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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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48 results found

  1. Selection tolerance does not apply for selecting handles and is broken for points

    Selection tolerance does not work for handles selection. You need to be very precise to select them. When smart guides are on, it works, but not when they are off.. For my type of work it's better to work without smart guides.

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  2. Selection Stuck

    Often when I select multiple object one will remain selected no matter where I click and what else I select. I have to "select all" then clink in blank space to get everything un selected. It's wasting a lot of time.

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  3. Selection of all objects inside a group instead selects group

    In previous versions of Illustrator if I was inside a group, and I selected all the objects, it would treat it like typical multi-selection. Now once I've selected all the objects, Illustrator behaves as though I have selected the group.

    For example, I have 3 objects at 40% opacity. I group them, so now there's a group (with 100% opacity) containing 3 objects (at 40% opacity). When I enter the isolated group, and I select the first object, the transparency shows 40%. Nothing changes when I select the second object (still shows 40%). However, when I select the third object,…

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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 24.2.0 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  4. Object selection stays selected after clicking away or to a different object

    For many versions now the issue persist. Happened not only with this machine but with others all MACs running the latest update both on adobe and OS.

    The issue is with the selection tool. so I click on an object generally one that is grouped and then make edits then when I click away a larger bounding box appears as if I am selecting all but I cant pinpoint what it is that has been selected. I move a newly selected object that is not in the group to a different area of the artboard and the selection or bounding…

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  5. Warning Message "Partially selected objects..." Repeated

    The warning message repeats:

    "Partially selected objects cannot be set as key objects. In order to set an object as a key object, make sure the entire object is selected and try again."

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  6. Bounding Box is larger than selected objects’ bounds, as if something else is selected

    Adobe, have you seen this page.
    The bounding box problem has persisted over versions, years. Extremely strange that it continues to pester even to this day. Will you ever do anything about it?

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  7. Can’t select an object under a locked object

    I'd like to be able to work on an area that is under a locked layer.
    Currently I can't select anything that is under it. Selection tools just want to select the object on top that it ain't allowed to select... Can't it ignore it? It is locked.

    Maybe there is a paramaeter somewhere about it, but I didn't find it so far.

    Example of use : You have a reference image/object that you put on top with multiply or darken mode and some transparency.
    You could say put it under your working layer and ask you working layer to…

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    This most probably happens because of the 'Select and Unlock objects on canvas' option being enabled in Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display section.

    It allows to 'select' and unlock all or chosen objects directly on canvas. If you wish to have this option split into two — one for unlock widgets and one for having an ability to 'select' locked objects — please upvote a corresponding feature request here:

  8. Selection tolerance too tight on high resolution displays in Windows

    Selection tolerances are much too tight when trying to select a line rather than a shape - you have to be within 1-2 pixels to select properly, which makes it super hard to select lines.

    This can be fixed slightly by changing the UI scale, but only works if you change it to 'comically large'. It works fine on my MacBook so looks like a Windows problem.

    Smart guides don't help since smart guides don't work when snap to grid is selected for some reason.

    You can see the minute differences in the pointer position in the screenshots.

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  9. Guides dissapear when selected

    In a new document (CC2019) with multiple artboards, the guides dissapear when I select them. They reappear when unselected.

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  10. Select > Object > All Text Objects incorrectly selects hidden/locked grouped text

    Windows 10
    Illustrator 24.2.3 (64-bit)

    Select > Object > All Text Objects incorrectly selects hidden/locked grouped text.

    This causes two issues:
    1. hidden/locked groups of text shouldn't be selected at all by this command. (It won't actually select a hidden group of text if the TextFrame(s) inside the group are also explicitly hidden individually).
    2. In a case where everything is unhidden/unlocked, this command selects the GROUP of TextFrames, not the TextFrames directly. This command will actually correctly select TextFrames in a group directly if there is another type of object sharing the group, like a pathItem, for some strange…

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  11. Select Objects Behind with Cmd/Ctrl click only works on filled objects

    The option to select objects behind by holding Cmd/Ctrl and clicking sequentially works when clicking an object's fill, but not its path. As such, it doesn't work if 'Object Selection by Path Only' is enabled in preferences.

    I can't think of a reason it shouldn't work when clicking on a path, so I'm reporting as a bug.

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  12. Object stays selected in a locked layer

    Objects remain selected when I move them into a non-visible group/layer and lock the group/layer. It is not possible to deselect the object until you unlock and make visible the group. So far I've been able to recreate the problem every time I've tried.

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  13. Smart Guide Measurement Labels give a diameter for polygon live shapes, but show a width and height

    Smart guide measurement labels display the diameter of polygon live shapes rather than their width/height, but still lists it as W/H in the label itself.

    1. Create a polygon with a square bounding box (like an octagon)
    2. With smart guide measurement labels on, drag to a specific size.
    3. Note discrepancy between the size listed when you release and the size in the transform panel.

    Result: Label displays a different W/H figure than the transform panel.
    Expected result: Either the measurement label explicitly informs the users that it displays diameter (i.e.: 'Dia: 100 px'), or it displays the…

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  14. 5 votes
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  15. Selections are automatically deselected after a few seconds

    Lately, Illustrator will deselect anything I select with either the selection or direct selection tool (doesn't matter which one) and it makes for a very frustrating experience. Anyone have an idea to fix?

    I am running Dell (windows) latest AI version
    Core i9 2.9 ghz
    32GB RAM
    Windows 10 Enterprise ("1903)
    have a eGPU hooked up external 4k monitor with Radeon card.

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  16. Glitchy Selection of simple rects, freezes, lags

    I haven't used Illustrator for some years.. you can check my previous posts with great ideas and upvoted.

    And now I just back to Illustrator, installed it trial on a fresh macOS MacBook and got this lags, video attached.
    I just created empty document, with a couple rects and when I try to select any it lags like a crazy, everything is jumps, freezes etc.

    I found also the same here

    I have latest macOS up to today and just installed Illustrator firstly on my MacBook Pro M1.

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  17. Select Same Fill/Stroke Color ignores Compound Shapes

    Select > Same > Fill Color (and I assume the other related functions) ignores the color set for Compound Shapes (if it differs from the color of the original shapes used to create the Compound Shape). Even if you have one selected before triggering the function it refuses to select it. It is as if it cannot see the color assigned to the Compound Shape itself.

    Windows 10, latest version of Adobe Illustrator 26.0.1

    1. I have a file consisting of multiple rectangles all with the exact same color (e.g. black).
    2. I make two rectangles of a different color (e.g. red)…
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  18. Locked and/or hidden objects still become selected

    The object is locked and/or not visible, yet when the layer is selected, all objects including the locked and hidden objects become selected and move when they should not.

    (Illustrator 26.0.1 / OS Catalina 10.15.7)

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  19. Selecting & deselecting objects is buggy too

    While working in a file:
    Attempting to select more than one object at a time to move them simultaneously works, but then I cannot deselect the objects by clicking the art board as in all previous versions of Illustrator.
    I have to click on each object at a time to deselect them. It doesn't always happen, but it happens often enough that it becomes an issue with work efficiency.

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  20. 'Object Selection by Path Only' enabled makes marqueeing to select clipped images

    Why does 'Object Selection by Path Only' choose clip masks when making a marquee?

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