SVG Tiny 1.2 :: x/y attributes in svg element
It looks like Illustrator believes that x/y are valid attributes for the 'svg' element when exporting as Tiny 1.2. Based on reading the spec, I'm not entirely sure this is true.

This is expected to be fixed with the latest 28.5 build. Please check if it works for you.
Dirk Schulze commented
Alex, please try the latest version of Adobe Illustrator. When selecting the profile 1.2 Tiny, you would no longer get the x/y attributes. The generated SVG should be valid SVG 1.2 Tiny now.
Melanie Bass Pollard commented
Please! Update or create a new software to the Adobe Suite that works with native SVG filter effects. I can't use any of the Adobe Stock Vector Illustrations from my month subscription OR use them in Adobe XD for responsive web design. There are multiple open tickets in User Voice on this going back to 2017 that are still open. I am unable to use the SVG filter editing because I do not know code. Nor do I want to. If Inkscape and Figma have deployed a workaround, I know Adobe can. Thanks so much!
Thede Loder commented
Certain users of Illustrator, reporting into those responsible for corporate identity, are going to want built in support for SVG Tiny 1.2, and in particular the BIMI flavor. It would be great to see this feature implemented!