Illustrator (iPad) Feature Requests
809 results found
Optional larger sized user interface
I’m a graphic designer, but I’m also legally blind. Being able to have a larger UI would make the app much easer for me to use.
1 vote -
Export separate artboards, export to JPG.
Hi! I couldn’t find a way to export separate artboards when working with more than one in the same file. Also there’s no option for jpg and it would be very useful
1 voteCompleted (Comments Open) ·AdminNeeraj Nandkeolyar (Sr. Product Manager, Adobe Illustrator) responded
This feature shipped in May 2021. Do let us know if you have any feedback. Thanks!
3 votes
Reference Points for transformations.
Please can we have Reference Points in the Transform tool section like in desktop illustrator?
They offer much greater control and repeatability in comparison to black box tools like “Distribute”.
4 votes -
Resize tool panels / contextually sized layers panel
It would be nice to have control over the size of the panels. Example, the layers panel when open is the full height of the document screen even if only a few layers.
2 votes -
Add in stock support
Illustrations or vectors won’t place, please incorporate stock and fonts the same as desktop
1 vote -
Universal Clipboard
To be able to cut, copy and paste vector artwork between Illustrator on a Mac and Illustrator on an iPad utilising the Universal Clipboard function.
4 votes -
Double tap on Apple pencil switch between pencil blob / eraser
When I am shutting with the pencil blob. I use the pencil and the eraser.
Switching between those two, will speed up the workflow.3 votes -
choices for apple 2 double tap
Id like to see more choices on apple 2 double tap. Please add “switch to selection tools”
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4 votes
4 votes
more shape tools etc
add more basic shape tools, including ruler, and the same french curves from illustrator draw app. :)
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Grouping paths in layers panel with a pinch
In other programs there is a shortcut of pinching the layers together to group them. I often have small details over a larger illustration and to select them all I have to go through and lock a bunch of items before grouping. Would be nice if we could just pinch them together
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Faster shape building
The shape builder function is great, but the workflow is quite slow to having to go into the combine shape tab then and selecting the shape builder. Could there be some way of quickly accessing the shape builder option directly at all?
3 votes -
Open a .ai file located on the creative cloud.
The import and open option within the app places my .ai as an image within a new document instead of opening the .ai file.
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Opacity sliders please
Although there are transparency options in the app, it seems to be either buried in the appearance section or only an option with gradients. Please add a transparency slider for the pen and pencil tools
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Magnify lense next to selected point when moving
When tracing with pen tool you usually tweak the points afterwards to align to picture. There would be way more precision and accuracy if there was a magnifying lense ( a box with a zoomed in version of selected point area) on the screen right next to the stylus that assists the point placement
2 votes -
Precise Text Size and Spacing Slider
A more snappy unit for text size and line spacing adjustment slider.
It is difficult to get a precise clean number with the current slider.
For example when I wanted to change a text size from 30 to 40 with the slider, it always ended up with numbers such ash 40.73 or 40.28
A more snappier slider that only move to round numbers or .5 increments would be easier to use.4 votes -
Display detailed colour info
It would be nice if the colour information could be displayed in detail like it does in normal illustrator. such as, if it’s RGB, CMYK, Spot etc, allowing you to check the colours of selected items.
3 votes -
Grey system layout
The grey system layout is much easier on the eyes than the old style white cs3 look.
Please give us the option to change this
3 votes
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