VSCode fails on "doScript" method
When a script containing "doScript" method is run from VSCode to AI 2022 using any version of ExtendScript Debugger 2.x it locks up Ai 2022 requiring a force quit. VSCode must also be reloaded before any debugging can continue.
Rolling ExtendScript Debugger back to v1.1.2 eliminates the failure at the expense of the more advanced features of v2.x.
1 vote -
exportForScreens() file output naming issues
Natively File > Export > Export for Screens has an option to add a suffix to the output file name, but in scripting the last parameter adds a prefix to the output file name not a suffix as it should to match the desk top user options.
exportForScreens(path, ExportForScreensType, ExportForScreensOptions, ExportForScreensItemToExport, "This adds a prefix NOT a suffix");
1 vote -
I'm a graphic design student, my work and projects depend on Adobe Illustrator. The program does not run on my new Windows 11 Surface Pro X
Adobe Illustrator for devices with ARM-64 Processors (i.e. Surface Pro X)
1 voteThis device can’t run desktop Ai :(
There are some explanations and a workaround in comments below.
選択したうえでtell application "Adobe Illustrator"
get file path of selection
end tellを実行するとリザルトが
file "○○○:○○○:ABC"
file "○○○:○○○:ABC#123.psd"
cc2020(24.1.3)(24.2.1)(24.3.0)cc2021(25.2.3)パブリックベータは問題あり。macmini2018 macOS 10.14.6
imac2020 macOS 11.2.31 vote -
I need the TAD file technical architectural diagram for AI
I need the tad file for AI in order to have my company pilot this program and deploy it
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?