Select Same Fill/Stroke Color ignores Compound Shapes
Select > Same > Fill Color (and I assume the other related functions) ignores the color set for Compound Shapes (if it differs from the color of the original shapes used to create the Compound Shape). Even if you have one selected before triggering the function it refuses to select it. It is as if it cannot see the color assigned to the Compound Shape itself.
Windows 10, latest version of Adobe Illustrator 26.0.1
- I have a file consisting of multiple rectangles all with the exact same color (e.g. black).
- I make two rectangles of a different color (e.g. red) and combine them into a Compound Shape (Alt-click using the pathfinder).
- I set the fill color of my Compound Shape to the same color as the other objects (black).
- If I now select one object (even if it's the compound shape), and choose Select > Same > Fill Color it will select everything except the Compound Shape

Oh yes, it is so much broken! Thanks for reporting it, Jonas.