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511 votes
We are excited to announce that this feature is now available in BETA (starting V 29.1.28).
The new 'Generate color info' helps you share color information with others.
To use this, just select the colors from the swatch panel and click on 'generate color info' in the menu options.
You can customise the size, layout, color codes etc.
PS : Currently we only support CMYK values but other color codes such as RGB, HSB, spot vs process colors are in pipeline and we will ship them shortly.
Please try out this feature and let us know what you think!
An error occurred while saving the comment Shawn supported this idea ·
2 votes
Shawn shared this idea ·
670 votes
We have done further updates to Dimension tool with recently released version - 28.3
You can create and use your custom scale for dimension, hide or show units on dimensions and dimensions are now sticky to the object - they transform as well when you transform the object.
An error occurred while saving the comment Shawn commented
• Provide a "Preview" option to see changes made in the Options pallet in real time.
• Provide a rounding option for decimal places and possibly even a .25 rounding (or fractions for inches)
• Reduce the layering colors. The new color for every measurement is too much. Maybe color code them based on horizontal, vertical, angled, radial...
• Make manual measurement easier and allow for the 'pull off' to distance the measurement from the points. The current workaround is to do a manual measurement and then do an aligned measurement based on the manual path and delete the original manual measurement.
• Allow for the measurement to calculate only the path and not the stroke.
• Allow changes made in Options pallet to apply to all existing measurements. (similar to editing a brush stroke)
• Provide an option for the measurement stroke to have a heavier white stroke under the color stroke to create a separation from the layers below it.
• Either allow for a scale option where the design can be done at a smaller size, or do away with the arbitrary artboard size limitation.
• Parametric measurements would be much nicer than static layers of lines and text. It's a great start, but very rudimentary when compared to other tools out there. (Why not have Measurements as it's own tool pallet instead of adding everything into the Layers pallet?)An error occurred while saving the comment Shawn commented
Requiring overly detailed explanations allows them to push the can down the road. There are numerous plugins that have been referenced, dozens of other applications in the market (that haven't been around nearly as long as Illustrator) with these tools, and plenty of responses spelling out what the basic functionality could/should look like.
There are already measuring tools inside Illustrator which will show length and angle, they just need to organize a new interface to display that information as an overlay. It would be incredible if they were able to incorporate more parametric functionality, but let's start crawling before trying to run a marathon...
Also, claiming AI isn't a technical drawing software and scripts are the answer is about the most short-sighted response I can imagine. Why add any new features if there are scripts out there you can learn to write yourself‽ (Just keep paying Adobe and spending your valuable time learning script languages instead of being a designer or illustrator, etc...)Shawn supported this idea ·
100 votes
Shawn supported this idea ·
301 votes
Hi Everyone, This feature has been available since August 2020 release (version 24.3). Please update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: Thank you for all the feedback.
You can now select multiple layers in Layers panel. Click the bars (they get highlighted blue) if you want to operate layers and not their content (e.g. to drag to reorder) or click their markers to select their content — circle (target ones) or square (selection ones) next to them. There is no real difference which to pick, but if you want to select a range of layers, using Shift, use target markers.
An error occurred while saving the comment Shawn commented
This used to be easy to do not too long ago, maybe CS2 or so, but they broke it at some point and have never fixed it. It's quite a statement on where Adobe's attention to customer satisfaction is when this is in the top 10 non-completed user submitted requests and is 3 years old without any follow-up....
231 votes at the time of this post * $10 a month for one app for 3 years = $83,160Shawn supported this idea ·
846 votes
Shawn supported this idea ·
52 votes
Shawn supported this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Shawn commented
I've posted a link to the video below. Hopefully, this will demonstrate the issue I'm having when tabbing between input fields in the Transform Palette. shared this idea ·
It can help to have the swatches on the artboard so you can layer them or pair them up to test contrast. I often leave my swatches in the artboard for future reference as I may return to a client file years later and they act as reminders of how the colors were utilized. A grid in a pallet does not offer the same functionality. It's not simply about selecting colors, but the ability to move and manipulate them. Cutting out the "create shape and apply swatch" step would help streamline that for the people that want it and would have zero impact on people that don't.
Maybe there could be a simple setting in the Swatch pallet for default size and shape when dragging swatches to the artboard. That would allow designers that work on large or small artboards to size them appropriately.